Thank You!!

I know this is long overdue that thank you to all of you how have read, subscribed to and upvoted my stories. You don't even understand how much it means to me. These fics are the first stories that I have ever finished and shared with other people, and it make my heart happy to know that there are people out there who like what I write! I know I haven't written much yet, but I hope to do a lot more in the future, especiall since school ends for me in a couple of weeks. 

This is my last year of high school and that writing is something I've wanted to do for a long time. Finally achieving this while getting ready for university makes me feel like I'm starting a new chapter in my life.  A few people finally gave me the push I needed to do this and the support that I have recieved from you guys has made this one of the best decisions I have ever made. I hope I can continue to write stories that you guys will like and enjoy :)

That's all for now. Thanks for reading <3


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