jung mirae (정 미래)。

fc; sinb of gfriend  

birth name :: jung mirae ( 미래)
other names :: n/a.
 nicknames ::
jung mi / the first syllable in her name and her surname combined. it's used by her closest friends, her parents, and fellow peers at her university.
rae / the short form of her name and also the second syllable to her name. Most people use it as a form of endearment. People usually add the suffix '-ah', '-nim', or '-sshi' depending on how close that person is to Mirae.
birthdate :: december 12, 1996.
birthplace & hometown :: nam-gu, gwangju, south korea & nam-gu, gwangju, south korea.
ethnicity :: korean.
languages ::
korean / fluent, native language / mirae has never set foot from korea, she's a proud full born-and-raised korean.
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faceclaim :: sinb of gfriend.
backup :: haeryung of bestie.
height and weight :: 168 cm & 53 kg.
appearance :: Mirae is a slightly underweight girl who stands at 168 cm and weighs at 53 kg. Since birth, Mirae has never dyed her hair and has ever since, preserved her dark brown hair. Mirae used to have a very chubby face. Her cheeks would contain a lot of fat. But through her love for sports and excercise,  she has lose almost all of the fat that used to dominate her cheek or her overall face. Mirae's body can't exactly be called petite. Mirae is okay and is comfortable with her body shape; she never really liked seeing idols who were singing and dancing on stage like a skeleton. Mirae was gifted with smooth and milky skin from her mother's genes. Mirae's bust-waist-hip measurement is 32-25-35, all in centimeter. Though she got her bust-waist-hip measured, Mirae doesn't understand what the measurement results will be used for.
Mirae is that kind of girl that avoids any type of makeup at all costs, but will accept its presence on her face if it's a command from a stylist or a friend or a family member. Mirae is more attracted to skincare because her skin is important to her. For skincare, Mirae (again) loves Etude House for their wide range of products. Mirae just loves to apply skincare after stripping her makeup. Mirae usually applies Etude House's Moistfull White Cream. Mirae also uses the Pearl Aura Brightening Essence if she doesn't want to feel cream applied on her face.Mirae also has Collage Eye Patches to put under her eye to try and reduce the dark circles forming under her eye due to lack of sleep. She also has the Royal Class Gel Mask Sheet. For eyecare, Mirae has her trusty Eye's Cream Mint Cooling from Etude House.

style :: Mirae is said to have a very nice fashion sense. she likes to dress according to the seasons. in spring, she likes to wear floral patterns or she wears a floral themed accessory. she also likes to keep her outfits a soft or light color. during fall or autumn, miraemixes up in warm clothes like sweaters or cardigans with a skirt or leggings (when she's wearing a skirt, she usually wears stockings underneath). mirae usually keeps her autumn accessories simple with a plain watch and a bracelet. for summer, mirae tries to dress apropriately but still fitting for summer. she usually wears less layers and more thinner clothes. for summer, she only wears bracelets. in winter, mirae goes all out with the warm clothes. she usually wears a sweater or a long-sleeved shirt. over it, she wears a really thick jacket. for shoes, mirae likes to wear sneakers the most. for accessories, she rarely wears earrings or necklace. she also likes to wear snapbacks during summer to protect her head from the sun.
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traits :: 
( + ) — observant, imaginative, quick-witted, independent.
( – ) — reserved, introverted, unhumorous, stubborn.
personality ::

"the spirit of the hawk resides within her..." mirae is observant, she is a really detail oriented person. her attention to detail is really spot on. mirae likes to observe people, as well. mirae observes people and will study them. she pays attention to their height, posture, way of speech, and habits. further more than that, mirae is really careful when interacting with people because of this trait of hers. from the way someone speaks, mirae can tell if that person can make a good friend or not. mirae's trust issues kick in here. she's also quick to notice things like whether that person has had a bad day or whether that person is having a problem.

"i'm in my dream~!" mirae is imaginative.  mirae is able to think outside the box. though her introverted self will get in her way of trying to do things her way, mirae can be considered the dreamer of the bunch. mirae has wide imagination. mirae can always explain or describe a situation to the very last detail when writing a story or a scenario, her description of the ongoing situation will make it possible for readers to fully imagine the scene. mirae's imaginative sense will be handy when writing songs. the lyrics she produces are often meaningful and emotional. mirae can be considered a poetic person. she has really high standards or expectation for love, by the way.

"some nice reflexes, you got there..." mirae is quick-witted. quick-witted doesn't mean that she's funny or humorous. it means that mirae has sharp reflexes. mirae was born with the ability to be able to react fast to things. mirae will be able to respond quickly to any change of situation. mirae will be able to adapt quickly. mirae doesn't really like to brag about her quick-witted trait, but she is proud of being quick-witted. she likes the fact that she is able to think or respond quickly or effectively to a situation. but due to her introverted self, mirae will have trouble figuring out if what she did was right or wrong.

