Lady Avengers。— yoon, naema { the archer }

  yoon naema。
   canta alcyonen 3
— young / derivation from her korean name; yoon hyunyoung.
— nana / arata called her this.

AGE 24
BIRTHDAY February 11 1991

BIRTH PLACE helsinki, finland.
HOMETOWN helsinki, finland.

ETHNICITY korean (3/4).
— finnish / native / she's been living there for all of her life.
— english / fluent / working in s.h.i.e.l.d really helps.
independence... is a flawed thinking.
  i'm not a beauty queen. I 'm just beautiful me。 
   people are going to stare. make it worth their wonder...

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FACE CLAIM mamamoo's moonbyul


APPEARANCE naema's hair is currently dyed dark blue, almost black at certain cases, with bangs covering her eyebrows (though on missions she clipped it for the sake of safety. she's still pretty pale, and pertains it that way because she... just likes it that way.

STYLE there are times when she felt severely undressed and overdressed, though she stays androgynous most of the times, jeans being her main fodder but her clothes are more ladylike. she honestly stays in her pjs and her dress shirt-jeans combo, if not really feeling trendy. but when summer comes, you'd probably see her somewhere between shorter jeans and loose clothes.

Her Lady Avenger clothes is nowhere near magical nor catsuit-ish; naema originally prefers something more of normal? she's not extremely keen about having to reveal any part of the skin when fighting (mainly due to safety, but also embarassment). so yeah, it's about something like an army overcoat with bracer/armguard and sometimes, finger tabs. she prefers pants over jeans, honestly. oh, and combat boots are the best.

  beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself。 
   be who you are, not who the world wants youto be...


— (+) independent, peaceful, observant, loyal.
— (-) judgemental, serious, secretive, pressure-stricken.

"I would hide, where it's easy to kill the opponent... but then you get mistaken for them and all is a waste of running."
naema has an odd knack for playing out in the fields; she's risky, and while so, prefers on being alone, when she could breathe in air of freedom without someone else cornering her into a certain thought. there were times when she scrambles out, freaks out, and ended up having to settle things in isolation, her only listing comfort, as what she genuinely believes, that people could only go so much before they started fiddling with their own ways on how to solve her problems, which she doesn't want. it was a flawed logic — she needs people to listen to her, not to teach her what's right and what's wrong. but this thinking had led into her being unwilling to cooperate when interrogated or even a small, pep talk, which she tends to wave off as people trying to inch in her life (which for her is unnecessary) which leads us to her quieter attitude, which is incorporated within her archery skills, as a silent, deadly archer. she seems arrogant... but later on that.

"but you see, it's not something to play with. you shouldn't, ever, ever, forget your protective gears."
naema is an archer — the one that has to be able to prepare for certain situations (being agent of SHIELD, after all) at a constant stake or high danger. she fears greatly for her life, and maybe for others, but yeah... she's first. while not an extremely reliable source of information (or even a friend), she's a reliable source of archer. she plays her situation or missions like no other, and this... honestly saves her life and earn her points for being a respectable agent at a young age. but even so, naema doesn't prefer her killings; sometimes it goes down to the basic levels; the reason why people even made SHIELD or even Avengers was that; they wanted a peaceful earth, something that she wouldn't really have in a long time, but knows what's the price. and she wants and willing to pay for that (well, not with her life, guess).

"you see that guy over there? yeah, he smelled alcohol and thinking of the way he positions his bow, he's an amateur."
yeah, yeah, we finally get down to the observations. naema's not just an archer; she's an agent, the one that's supposedly not supposed to screw up ever. and hand-to-hand combateer, which also means she has to train with people of different shapes and sizes. she has to determine their works through the fastest ways; by remembering their similarities with those that she has previously worked on. her environment when arching would also shift in constant measures, that kinds of changes is the one that appeals to her. it gives her the lessons of a lifetime, how patience and relative observance is a key; though she's not keen on people, it really does encompass on what she's always focusing on. but sometimes observations are a hit and miss; and while observance of detail is correct, she's just as flawed as other people, as ther are times when she's faced with new kinds of things, and while she learned from her past experiences and mistakes, a blow just remarks how wrong she is, which she regrets. badly.

