celestial ⦿ Party Pingu

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— please read all notes (including the cheatsheet) carefully- because our first impression on your character will mean a lot!
— title of your application should be celestial ⦿ persona
— there is no need to delete this note. you're welcome c: you're free to delete it if you wish though.
— i'm going to be really annoying because there're lots of pictures that you need to replace #sorrynotsorry
— anyway, have fun applying!

Kim, Jaera ⦿ the capricon

"let's all have fun together!!!!"

Suau147 ⦿ Rita ⦿ activity rate — 8

birthname: KIm Jaera

Other names: 

Zoe ( almost everyone calls her by her english name )

nicknames: state who calls them that and why.

pingu (the people who are close to her call her like that because of her obession for penguins )

birthday: january 12, 1995

age: 20

blood type: a+

birthplace: Miami, U.S.

hometown: seoul, south korea

ethnicity: American-korean


english — fluent (she lived in america until she was 8, and her mother is american)
korean — fluent ( from 8 until now she lived in south korea, and her father is korean )
chinese — basic ( she learned it at school)


stage name: Zoe

fanclub name: zostars (it means zoe's stars)

fanclub colour: #ff99ff

position: triple treath ( main dancer, vocal )

singing twin: seohyun

dancing twin: jia

rapping twin: minzy

training years:4 months

social media:
twitter - @zoenny_celestial
instagram - @zoera_andromeda 

face claim: heo young ji, young ji 

back-up face claim: Goo hara, hara

height & weight: 162 cm and 52 kg 

appearance: Zoe isn't really short but she isn't exactly a tall girl either. She has long dark brown hair and big, round dark brown eyes that makes her look really cute. She is slim but she also has a nice body. we can say that although she has cute and beautiful features she has pretty common looks.

style: zoe doesn't really care about fashion, but when shes in public or in some important meating she does her best to look good, although that everyone says that everything looks good on her, because of her elegant figure.

Casual : 1|2|3|4|5|6

Formal : 1|2|3|4|5|6

Dorm/Sleep : 1|2|3|4|5|6|7

Practice : 1|2|3|4|5|6

personality breakdown: 

positive traits — lively, funny, responsable

negative traits — overly confident, clumsy, Shouting mess

personality: Zoe is the lively type of person. She's really good at making others laugh. Not that she's good at making jokes or acting funny, she's just naturally funny. She doesn't even try to make others laugh but people can't help but laugh at her innocence. At first, she's confused as to why people are laughing at her but once she gets it she laughs too. Sometimes she sulks too, because of people laughing at her, but she knows that (most of times) people mean no harm and are just laughing for the simple fact that they see her as a funny person, so she gets over it pretty quickly.
Zoe is pretty good at acting cute. She does lots of aegyo, specially within the group.
She's also a party girl. She loves to party, she loves to listen to music and to dance. And when we talk about parties we can say we can talk about alcohol too, which is something Zoe likes. She's pretty good at handling her drinking. Not that she drinks all the time, but whenever there's a party, or whenever she goes out clubbing, she enjoys drinking. Actually, although she likes to drink, Zoe has never been drunk.
You might think that because of all of this, Zoe isn't really responsable, but on the other side she's the older sister out of 4 siblings, so she's pretty responsable and able to take care of others. Having to take care of her siblings also made her pretty rigorous, specially to herself. But of course she wants others to do a good job too, so actually ends up being a bit demanding towards others. She doesn't mean any wrong, she just wants them to do well, but sometimes others don't really understand it so they end up being mad at her because she asks to much of them.
Zoe is also a very confident person. She's confident about herself, about her talent. Some people think that she's just full of herself and doesn't know how to be modest, but the truth is although she's a full of herself, she is good, really good, and she knows it, she worked really hard for that, and she's not afraid to show the rest of the world how good she is.
She's also very honest, and is not afraid to say whatever goes through her mind, what sometimes makes her get in troubles.
But she's not perfect. No, she has flaws too.
She keeps forgetting her stuff everywhere, for example, sometimes she doesn't rebember where she putted her cellphone or her keys, and that mekes her get a bit embarassed because she isn't a child anymore and she keeps forgetting her stuff everywhere like a kid. that's not the only characteristic that she has that remids a kid, she also is very clumsy, this is, she gets distratacted very easly and that makes her bump into things and people, and when she's nervous she lets everything that she has in her hands fall. 
She also turns into a shouting mess when someone gets on her nerves or when she's mad. It might sound bad but her voice just keeps getting louder when she's angry. most of times she realizes that she wasn't right and she apolagizes to the people arround her and ends up feelling sorry for them because of what the have to put up with her when she gets angry. but like her, she likes that people realize the mistakes they made and wants them to apolagize and she won't talk to them until they do. 
Zoe has no problem in getting into a fight to defend her friends. She isn't the kind of girl that just stands by because she thinks that she can't do anything to help or because she is scared, no she will show that no one can trouble her friends. 
Zoe usually only shows her happy and child like side, and people say that because they're not used to see her angry, I mean really angry, that when she does get angry she's scary.


