any tips

any tips on how to meet new people? i am pretty social in real life but i tend to make things awkward after a little while. im going to england this summer and i was curious what i could do to start new friendships. adding up on that, my mother wants to move to england after my brother is done with his studies. thats still 3 and a half year away but shes already planning it. i know i need a break from the people who are around me right now, i told my mother as well. im going to try to make the best out of these few years ive got here but i still dont want to feel lonely. tho i do have great friends on the internet for over 2 years, i still feel somewhat lonely when it comes to real life. again, i do speak to people a lot and i get into conversations with strangers all the time and develop friendships but i have no one close to me. there isnt really anyone that likes me enough or i like enough to share specific personal stuff with. its a lot easier to dump all these kind of things on the internet but its still pretty hard for me to do it with people around me.

so.. any tips on how to start fresh?


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Well.... I'd say to worry about friends when you actually move there. When you start school and stuff it's easy to make friends with your classmates. Don't stress it! :)