Okay.... I've seen three very tiny spiders today... One in my bathroom and two at my computer desk...
I now feel immensely uncomfortable because they were all just kind of randomly floating in air... If you've seen Charlotte's Web then you should know where I'm going here...
I'm kind of afraid that a spider laid eggs in my room or something... ;-;

I reeaaalllyy hate spiders so the thoughts of super tiny ones FLYING AROUND MY ING ROOM then growing up to be spiders  is ing me up ><

Okay.. that's all for now,...






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Ewww spiders...
Is your room messy?
You could start by cleaning
up around your room if it's
messy. That way you can
spot them more easily.
My room used to be VERY
messy, and ugh one day I found
one nestled in my clothes.. DX
Since that day I have kept my
room very clean.
You could set your house on fire.
They hate the smell of peppermint. Get some lotion or spray and rub that around on your walls.
kemy13 #4
Maybe it's time to "flea/fly/spider bomb your room!!! And clean up! Like thoroughly, ya know?, spring clean your room?!!