"i think the appeal of archery is humility; you learn through actions. and that's the best part for me. you?"
when she realizes that she does mess up a little bit, it crumbles her own composure, as she finally took time to rephrase her state, and tries again. the process is what humbles her; she hadn't realize that, at this point, she's nowhere near moving. it'a always a cycle of learn-and-kick it. and sometimes pressure literally overwhelms her that, not only it takes longer to just, rethink over a little, it leaves stretch marks all over her heart. but she still refuses, because for whoever it is that she could form a strong bond (in this case, Lady Avengers), she feels like she still is torn between either accepting that, the group may help her in building a friendship as sisters are like, and for whatever it is that makes her tremble, these guys are going to be with her. and so, independence is a flawed thinking; as for once she could actually go away and recomposes herself, there are times when she would need at least a shoulder to cry on.


— rain; when it's summer, it has to rain a little. because screw summer.
— clint barton; what? come on girls, you don't think he looks good? — young.
— rise of the guardians; because jack frost is hot and have you seen badass santa claus?
— catcher in the rye; one of her in-depth book; what's the purpose?
— fahrenheit 451; it's all about what's left; she has a penchant for some kind of aus.
— pancakes; because why not.
— plain milk; no flavored ones please, thank you.
— strawberry/banana/chocolate/whatever milk flavors; it disgusts her, for no reason.
— meetings; it pressures her.
— big spaces; her apartment is snuggly enough, she doesn't like being in a huge place. with people.
— fire; for some reason not fireworks, but she feels too dangerous.
— color red; including black widow's hair; she frets over it (except for blood, who knows why)
— hospitals; the anaesthetic injections probably does it nad she saw corpses and their foul smell.
— injections; needles scared her.
— frets over food and hair when caught off-guard.
— snuggles up in close spaces
— runs away from the kids fighting (you might found her hunching somewhere after all).
— listening to music
— avoiding people
— archery
— biking
— large spaces with people; she panics. usually before fainting.
— safety; what remains is what she helds dearly. "it's a worry we all have; but for me, its multiplied."
— stared at; eh, close enough to large spaces. she hates having to stake her own awareness.

cannot stand catsuits at all. not only it made her uncomfortable over having to be so skin-tight, she almost collapsed out of heatstroke.
ironically, she couldn't speak korean at all. her father had been an immigrant who fell in love with a finnish-korean girl, and... uh, not going to continue there.
loves saunas. any kinds of sauna.
she had graduated at alppila upper secondary school.
she speaks slowly, at a low voice, when not really in pressure. it's a habit.
you may found pimples somewhere around her face; she's not keen on taking beauty care. not even perfume kind.
her favorite color is white.
currently lives in new york and hasn't returned to helsinki in more than two years.
avoids talking and only does so if necessary.
prefers supernatural stuff than horror or even romance. slapstick comedy is her thing.
doesn't go on a tirade over kpop boybands; she gets... tired of them.
likes pocky as her snack.
surprisingly likes anime like hunterxhunter.
her current favorite book is the kingsman.
her once visit in seoul was when she's eight. she had a time there (though not being able to speak korean does ).

  you were born to be real, not perfect。
   stars can't shine without darkness...
PAST yoon hyunyoung was born in helsinki, finland, on the cold day of winter. the youngest between the three people, young has always been a quiet child; though she still found consolation within the cold winter, but particularly the bright mornings. her father had always been a co-curricular activities archery teacher and her mother a mathemathics one, with her father being a pure korean and her mother at least half-finnish and... well, they fell in love and got married. and well... life is normal, even with her two brothers. but things are changing; ever since her own birth, her father had seen it; her eyesights and response was at its rate, better than any students that he had thaought, and decided to help her a little. she found a hobby that would clarify her as the ilta she is now. but even by then she still refuses to, just like a kid she wants to do things her own way, sometimes wrong and she injured herself, she still wants to play like any other kids; until an unpleasant bloody incident took place.

