☽ those magical nights ☾ zoe kim, the lily

Zoe Kim
Suau147 || Rita || activity rate: 8-10

other names: Jaera ( her father wanted her to have a korean name as well)
Zinnie + almost everyone calls her like that but Jinyoung was the one who gave her that nickname, he thought that it would suit his friend 
Little Miss + some people in Howgwarts call her like that because of her beauty, kindness and talented. She's also called like that due to the friendship she has with Bohye, who is treated like royalty in Howgwarts.
birthday & age: april 1,2001 + 14
birthplace & hometown: scotland, united kingdom + scotland, united kingdom
height & weight: 160cm and 48kg
blood type: pureblood

English ( native - she was born in scotland, and spent there all of her life so it's kind of a given that english is her native language )
— Korean (conversional - her father is korean and since she was young that he taught her how to speak his birth language )
faceclaim: Kim Yoojung 
back-up face claim: Kim So Hyun

personality traits
+ Kind, Understanding, Hardworking, Lively
-  Overly confident, Clumsy, Greedy, Messy
o Cute, Needy
Kind and Understanding
Zoe is the kind of girl who treats everyone the same way. She doesn't look down on people, and she tries to be on the other persons shoes so that she can understand how they feel. She cares about others and their needs and if someone needs her help she will definitely give it. She doesn't know how to look away when someone needs help. She's the same way when people need to be protected, I mean, when she sees that someone can't protect themself and that they are in danger. When she sees that the person isn't in danger or that they can protect themselfs and they're just to coward to do it. For example, bulling people, she doesn't agree to it, but she won't help either because she thinks that people need to stand up for themselves. Not that she does that because she's heartless and mean, she does that so that people will learn how to have confidence to stand up for themselves and don't have to put up with others bulling them. Of course whe Zoe feels that the other person really needs help she will help him/her.
Clumsy and Messy
Zoe is the kind of person that goes against things and people a lot, and putting together the fact that she lets everything on her hands fall too, you can imagine the ton of situations she goes through because of her being clumsy.She's also a messy girl. If you enter her room you'll see tons of things on the floor and on top of the bed, even her desk is messy. People would often say that her room looked like a boys room, but even boys say that her room his messy, so you can imagine how messy her room is. To everyone happiness she's only like that in her own room, if she's in someone else's room, she'll try her best to not make a confusion. People sometimes would make funarrow-10x10.png of her because she's so clumsy but that stoped almost after it started because people started to notice that she could stand up for herself.
Cute and Needy
 When it comes to act cute Zoe is a natural. Sometimes she's not even trying and she already has people arround her telling her that she's cute. Maybe is because of her cuteness that she's popular among everyone, even girls. There are some that are jealous of her but they cann't deny her beauty. She's also kind of a needy girl. Not that she needs someone to protect her, more like that she needs someone. She feels the need to have someone with her, by her side. She doesn't know why but the feeling of being alone scares her, thats why she doesn't want to be alone, thats why she feels the need to have someone by her side.
Hardworking and Lively
Zoe is the kind of person that, once she sets a goal, she'll work and work and work until she achives it. She's really hardworking. If she, for example, makes a mistake or cann't do something right, she won't stoparrow-10x10.png until she gets it right. She's like that too when she's helping others. She just won't stop until she's sure that whatever she's doing is perfect. She's also a lively type of girl. Most of times she's always smiling and making others smile. Only if just cann't get enough will you see her without a smile on her face. In her mind, she doesn't want others to worry so she just keeps her bad moments to herself and focous on making others happy. Some people say that they get annoyed by her being lively all the time, but most people don't really care and just admire her for being so lively. She doesn't mind though, she's like that because it's her way of being and if someone doesn't like her lively personality, they can just look away.
Overly Confident and Greedy
One bad trait of Zoe is how confident she is about herself. She just feels that she does everything right and that confidence should something everyone should have. But she takes that to another level. She isn't afraid to show off, her confidence doesn't get shaken up even if peole bad mouthed her. She feels like she doesn't do anything wrong and having people praising her because of how good she is only makes it worst. Some people think it's funny of a little girl like her to have so much confidence in herself, but there are other people that get annoyed by her atitude and the fact that she doesn't care about what they say makes them even more annoyed and just like that, unintentionally, 
she created a group of haters for herself. She's also a greedy person. If she wants something, she'll do anything to get it and once she gets it she'll want more and more until she's satisfied. It may not look like a Huffelpuff student personality but the truth is, she belongs to Huffelpuff, and she couldn't be happier then when the Sorting Hat told her the house she belonged to. She was happy to belong to Hufflepuff. It was there she wanted to be, she felt like it was her destiny to belong to that house. 
Although that doesn't happen many times, when Zoe loses her temper and gets angry, besides her voice tone be higher than it normaly is, she tends to be sarcastic. Most of the things that she says when she's angry she doesn't mean it and she's so sarcastic when she's like that, thatt eventually she hurts people, what is the total opposite of what she wants. When she's angry, she becomes the sarcasm in person. People usually get really starled when they see her like that because, besides the fact that she almost never gets angry, she becomes someone different from what she usally is.

