Home related.

I get as impatient as the next person but when it comes to dealing with people,

who are genuinely lazy and incompetent and turn up at where they're supposed to be working two hours late with a sorry excuse,

my patience runs thin immediately, especially when the said person asks the resident of which they're working for

to become their apprentice because the guy that usually does all the work for him hasn't showed up

and then proceeds to STALLING the out of his work load by getting on the phone to a friend

or talking to the home-owner about random crap they do not give a about,

really bites the biscuit for me and I am one step away from giving them a piece of my mind.

Honestly they left early yesterday and decided not to do any work what-so ever just to turn up late today claiming they had to do orders

which is a lie and I can smell bull from a mile away not to mention the fact that they're supposed to be coming tomorrow

and I really don't like waking up at seven in the morning for nothing when I'm really not a morning person

Yes this is a rant

I need it before I lose my mind and start re-enacting Tao's wushu moves on their asses

because I swear down I am one bad move away from a full-blown word vomit of hate.




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Well, just do it! Such people really need to learn that. And tell this your houselord so he can do something too. Otherwise they will still get their money for doing nothing and wasting time.

But really hoe lazy can they get?! Ehy aren't they finishing their job probably to get home earlier with a free mind?!