Starting Drama Within The UNIQ Fandom?

  • somerandomone (Jun 7, 2015 01:45:47)
    "Who is your favorite Chinese member from UNIQ?"

    trying to start within the fandom when uniq fans wanted to be the fandom without "who is your favorite and who is your least favorite", wow



Okay, so to the person above that just sent me that message, allow me to explain my reasoning for making that poll. Though it's not like I owe you any explanations. I'm explaining out of courtesy.

I'm about to start a new story with UNIQ as the main characters. There will be events and situations that took place before the actual setting and timing of the story that only a few of the UNIQ members will have been around to see and be part of. These events and situations will have taken place in China BEFORE the Chinese members came to Korea to be K-pop idols. Therefore, the two Korean members are not included in those events. My inability to choose between the Chinese members for the main character led me to create a poll asking people who their favorite Chinese member is. I like all three of them, so my judgement can't be part of choosing the main character. I probably could have worded the poll a little better than that, but I didn't, and that's my fault.

However, you're the one that wants to read into something that isn't there. I can't control how you perceive something that I do or say, that's your problem. In this case, you jumped to conclusions and made a fool out of yourself. So don't you dare send me a message ing me out and accusing me of something  I didn't do. You don't know me, therefore you don't know my intentions at all. You're only assuming. Which just makes an out of you. I have done nothing to you, I don't even know you. So who the hell are you to go around accusing me of starting in a fandom? I'm part of that fandom, thank you very much. And clearly I have more respect for the others in it than you do because I don't go around throwing false accusations in people's faces and jumping down their throats with things I THINK they're doing. Think before you act next time.


Now, for those of you thinking I should have handled this better than putting it out there in a blog, I tried to message this person back with this information and was unable to do so. So don't go jumping to conclusions to. I'm not just going to sit around and let someone judge me based on something I never did or never meant to do. I apologize for how this person perceived my poll, but I'm not going to apologize for the poll itself because I have nothing to apologize for. I did nothing wrong and I'll be damned if I'm going to let someone accuse me of doing something I didn't and would never do.



Author-nim M


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kpop_angel44 #1
well damn! that's just.. annoying. I am sorry you had to go through that! (and see? I read the blog!.. finally!) but yea, it gets annoying when some people have to take things negatively all the time. Like seriously? sometimes the things people do aren't always bad. some people in this world don't go seeking trouble and conflict.... smh

anyways! ignore them!! they are simply ignorant and rude! you didn't do any harm so keep your head up high with your chin up!! (and back straight... lol) I support you!! FIGHTING!!!!