- pandas
- black bean noodles
- ice cream
- comics
- spring
- movies
- dark chocolate
- strawberries
- oranges
- music

- carrots
- spiders
- bees
- white chocolate
- being alone
- being too hot or too cold
- rain
- being interrupted

- Hanging arround with some friends
- Eating
- Group Studying

- She makes X's in her hand whe she doesn't want to forget something
- She walks arround in circles when she's nervous
- She bites her lips when she's lying
- She sings in the shower
- She talks to herself when bored

- She likes skinship, but she only does it with people she's close to
- She's allergic to bees and peanuts
- Her favourite color is navy blue
- Her favourite flowers are tulips
- Her lucky number is 13
- She loves bears, specially pandas
- She uses lots of aegyo
- She's on top of her class
- She doesn't get mad easily 
- She has a comic books collection
- She knows how to play violin
- Despite her slim figure, she eats a lot
- She talks in her sleep
- Her favourite food is black bean noodles
- She usually doesn't wear many make up, sometimes she doesn't even puts make up on
- Her blood type is A+
- She doesn't play but she likes to watch Quidditch games
Zoe is a pureblooded witch. She was born on april 1st of 2001 in scotland. Her parents owned an antique store, I mean, her mother still does because her father died when Zoe was 9 years old. But lets start with the beggining. Zoe was born in scotland and lived there all of her life until she went to Howgwarts. Besides the fact that she was a witch, Zoe lived a pretty normal life. Her house was right next to her parents store, so there was where she spent most of her time. Zoe was a daddys' girl and would always be arround her father. She loved her mother as well but she and her mother always had trouble communicating. Her father was always the one who kept the family closer and the one who made it easier to communicate. Zoe is an only child so she always had her parents attention only to herself, and since her parents loved her so much, and were always praising her, she gain lots of confidence on herself.
One day, when Zoe was 9, her parets decided to take a day of and went to visit a farm. They were having a really good time in the farm but, without noticing, her father went close to a bees colony. Two or three of the bees stung in her father. Because of his allergies and because the hospital was kind of far from the farm, her father ended up dying that day. From there on, Zoes' house went silent. She and her mother weren't mad at each other and both of them, although they still missed him, moved on because they knew that was what her father wanted them to do. But without her father, Zoe and her mother, didn't know how to communicate with each other so they just let it stay that way.
When Zoe turned 11, she finally enrolled in Howgwarts. After saying goodbye to her mother she boarded the train to Howgwarts. The trip was calm, but Zoe was happy because she had someone to talk to all the trip. When the time for everyone to know what was the house they were placed in, Zoe was nervous because she wanted to be in a friendly house and she had heard that Hufflepuff was the best if that was what she wanted. "Zoe Kim, please step foward". She heard calling. McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat in her head. It took some time for the Sorting Hat to say "Hufflepuff!" but Zoe got really excited because it was where she wanted to go. 

father | Kim Kyungsoo |deceased | funny and lively person | Zoe was a daddy's girl, whenever she could she would follow him arround and they would talk and play arround a lot

mother | Elizabeth Carter | 40 | owner of an antique shop | kind and calm person | Zoe and her mother get along well but they don't talk much with each other not even in letters, as matter of fact they usually don't write to each other, it's like a mute relationship that they have with each other.

friends: use shift+enter to add more,
best friend | Park JinYoung | 16 | Howgwarts' student, Hufflepuff | kind and protective | Zoe and JinYoung have a Oppa/Dongsaeng kind of relationship. Although she doesn't need JinYoung feels that he should protecte Zoe, and Zoe likes his company. They tell everything to each other and often use skinship. 

friend | Na Bohye | 16 | Howgwarts' student, Slytherin | intellectual and bossy | Zoe and Bohye get along well. Bohye likes Zoe for the fact that she makes her feel needed and because no matter what Bohye says, Zoe's confidence doesn't get affected. Bohye found Zoe interesting and Zoe found Bohye a good company. They're not that close but close enough to call each other friends.
not really a friend | Shia Oh | 16 | Howgwarts' student, Slytherin | cold and introverted | Shia and Zoe actually don't get along pretty well but the thing is, they kind of appreciate each others company. Although Shia tries to stay by herself Zoe wants her to be together with her and although Shia won't admit it, she kind of thinks that Zoe is cute for trying to hang out with her despite all the times she's been told off by the older. Zoe just thinks that Shia shouldn't be alone because she herself thinks about how horrible it is to be alone, so she kind of thinks of Shia as a shy girl who, deep down, wants to hang arround with friends. (although most probably she isn't right and just doesn't like to see others being alone)
​friend | Kwon Dahyun (OC) | 14 | Howgwarts' student, Hufflepuff | pacient and hardworking | Dahyun was the first girl to approach Zoe when they first got into Howgwarts. Actually she was the first person. They have been friends since then. They are not really close but they know that they can count on each other. 
house + year: hufflepuff : 3rd year
wand: aspen wood with dragon heartstring, twelve and a half inches, unknown
patronus: bear + bear symbolizes strength and confidence to protect itself and others
boggart: bees + besides being the cause of her father's death because he was allergic, as she's allergic too they can also take away her life 
animagus: none
other: none 

