;) hehee..

WOW..have any of you guys seen PLL? (pretty little liar ) 

trust me..you should watch it..it's like the best tv show ever...

it's kinda scary but not too scary..it's funny..has some love-lines...and trust me..once you start..you can't stop..and if you do..one day..you'll still watch it..hehehe..i'm like obsessed with PLL..hahaha!!

try and check it out.. :) oh..and 

" hurting myself for you happiness " 

" my arrogant boss " 

those are my stories..please tryto read them and leave some comments..i'm still trying to get better at writting..so if you have any advice..just tell me kay? :) hehehe..

i'm a crazy jeti shipper..i ship all of them..but i love jeti the most..  :)


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I watched it once.. But I didn't follow it coz Too lazy to find each episodes. Hehe.. Anyways, you subscribe my jeti fic called "fate" right? I also have jeti Drabble collection. I hope you can read it^^