40 Questions for fanfic writers (tagged by YifanForever)

There's probably stuff I should be doing instead, like writing scholarship essays, but whatever~


Describe your comfort zone—a “typical you” fic.

Something really angsty, possibly some character death, and the characters like teasing each other. Also, there is an overuse of commas and dashes.


Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?

I really want to write a true mafia/gang au. I've tried before, but the characters are always too fluffy, imo (see Danse Macabre)


Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole?




How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now?  Care to share one of them?

SO MANY. I want to write a "48 hours" inspired fic about OT12 finding themselves locked up in a random house, and then angst ensues


Share one of your strengths.

Descriptions? Grammar? ehh



Share one of your weaknesses.

Romance and . I don't really have experience lol

And I know it says one weakness, but I also at characterization.



Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.

I posted this on my blog before, but I'm just going to post it here again. kinda long it's the whole thing, not a snippet, but I'm really proud of it because it was a freewrite and I got to use a bunch of references.


There's so many things- flashbulb memories and textbook terms- and my mind is a never-ending grainy film of anachronisms. They keep playing in a furious whirlwind around my head when I sleep, invading my dreams but not really because they've been there all along.

I see snippets of my favorite stuffed animal when I'm six and we read Les Miserables together in the summer when I'm sixteen. It's a heavy book and it crushes the Taylor Polynomials, leaving them crumpled and dead on a battlefield of the Byzantine Empire. And during the Opium War, my best friend from middle school is there, wearing a brilliant quju, hair done like Marie Antoinette and I watch as the coiffure rolls down the steps of an Aztec pyramid. It leaves a bloody trail and melts into an Impressionistic work of art, blurry lotuses and mist and fog and within Joseph Conrad's words, I see you.

Everything stops, the world is frozen and I push aside the leafy branches and walk towards you, but a vine snakes around my ankle and I'm falling. The stars twinkle as the galaxy swallows me and I defy gravity and physics, but you're still there, not by my side. Lauridsen and Chaminade write a duet in a pagoda and I see you and all the times we've been together. We dance down arpeggios but an F# pierces my heart as you slide away through the glissando. We're flying kites and running after them and I'm chasing you. You're the angel with horns, I'm the demon with a halo and the moon weeps as we make love. I'm splattered with silver droplets and we're kissing in the rain. You smell like thunder and my veins tingle with lightning, like it has been since the beginning of time- le temps de l'amour. And we're roasting marshmallows until they turn into black charcoal and your tongue leaves scorch marks on mine. I melt in your arms because you are fire and after you mold me into your ideal, you set me aside to cool. And I wish there's more of these little moments that I can hold in my palm and disperse them like dandelions in the wind so that there are bits of you and I wherever we go. We can sow the world and let trees grow from our ashy remains so that when I wake up the next day, there'll be life even though we're over. 

The film is still playing and I see you everywhere; past, present and future; until we burn and fade in the sunset.

But for now,





Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.

I don't really have a favorite dialogue, but this is from Danse Macabre. It's pretty deep and sweet, considering the scene.



Hyuna made a face, but quickly shifted into something more serious. They were all good at that- laughing when they were sad, joking when they were mourning, and then pushing away the childish innocence to temporarily transform into an adult. “Are you okay?”




She studied Jongin. “No, you're not.”


The boy grimaced. “Then why did you ask?”


Hyuna sighed and absently twirled a lock of hair around her finger. “We all know you and Jongdae oppa were the closest. Didn't you notice how everyone lined up in front of you? And you're not okay now, but just remember that we're all still here. And I'll keep asking if you're okay, until you can say you are without lying.”


Jongin was touched and he felt new tears coming, but instead, he rolled his eyes. “You need to stop reading those sentimental books. But . . . thanks.”


His cousin smiled at him. “I'll stop bothering you now.”




Which fic has been the hardest to write?

we belong together was so hard, because it's a weird messed up crack fic and I'm nowt really sure how/why I wrote it.



Which fic has been the easiest to write?

Call the Doctor? was pretty easy, because this was also a crack fic, but not as weird.



Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?

It's a hobby I'm passionate about.



Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?

I get inspired a lot by books I read. Random words or lines turn into ideas.



What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?

Write your first draft, then delete it and write it again.


I've only done that once, and it was unintentional, but my 2nd draft was much much better.



What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?

Write about things you don't know about.



If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?

Honestly, none of them would work out too well as a movie. But if I had to choose, I'd say "Senpai, Please Don't Kill Me." It'll be a nice cheesy movie lol



If you could only write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?




Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?

sometimes out of order, if I suddenly get inspiration


Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?

I've only planned for my longer fics (10010 and Danse Macabre)



Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement.  Do you have a muse?

Can I say exo?



Describe your perfect writing conditions.

I don't know why, but I only get really into the mood when I'm supposed to be sleeping. So I usually write in bed, propped up on my elbows, notebook on my pillow


How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?

like. a lot. too much. sometimes I get tired of my fic, but I still find something to change every time.



Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style

that's a lot of work though...

/quietly moves on to the next question/


If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?

This isn't published anywhere, but I would want to rewrite "Death Star." It had a complex-ish plot and a lot of potential, but it .



Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?

Yeah. It was a hunhan fic titled "Maybe They'll Come Back." It was just really really unrealistic. Sehun and Luhan were in rival mafia families, but Luhan had a secret crush on Sehun. And then Sehun got amnesia... ugh



What do you look for in a beta?

someone who can help me with plot holes.



Do you beta yourself?  If so, what kind of beta are you?

I usually just fix the grammar



How do you feel about collaborations?

Haven't done one yet, but I feel like I wouldn't do too well lol



Share three (ignoring the three) of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.

changdictator: she is the senpai that probably every kaisoo shipper knows lol. Before her, I never knew writing could be so beautiful. She really inspired me and gave me the push to improve/change my writing style. I wanna be like her


inertia: WRITING IS SUCH PURE AND PERFECT ANGST. HOW. WHY. I can't even start, but the metaphors and a;lsdkfj. The prose piece that I poted above was inspired by their writing. 


there hasn't really been another writer that left a big impact on me (there probably is, but my mind is dead right now)



If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?

I really need a sequel to "Joie de Vivre" by ... I forgot the author. i'm such a bad reader

I want them to have a happy ending so badly!


Do you accept prompts?

For contests, I guess



Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?

I only like angsty canon. Like a fic about the dark side of the entertainment industry. I'm weird.



How do you feel about ?

Sometimes I skip them. Sometime's I read them so I can learn how to write . 



How do you feel about crack?

I either want the really purposely bad ones, or really well-written ones. 



What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con.

if it's a fic showing why it's bad, then yes.

if it's romanticizing it or w/e then HELL NO



Would you ever kill off a canon character?

of course


Which is your favorite site to post fics?




Talk about your current WIPs.  

"Danse Macabre" is already written, and I'm almost done posting it. I also finished posting "Aphelion" yesterday.


I don't have any other fics, but if I write the idea that I already described, it'll be titled "18: Deceit"



Talk about a review that made your day.

I was really scared when I requested for my first review, because the reviewer gave some other fics really really low scores., but I ended up receiving over 90%. It was also the first time I received such in-depth analysis and comments about something other than my school essays and it was just special.



Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?

Not really. But one reviewer gave me a 0 for vocabulary and didn't reply when I asked her about it. >_<



Write an alternative ending to [a fic of yours] (or just the summary of one).

An alternative ending for Danse Macabre would be that no one dies, but of course that can't happen.


I was going to write 2 sequels/side stories to 10010 (which I gave up on) The last story would be the Numbered finally rising up and rebelling against the Elites, which I think some readers wanted.




 I'm not going to tag anyone, so everyone feel free to do it!


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Stealing xD
I agree with the previous comment! I think I'm going to do it as well, although I doubt anyone will read it. I really think it connects the author and reader!
I'm gonna do it. It's really strange because I usually never take the time to read through an entire blog like this, but I did for you and I feel like I suddenly understand you a lot more now as both a reader and a writer XD