so proud of myself tbh

Now, even though i haven't written two prompts yet and neither have i finished my new fic, which i will put up tomorrow or or sunday, I AM HAPPY BECAUSE I WROTE THREE CHAPTERS OF MY NEW FIC AND I STARTED ONE OF THE PROMPTS, AND MY MERMAID FIC IS BETTER RECEIVED THAN I THOUGHT IT'D BE and finally I AM HAPPY BECAUSE I REALIZE THAT I ENJOY WRITING AND I'M GOING TO START A NEW SCHOOL LIFE SOON. 

You can tell I'm happy for no reason. But i just wanted to share my feelings with you all. Also, i recently started reading Alice in Wonderland (the classic version) so I'm sure I'm going to enjoy this ol' fairy tale all over again heheheeheheheh. 

Much love to all of you, and be happy guys!!! Tweet to me @kristhaswagdad if you have any questions, curious little things or if you just want to talk to me!!!!!!


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pink_marshmallows #1
Good luck with everything UNNIE! I can't wait to read your new fics :)
haven't read your mermaid fic yet bUT i already have it bookmarked 8)
also i'm happy that you're happy \o/
and !!!!
i'm one of your disciples on twitter eheheh
hope that didn't sound as creepy
Hypnoticmutt #3
I may or may not be Twitter stalking you.//what