HEY GUYS, how have y'all been doing? I'm feeling good! A lot better than before, but also very nervous with finals and all coming. But I'm also very nervous because... I'M GOING TO GERMANY! No no no, it's not a vacation. It's not exactly a school trip either. 20 sophomores get to go Germany as exchange student, but it works a little different. I go to another sophomore in Germany to stay at their house, go with them to school, go with them touring along with my fellow Dutch classmates. That will take place after summer vacation in october. Then they will do the same here in The Netherlands for a week in april! I'm soooo excited. 

In other news, if I don't pass math, biology and french class... I might not make it to my sophomore year BUT DON'T WORRY I'M 1000000% SURE I WILL MAKE IT THOUGH.


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congrats! that sounds cool! enjoy! ^^
Woop woop. Congrats~
Exchange is a great experience, it offers another point of view, you learn new things, meet new people, and indirectly you earn confidence. I believe in you, you'll make it, it just have to be average (it's funny you're learning french, I'm french).
Congrats! Hope you have a nice time there!