it was just a day; the family had a vacation and young, still fifteen, was playing with her siblings around a crowded shopping square, when a sudden open fire took place; undecidedly, within a few minutes, young ran away and lost her tracks. her parents had tried to find her and failed thoroughly. but it's not over; fact by fact young found herself attacked over several... things. to this day she couldn't remember what nor why; she wasn't alone. when one of the enemies started approaching her and beating so she could be unconcious though, she quickly managed to gain the upper hand and ran away, where she hid in a closet until her first contact with SHIELD agents found her few hours later, exhausted and severely dehydrated, but alive.

when she was escorted to a hospital, she was reunited with her parents and oldest brother, but she couldn;t see the other one. her feet quickly sped to the room, when she realized she couldn't see him anymore... the truth just dawned upon her. then fear. fear that she's going to be the same way. fear that her family was worried about her. fear, fear, fear... it overwhelms her. she hadn't cried as bad as that day, ever again. she started closing off, losing friends, and felt the dawning nightmare, ironically, was reality itself.

but it wasn't one more time until her oldest brother had a quick contact with his acquaintance, whom in turn revealed himself as phil coulson. it was still long and hard for her, but when an option just drew out to her; SHIELD was supposed to be investigating an unrelated attack, which in turn reveals her oldest brother's involvment in the gunfire, as an undercover agent. either accumulating from shock and anger itself, she finally relents and agreed to enter SHIELD, when she would start training, at the cost of her brother's and her venomous relationship. she moved out from helsinki to new york, when she's nineteen.

PRESENT when she starts training out, she quickly ousted some of the training agents through basic skills. then she met the assassin, who became close due to their frequent trainings. her own first dispatch, as a rookie, and at least was involved in New York incident. However, ever since HYDRA's Uprising, yoon naema escaped to hailuoto, a small municipality in finlalnd, before being recruited back to SHIELD. After Nick Fury decided to make Lady Avengers though, naema was contacted to meet the assassin (still not knowing magda) and agreed for the start of recruiting.

father / yoon, cheongwoo / 53 / patient, careful, pushover
while young hadn't meet her father nor mother after a long time, she doesn't really mind; she does miss her family at times, and do worry about him, and would talk to him along with her mother, if there is a time for her to rest and catch up. cheongwoo's worries and concerns for her daughter moving out to new york was big enough; but when young managed to convince him the otherwise, he relents. young takes her careful traits from her father.
mother / jokinen min, adda / 53 / talkative, reliable, honest
adda is a half-finnish, whom even young was still surprised why her father would even marry. no, don't get her wrong, she does love her mother, albeit several misgivings of adda being more outgoing and brash, but hey. they're fine. adda is more supposrtive of young moving to SHIELD; she knows that the girl herself is capable of it.
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oldest brother / yoon, gihyang (yoon, benedikt) / 29 / manipulative, stoic, observant
gihyang was one of SHIELD's agents, even before young entered. which also brought him as one of the involved agents in an open fire around helsinki. while he was there just to add a support, he had to unfortunately hear the death of his younger brother. things almost started to change for him; he's still in his past, and proven too much, for him and his only sister. their relationship wnet venomous after the fact that gihyang feared for her life, but it prevents her from being an agent... and the rest of the days just ended with both giving the cold shoulder. he went MIA after HYDRA's uprise; and doesn't join the second generation of SHIELD. when people ask young where her brother is, she didn't answer them; because she knew.
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second brother / yoon, yookshin (yoon, natan) / 17 (at death) / naive, alturistic, dreamy
yookshin was more close to her than gihyang, and while at cetain times yookshin's more sensitive and gets hurt, young knows that he just forgives her and she does help him to be less indecisive. to this day young could clearly saw things that she heard; and she's not beyond admitting that maybe she misses her brother. to this day not many things have her to breath in and to properly cry for him, but she's reaching.

FRIENDS Guides of sort. Yeah...

