i think i fell in love?

We were doing some kinda truth or dare on a party so the question was "who liked or likes someone from our class?" So both my crush and I (and other ppl) raised our hands. Then everyone wanted to know so she told us, "yeah I liked Cas from time to time" that hurt even though she said those feelings are over. Okay and theeen she demanded me to tell everyone, but no way, no way in my life was I going to tell my crush, who is a girl (a fjdichdj cute one), that I like her. Really, I felt like crying at that moment so I just shut my ears and began to (not-so-)jokingly sing really loudly (i swear I'm not 5). And then my friend who knew of my crush saved me so yeah... But afterwards I got all those flashbacks to all those cute moments my crush and me had yk..things like every time we would hug (which is kinda often i'm just really cuddly n stuff) i would peck her neck and she would call me cute or sometimes the other way around damn that makes me so happy i just. So yeah i came to the conclusion that i think i'm sorta kinda in love with her? Kbye my rant is over


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aw that is so cute (sorry just a bored stranger passing by looking at the 'blogs page') lmao idk what else to say but good luck to you and your crush!
Taoris95 #2
We're in the exact same situation <3 talk to me if you ever need someone to listen ^.^