If you are my friend, CLICK HERE! LOLOL XD


Hello hello ! It's me again! CINDY ! :D


Imma advertise for my dearest friend "sujurockz4ever97".


Are you experiencing a mind block ?


Are you unable to continue writing your next chapters because of a lack of inspiration ?


Well you have come to the right place!


Not. Anyhow, I am co-authoring for this shop: Wonderful Ideas Shop by sujurockz4ever97.


And we are here to provide you with the best service of giving free inspirations for your fanfics!


We also give ideas for anything, like homework and layout ideas ..... LOL ! Basically, anything that needs ideas or inspirations ^^


And best part of all, requesting is ENDLESS !!


Just make sure to credit us though xD


However, we do not give suggestions for M rated content ~


If you have missed it, here is the link!




Please feel free to subscribe & comment !


LOL ! We are very friendly !!!!!!


And there will also be games and contests and competitions too !


It will be fun ! ;)


[Well duhh, since I'm co-authoring!] LOOL! So click the subscribe button, comment there below and you are in for a lot of fun and surprises! ;)


-Cindy [MidnightSapphire] & Megan [sujurockz4ever97]-



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Kind-Hearted_Devil #1
Will check it out :D
I want to use it^^ but I have a bunch of ideas piled up already :(
me only a reader where i can do the best LOL
adeloveskyu #4
Really want to write a story, but I'm in writing.. I'm only a loyal reader.. Kekekeke.. But, if someone wants to help me, please write stories about kyu (kyu jong or kyuhyun) as a lead man role.. I'll really appreciate it.. Btw, thanks cindy for ur friendly and kindness.. Love u (I told u that, right?) Kekekeke.. Hwaiting neee!!! ^_____^b
/subscribing :3
So you're saying you don't give ideas for m rated but can you give ideas for fics with m rated in it (as long as that's not the part we're stuck on)