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senior colleague / may, melinda / 44 / stiff, responsible, fierce
while seemingly indifferent and thoroughly unresponsive, young could find her respect lodging to melinda, and as of previously have been working at both generations of SHIELD, young understood an itsy bit of herself wanting to be the way like the older woman. and even if not they occasionally bump to each other and just... understands, maybe.

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mentor / romanoff, natasha / 30 / jaded, secretive, decisicve
natasha's been pretty much her mentor since young ever came in to new avengers facility, and that's before things just went through a roundabout of hijinks and young disappearing. there were things about them that ends up in similarity, though young is not even comfortable about it and stays quiet, she learns quickly from the older woman how to think fast, and sometimes, while it contradicts her patience, it's something young needs to live with, even if having her handed out is a painful price.

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mentor / barton, clint/ 44 / easygoing, flexible, reserved
she honestly would've married him if he's younger and single; but she's okay with him, actually. minor crush stays minor. but even then, they both are... quite okay. other than him literally mentoring her specific skills in archery, they do have occasional snippets, though most of the time young's having none of it, and so it's a stagnant relationship.

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that one person in the group she avoids / fury, magdalena / 19 / warm, detailed, manipulative
while much to her relief she manages to reunite with the assassin, young wasn't relieved to see a girl five years younger of her age, lacking in experience (not really) somehow came to their ragtag team of three. it's diminishing now, the hate (mostly because yeah, they need a powerful member); but with someone so... young and lacking the experience needed, yoon young sometimes wished it's really not her.
  throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack。
   I'm capable of doing anything...

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CODE NAME  ilta (meaning night in finnish)
ABILITIES hand-to-hand-combat and archery.
"you fight like a girl," says no one ever — young has a powerful ability of managing not to kick people off when she's pissed, and would never do so once they had an idea that, while she's an archer, she is swift and added with a quick metabolism
, and thus agile or capable of beating people with a quick poke. while she does like beating people that she hates greatly, she doesn't in general; she just prefers a quick move that would get her off trouble as soon as she can. this does prove fatal; while she moves and thinks fast, she's not perfectly capable of beating people with different shapes and sizes. and even worse when her fear of crowded spaces caused panic attacks and breakdowns. it's been hindering her to be able to fight at several people (not at once, but still).

"sharp eyes are the best," says no one except young ever — but the most important aspect is her archery that she learned when she was still young, and even now. young has and will always be a part of the archery. not forgetting the protective gears, how to arch, and things like that is a part of the appeal for her, and she's spent great deals of it. archery can still stab people literally to death without having to fire several rounds. it's a silent killer; but the killer so perfect that she can do it without freaking the enemies out with guns. though agreeably, it's getting uneasy for her to carry several arrows at her back without getting seen, or that sometimes it's hard to take good aiming positions (but hey, it's something snipers have too), or it's really easy to make herself because man, those arrows are kinda long, but hey, it's a  part of the cycle.


LADY AVENGERS contacted by nick fury, she had an idea of who the assassin is, being an old friend. but well, things certainly went wrong when she had to face another someone.


  arata 'michael' jin。
   seokjin kim.
BIRTHDAY & AGE  14 March 1991 + 24. (fc: jooyoung)

OCCUPATION  SHIELD Agent + nurse at a hospital.

— weak doll / because arata is physcially weaker than the other agents and is blessed with a gorgeous face. first time they both fought in training area, he lost to her real quick. and not in a good way.
— hipstah / many of his close friends (aka colleague) was confused on him stopping by the blood and many of his pissing off