school position: none really

love interest: Yook Sung Jae
back-up love interest:
Jung Il Hoon
birthday & age & year: may 2, 2001 & 14 & 3rd year
house: hufflepuff
 Sungjae is a shy and polite guy when you first meet him. He is polite and only after some will he open up with you. Once he opens up you will find him to be playful, funny. He's someone that isn't really good at hiding his emotions. Even if he tries to hide them everyone who knows him will know how he truly feels inside. Like Zoe, he likes to help others. Everything that he can do to help them he will try is best to do it. He's also a bit of a perfectionist. Everything as to be in its' right place and everything that he does he gives his best to do it right. He is really protective towards is friends and uses skinship a lot. He's also really good at keeping secrets.   
interactionsZoe and Sungjae half of the time they love each other and the other half they hate each other. Both of them like skinship and they love being arround each other but while Sungjae is a perfesctionist Zoe is messy, while Zoe is greedy Sungjae is happy with what he has. They love to play arround with each other they use lots of skinship with each other, they are also comfortable arround each other, but they also get on each other nerves a lot. The thing is, it doesn't really matter how much they fight with each other they will end up hagging arround together again because they cann't stand being mad at each other. They like being together, they like the comfortable yet excited feelling they have when they arround each other. Maybe because they are young, they're still clueless about the fact that, as time goes by, they fall even more for each other. Maybe because they're still young they don't know what love is and that they are already in love
how you meet/met: They meet when both of them came to Howgwarts and when they both got into hufflepuff.
relationship: close friends

replace left pic with your love rival and right pic with your backup
love rival: can be anyone or other applicant
back-up love rival:
can be anyone or other applicant
birthday & age & year:
personality: be as detailed as possible
interactions: important so be detailed!
how you meet/met: just show a brief meeting
relationship: friends? lovers? enemies?

rival: Park Kyungri
back-up rival: Kwon Sohyun
birthday & age & year: july 5th of 2000 & 15 & 4th year
house: ravenclaw
personality:  She's also a curious girl and her love for books gave her the knowledge to be one of the most smart girl in the school. As time went by Kyungri created a reputation in the school. She's not the mean girl you're used to but she does have a temper. If things don't go her way, you better not be arround her cause she'll snap at everything and everyone. Like Zoe she's pretty confident about herself. She's confident not only about her skill as a witch but also on her looks. She likes to have the guys attention, as matter of fact, she likes to have everyone attention. Usually, she doesn't care about what others do but, if anyone steps in her way, she'll make sure that that person knows that she/he step on the wrong person's path. She has two life goals: know everything that there is to know about magic and be the strongest witch that as ever existed.
how/why they became rivals: Ever since that Zoe got into Howgwarts that she has get the attention of everyone, not only because of her skills as a witch but also because of her beauty, so Kyungri started to think of Zoe as someone that was in her way to fulfill her life goals. Zoe just thinks of Kyungri as someone that wants to get on her nerves.
interactions: Ever since that Kyungri though of Zoe as someoone that was on her way, that she tries to make Zoe lose her confidence so that she would stop showing off and lose her confidence in her abilities what eventually would lead her to lose all the attention she was getting but that didn't worked. No matter what Kyungri said to her, no matter what rumors Kyungri started, Zoe's confidence was never affected. As matter of fact, everything that Kyungri did only result in Kyungri getting on Zoe's nerves. Zoe never did anything to Kyungri but Kyungri was always trying
to make her mad. Kyungri was always "attaking" Zoe. They don't really talk much with each other, Howgwarts is so big and the are in differents houses so its hard for them to meet each other often but when the two of them meet that is a bad thing because Kyungri will try to make Zoe's confidence go down and Zoe will stand for herself. Basically there is harmony when the two of them are apart but when the two of them are together there is war.
comments/suggestions?: Hi there! Just one thing. English is not my first language  so I apolagize if there are many linguistic and grammar mistakes. Fighting for the story!! Hope everything goes well.
questions?: None
scene requests:

I don't really any in my mind but if you really want me to write some Il


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