"i don't need your help..."
mirae's independence can also make her quite proud on doing her own work: she doesn't want anyone's help, and if she does, she'd rather not ask for it. mirae also does what she wants to do, and nobody can tell her otherwise, because it's her decision to do or not do something and whatever the repercussions is something that she'll handle on her own, thank you very much.

"don't let them in, don't let them see..." mirae is reserved, as in she doesn't share her feelings, emotions, or thoughts with most people except for her friends. mirae has never been the one to put her trust in people easily. she can only trust people who she knows from a long time ago like her friends but other than that, nobody. mirae is someone who has trust issues. she always had this thought that if she tells someone she barely knows her problems, they would look upon her oddly and avoid her. mirae can only depend on her closest friends for her problems and insecurities. mirae has always bee searching for people who would accept her for her flaws and mistakes, her advantages, and her problems. mirae knows it's wrong to choose friends but she's afraid that her new friends or some of her new friends might feel that "oh, jung mirae is really odd" or "ew, why are you insecure?" and leave or avoid her. also, there is a streak of stubborness in her that make her quite bullheaded when someone force her to tell her problems.

"this world is full of bad things, you naive prick..." mirae is introverted, alright. mirae sees this world from a negative perspective. mirae has always been very introverted. mirae always sees the glass half full and half empty instead of the glass being full. mirae has never been good at expressing happiness, yet she strives for freedom and liberation. mirae is someone who doesn't have the ability to think positive. happiness is one of the things she can't define with her own words. mirae is someone who always believes that she is a bird whose always being caged by the world's problems.

"i got no funny bone, dear sir." mirae is someone who struggles with jokes and funny things. mirae was never the type of girl to make jokes and make everyone laugh with her funny antiques. mirae just wasn't born that way. mirae has no funny bone whatsoever. she has never been able to pull of a snappy remark or a comeback. heck, she can't even do puns. mirae tends to be someone who tries not to be noisy. she want a peaceful and calm atmosphere. in order to get that kind of atmosphere, mirae will tend to sit back and watch the mayhem or mandess of her friends unfold. mirae just doesn't want to add to the mayhem or madness so she'll just be watching and laughing at anything in particular.

likes ::
 `sports. mirae loves sports. she's not afraid to break a nail or a manicure. her favorite sport is basketball, it's how she release her tension and how she got lose all her fats.
`herbal tea. mirae finds them relaxing or soothing. once she takes a sip of herbal tea, she will start to feel more calm and collected. her favorite tea, however, is chamomile tea.
`books. mirae and books go a long way back. it was her mother who loved to tell her stories of knights and princesses when she was little. ever since then, mirae has been immersed in book reading and has grew an interest towards book writing. you know what they say, books are the window to any knowledge.
✴ `the internet. mirae thanks whoever made the internet because now, she can read books online and download music thanks to the almighty internet.
`pasta. any kind of pasta will send her flying to cloud nine like lasagna, angel hair, ravioli, and gnocchi. her mother is a great cook and she has been cooking pasta for mirae and her brother ever since they were both little.
`coffee shops. they are a perfect place for mirae to chill out by herself. mirae likes to bring her laptop to a coffee shop near her and jinri's apartement, sit down near the window and a socket, plug her laptop and order a cup of chamomile tea or any tea on the menu. mirae would spend her time enjoying music.
 `autumn. that is her favorite season, autumn. autumn is full of that nostalgic and mellow feel. during autumn, lots of artists release ballads or slightly sad songs. mirae also loves autumn for its foliage. it sets the mood perfectly. also, the weather for autumn is not too hot but not too cold either.

dislikes ::

✴ `bad internet connection. mirae despises bad internet connection. it ruins her mood. like for example, she's trying to look at a video on youtube but suddenly the internet connection at her and jinri's apartement breaks or lessen. mirae is really attached to her internet so bad internet connection is like her weakness.
✴ `selcas or selfies. mirae doesn't really like selcas or selfies. mirae sees people who take too many selcas or selfies as narcisstic. well, it's okay if it's like only 2-3 selcas or selfies. but other than that, mirae will call narcisstic.
`soda. mirae doesn't like soda because she doesn't like the feeling she gets when she takes a sip out of the bottle. she doesn't like the sizzling feeling she gets. she's okay with drinks like bubble tea but not soda. mirae will avoid consumin anything with soda in it.
`western music. mirae is not a big fan of western music for a few reasons. she hates the fact that most americans artists wear very little clothing on their bodies in their music videos and the fact that most western music is about boys, love, drugs, getting drunk, and s*x. mirae sticks true to her country's music.
`cliche or crappy storylines in movies or fanfictions. mirae doesn't really like fanfiction or movies that have a cliche or crappy storyline. mirae hates seeing the same thing or the same plotline in every fanfiction. mirae strives for things that are unique and one-of-a-kind. mirae loves originality
`makeup. mirae hates the feeling of makeup on her face. she doesn't understand how people can wear makeup. mirae tends to sweat a lot so having makeup on her face is awkward. mirae avoids makeup. she prefers skincare products because they're actually good for your skin.