PERSONALITY not always the one to argue and held his grimace at the blood yet is particularly aggressive against those who couldn't exactly agree on, arata always seemed particularly angry or bored, rarely seen smiling and is rather accentuated with his rather big, almost blank facial features, such as endless staring at eople and frown. but in reality, he is one of the biggest pacifist that couldn't stand the very fact of people dying, and while usually called a coward for not standing up for a 'good' cause, arata knew better that there wasn't anything of  'good', rather the very fact that even SHIELD and supposed heroes like Avengers are not a fact of their own, often played to fullfill the priorities of authorities, and even so, he knew that the whole painting of, 'government is super evil' is ridiculous, as nobody is no better than the other. he's just a human, so does the other SHIELD Agents. But to extract the living being of the talented agents, only to be thrown away once they were of no use, his opinion on the Lady Avengers wasn't even high. Yet when asked why he was still there, he knew, in the deepest edges of his conscience, he knew that, he wanted his best friend alive, and if that time has not happened yet, and looking at those who were injured and dying, all he could do is stay, as much as he hated it.
so, what's your wishes, Nana?.
  you were made for me。
   what i have with you, i don't want with anyone else...
FIRST MEETING so obviously both of them came along around the time Naema  entered, but it's only after a particular duel within each other's asses that arata came to a hard realization; gihyang's sister. he remembered how, when younger, when they were both agents, but connected along with his interest of chemistry or medicine while gihyang had a dream to stop the pain of many people, including heroes and agents. arata couldn't agree, noting that it's not going to end well soon, but with the ability and vision, they both worked together well, such as gihyang helping him to develop better fighting skills, while arata talked him about to self-manage his wounds. they talked about lots; from the ridicule of Trump's hair to real, ongoing wars. but gihyang started changing after the presence of a dark-eyed, seemingly angry girl accompanied by the seemingly exhausted gihyang. arata avoided both of their gazes, only for gihyang to said an empty hello. surprised, arata made his efforts to talk to gihyang, only to be ignored again, and just after days the girl didn't came to his presence, that gihyang was able to talk again to him, although a lingering anger seemed to leave an uneasy feeling to the younger boy. only after the new york destruction with the first presence of Avengers, arata himself became uncomfortable with anything, anyone... it felt lonely. gihyang continuously progressed from there to an unresponsive boy. from there, arata felt bitter of the girl; never knowing on what even happened that they became angry. only after the HYDRA incident, arata walked away from SHIELD to Tokyo, whereas he came to New York to serve as a medical unit at the Avengers facility. and then, the history goes on.

RELATIONSHIP to be honest naema couldn't care less about arata, not that she knew him or particularly remembered him (except for being gihyang's friend... that's it)

CONCLUSION one-sided hate that would only go on if both reached an understanding (which is beyond impossible at this point, where naema herself doesn't know and didn't think much about it while arata refused to let his pride off by talking her out what's bugging him). they could ended up as friends or allies, but to think of love is beyond impossible, as both couldn't  really think of anything related to romance (basically naema needing some peace for herself and then arata is not exactly keen about Avengers). of course, this could be different.
  I'm off to save the world。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS some parts are a little odd... do tell me if something's wrong. also, i really can't find the pictures for lady avenger costume... is description only okay? and for the bloody incident, its not a real life incident (hopefully) and that her brother is one of the unknown agents... yeah. hopefully that helps.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS when her brother is found (be captured at wake or death) and it could be sad, honestly.
< in case her brother was found dead, she could be angry at her avenger crew (basically because they couldn't find him fast while naema herself didn't even talk about where he is), especially magda, you know, reasons. but then the phase turned to regret, where, to the next few days, she suddenly apologized to everyone, seemingly smiling and happy. but only in turn for arata to be suspicious, and called the girls, and finding her basically at the very edge of the building. and only for the girls to comfort her, and she finally found her real family; and now is an ally to fury's daughter, and only for arata to look at the back of the girls, and teared up with a smile.
< if he's alive, he could be out in [insert country, possibly around southeast or south asia], and when he was found (either forcibly taken away or just... found), they both had an awkward meeting while arata was more than happy to see his hyung. and then possibly, just, possibly, when all things are sort out, they were still awkward, only to find out that arata would retire soon too. yet despite her sadness, gihyang, now living new with the name 'Johannes Ho', promised her, with a gentle kiss at her forehead, that she would know him anywhere, and to visit their brother's grave. arata personally left her a letter, saying, 'thank you. i'll visit you later, okay?' with naema chuckling that they were like soulmates, only to realize the possibility that arata seemed to be more attracted to someone... .
< her attempt to cook spaghetti, only to realize that the whole pan was burning. later on bought pizza for everyone.

PASSWORD Lady Avengers


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