So Many Fic Ideas!!!! @_@

OMG, do you guys ever just sit there and sudden BAM! You have a new fic idea!? I you guys know I am currently posting 50 Shades of Contention...but seperate from that, I have.... 

-- 2 onehots (completed *throws confetti*)

-- 1 fic that will be a two or three shot (completed *throws even MORE confetti*)

-- Another chaptered fic (rough draft complete and semi-editing while still working on 50 Shades) start posting after the 50 Shades trilogy is done! I was doing some editing (on the other chaptered fic mentioned above) and out of NOWHERE, and I mean NOWHERE, I got this amazing idea for yet another fic! So i quickly typed out my idea with some details so I would not forget it, and now I have the urge to start writing that one as well! @_@

I am not the only one right? Like, you are trying to work on one fic, but then your brain suddenly goes, "WAIT! What are you doing working on this!? I just had a FANTASTIC idea and I MUST share it with you RIGHT NOW! So stop thinking about that fic, and let me propose this lovely piece of !" O_O Oy! Brain...let me work on one thing at a time! I understand you have ideas (and good...ty...mouth drooling ideas they are) but slow down please >_< erted mind is all filled with and other innapropriate things I do not share outside of this site! Now I will be working on final editing 50 Shades, semi-editing my other chaptered fic, and resisting the urge to begin writing this other new fic -_-'' Guys...I need brain is going to explode with all of this. How did I get in so deep!? *resists urge to say, "That's what he said"*

I am seriously about to roll around and make distressed moose calls because my brain is going crazy! precious beta...why must you be away on vacation when I could use a good talking to about how not to go insane!? But...since you guys cannot see me rolling around...enjoy this adorable little gif of a panda rolling instead ^_^ LOOK AT HOW CUTE HE IS~!



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Angela17 #1
As long as it's WonKyu, I'll have them all.. Bring it on... Lol...
Woah! Can't wait to read the other stories!!
bookworm83197 #3
XDDDDDD AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the Bang Train has become your train of thought, eh? XP
Oh, i can't tell you how much i love you and your erted brain, you two are the best thing ever, and your beta too i think she's cute ȏ.̮ȏ
But then .. don't stress your self, write whatever you feel like writing and post whatever you feel like posting, believe me i'm sure that there are people out there (( like me )) will enjoy anything you'll write even if it's just your to-do list . I love you and i can't tell you how excited i am to know how you are going to end this amazing and my all time favourite fic (( the 50 shades trilogy )) becoz i'm a wonkyu shipper ♡♡♡
And also i can't tell you how impatient i am to read every thing you have planned for us You're great I love you ..♡