trivia ::

`mirae university. mirae is currently majorin in art culture at konkuk university, the same university as got7's jb and 4minute's hyuna.
`so much for loyalty to your nation's technology. mirae has an iphone 5 ( silver with this case ) and an hp laptop ( white ). the reason why she has no samsung phones or laptops is that mirae doesn't understand how a samsung works and she prefers apple and hp over samsung.
`kill me now, bae. ever since she has finished reading the maze runner series (the kill order included), mirae has been waiting for the movie because she loves minho in the book and she loves the actor playing minho in the movie a.k.a kihong lee (or in korean format, lee hongki). she's a really big fangirl of kihong lee, it's not a joke.
`don't stop the music. mirae has two playlists on her phone; one for sad songs and ballads, the other for the more lively and upbeat songs.
`ain't nobody got time for that. mirae has never really watched dramas or movies on screen because she doesn't have time to. she will usually listen to music while lying down lazily on the sofa.
`this is an interesting show! mirae loves loves loves running man to death. she ships spartace and her favorite members are yooruce willis, ace jihyo, and kwangsoo.
`bow down to the queen. mirae worsips boa and looks at her as her music inspiration and role model. actually, boa was the first reason that mirae wanted to become a singer.

hobbies ::

✴ listening to music
✴ playing basketball
✴ reading books
✴ singing
✴ dancing

habits ::

✴ `the blank jungmi. mirae usually has a blank expression on her face due the fact that she might be thinking about something a little bit too much and also the fact that she likes to daydream about maybe a scene from her current favorite book or a scene from a current favorite movie.
`you ain't a songbird, sweety. mirae loves to hum her current favorite song or sing parts of her favorite song in public from time to time. mirae does this out of excitement or just for fun. though mirae might not have a good singing voice, she still sings some parts since she does it just for fun.

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family ::

fc; joo sangwook & han yeseul

father / jung minhyuk (정민혁) / 50 / honorable, funny, understanding.
mother / choi sara (
사라) / 49 / caring, talented, implusive.

friends ::

fc; bomi
bffls / son jinri ( 리) / 19 / cheerful, sensitive, generous.

bffls / im jinah (임진아) / 24 / shy, supportive, mature.
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stage name :: mirae (미래)
persona :: the observant dreamer. ( lol. because my character is imaginative um i mean - does dreamer and imaginative are the same ? orz ;; just to make sure i got this idea based on my chara's personality ovo )
specialty(s) :: vocalist & dancer
talent twins :: 
singing twin — seulgi of red velvet
dancing twin — seulgi of red velvet
rapping twin — n/a
speaking twin — sinb of gfriend.
trainee duration :: 3 years.
training experience ::

`twinkle twinkle, little star. upon entering the company, mirae was nervous. she had never predicted her small dream of music could get her into one of the top agencies in the industry. mirae knew it wouldn't be easy going through the training program. she knew she would have to overwork her body and sleep for a couple of hours. despite this, mirae thought about her family. she has came so far along the road and it would be a shame to quit now, when the chance is just right in front of her. it was a good thing jinri was there with her to help her steady herself whenever she's about to give up. mirae had worked hard. mirae knew this was not a place of fun and games. actually, mirae had became very pressured after entering the company. mirae could feel the pressure slowly eating her away. it was thanks to jinri, and her family that she could withstand it. mirae had gone through so many things like constant diets, lack of sleep, and much more. mirae can go on and on about her hardships, but she doesn't. mirae knows that in an environment as intense as that, there is no room for being a weak naive complaining crybaby. mirae knew she had to it up. 
`heaven's know i've tried. how mirae was able to finish high school and go on to majoring in art culture at konkuk uni is still a mystery to her. mirae had planned on taking leave from school. but something in mirae took over and she ended up having to balance her school work and her training. most trainees underestimated mirae due to her ice-like facade; most people doubted that she will be able to debut. even if she debuted, most people say that she'll be the member with the least popularity among fans. even trainers say that mirae has a slim chance of debuting. mirae hates the fact that most people understimate her; this causes her to become more pressured.
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comments :: lmao. this is ;; please tell me if there's anything wrong and i hope you like her ^^
scene requests :: n/a
password :: nayeon
annecy- · lily · 8


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