— flowers ( because they are pretty )
— sun ( because it's bright )
— music ( it's what she want do for the rest of her life)
— movies (keeps her 
entertained )
— comics ( she likes how the drawings tell a story )
— ice cream ( because they are delicious )
— black bean noodles ( the same reason why she likes ice cream, it's delicious )


— carrots ( she doesn't like the taste of it )
— lies ( she says that people o lie will go to hell )
— rain ( she dislikes that the clouds are hiding the sun )
— chess ( she thinks that it's boring )
— raspberries ( she doesn't like the taste of it )
— dark ( she doesn't like the feeling of not being able to see whats arround her )
— spiders ( she says that she doesn't likes them because they have to many legs )


— going to parties
— watching movies
— listening to music


— she doesn't stop moving arround when she's nervous
— she draws X's in her hand when she doesn't want to forget something
— she hugs someone when she's scared


— Her favourite animals are penguins
— he loves penguins to the point where sometimes she
​uncontionally walks like one
—  She loves flowers and her favourite ones are Iris
— Her favourite colour is green
—  She choose Kim Bum as her ideal type
— if she had to choose a mentor she would choose
— She has a Teddybear, that she calls Jonathan
— She likes to take baths while listening to music
— She calls her siblings at leats once before
going to sleep (ifshe knows that they are still awake)
— she is afraid of street dogs because when she was 9 she was bitten by one
— she talks in her sleep

how you were scouted: after one of her street perfomances, while zoe was thanking the viewers, one guy sorrounded by others man but much more intimidating, aproached her and started to talk to her about her performance saying that she was good and she had the potencial to become an idol. zoe just answered with a smile "i wish", the man, who was called sanghyuk, smiloed and said, "maybe your wish will come true" and without warning the other man pick zoe up from the ground and started to take her somewhere. without zoe noticing she was being "kiddnaped" to become and idol from milky way entertainment. 

background: Zoe was born in Los Angeles although only her mother is american. Her father went to work there and thats how thw two of them meet. Zoe is the eldest daughter out of 4 siblings, 2 girls and 2 boys. Zoe with 20 years old, Sam with 18 years old, and the twins, Rose and Alex, with 16 years old. When she was 8, they came to Korea and started to creat a life in there. Everything went well until they discover that Zoe's mother had cancer. For a long period of time, they tried to fight the disease but after two years, when Zoe was already 14, her mom died. But Zoe knew that she couldn't be weak at a time like that because her father needed her, her siblings needed her. So, after her mom's dead, Zoe  tried to assumed the role of a mother, because she knew that was what her siblings needed. While her father went to work, she would manage her siblings daily life. She would take them to and from school, she would make their lunches, she would take care of them at home, and to make it easier on her father, she would also do house cores. But whenever their father had a day off, or took vacations, she would relax and most of times she would got out. After all, she was still a teenager. This made her school grades drop a lot, as you can imagine, but she didn't really cared about her grades so it wasn't a big problem to her.
One day, in one of her outings, she saw a group of people singing and dancing in the middle of the park and she got fascinated by it. She loved the sound of the music, she loved the happy look on her faces, she loved the attention they were getting... overall she loved everything. So she decided to try it out. Thats how she discovered her talent and her love for music. She started to do performances as well. A few months went by and she was already famous in that park. People loved to watch her dance and sing and thats how she got noticed by the entertainment.


father / kim kyungsoo / 48 / he is a calm and lively person

zoe loves her relationship with her father because she feels like she can talk about everything with her father. they are really close with each other.

mother / Elizabeth carter / deceased / she was a kind and calm person

when a mother was alive zoe and her were close to each other and her mother would play a lot with her, of course with her siblings as well.

siblings / Sam, rose and alex / 18 and 16 / sam is the most calm and responsable between the three while the twins are more energetic and impulsive

Zoe, although she has that child like personality, when it comes to her siblings she's the typical older sister who worries about her siblings well being. all of her siblings love her and she loves her siblings and they get along really well.


best friend /Go yunseo / 20 / funny and lively

just like zoe, yunseo likes to party a lot and to have a good time, and as their personalities are so alike they understand each other pretty well and hang out a lot.

friend / jung taeyeon / 21 / calm but lively

zoe and taeyeon meet when they still were in high school and they've been friends since then, they talk a lot with each other and are comfortable around each other

friend / heo minho / 20 /  responsable and annoying

minho was in the same class as zoe but while he was on top of the class when it come to grades, zoe was almost always on the bottom, she says that it is because of how different they are that they are friends, and although they fight all the time, they know that they are important to each other. 

love interest: a fellow group member

group: perseus

age: don't know yet :P, maybe an oppa??

personality: Someone who cares about others and likes to look after them. likes skinship and loves to be arround others as well. Is cheerful and good at making others feel better.   

how you met/meet: they meet after the two of them were "scouted" to the entertainment

interactions: They would have an oppa dongsaeng relationship. He would always be looking after her. they would always be arround each other playing arround although sometimes they would have their arguments. although they like each other they don't agree in everything and, it's not only that, they get jealous pretty easily, so they have those mments where they get mad at each other but it doesn't last long because the attraction they feel towards each other is much bigger then a little fight. they are still not aware of their feelling so they just assume that what they feel towards each  other is what a oppa would feel towards his dongsaeng and what a dongsaeng would feel towards her oppa.

relationship: oppa-dongsaeng kind of relationship

Back-up: Jr from got7

comments/suggestions: well I hope the app is okay. sorry if there are many grammar mistakes but english isn't my first language so I hope you'll understand. fighting writting the story ^^

scene requests: none for now, if you want I can add some later:)

password: supernovas (i apolagize if you don't like the song it's just that lately I feel the urge to ear old big bang  songs :))


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