Info on Paradise Network upcoming revamp! (Pls read)

HELLO! I'm not sure if any of you REALISE this but we are currently revamping our threads Into a new improved look. This time around, Our Threads' layout will be linked with nefelibata themes too. So, if you sEe SIMILARitIes of our layouts with nT thats becuase its intentional loL

anyways, i hope you guys are looking forward to it! We have been hinting the themes for our latest layouts (if it isn't obvious already). We will be revealing them one by oNe starting from tomorrow :) do leave a comment an tell us what you think about it alright! 

oh and WE MIGHT BE ORGANIZING A GIVEAWAY/contest soon on either pp or lp. Do look forward to that too!

lizryan xoxo


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That's great! :D
I'm looking forward to it :')
I can't wait for the new re-vamp >.<
whoooo awesome!!
can't wait.
and glad to see the intention with neflibata!!
can't wait.
contest or giveaway or not, glad to see the threads back in activity!! :D