I just came out on my Facebook and boy, oh boy, I feel so much happier than I have been in months! I feel like I don't have to hide this important part of my life anymore! This is exactly what I wrote and I'm getting so much support:

Okay. I've been thinking about doing this for a couple of weeks now. I read that June is National Pride Month and I decided that now is the perfect time to come out since I've been so much happier coming out to myself.

My name is Kelly and I'm aual. What this means is that I don't have a ual attraction to anyone. I realized it in October of last year. I've hit many bumps along the path of self acceptance, but I have accepted it now and I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. I ask that you all support my decision for this took a lot of courage to type and publicly come out.



I'M FINALLY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Congratz unnie!
congrats :)
nkenyang #3
glad to hear you're happy~ that's what's important~