Bored Game (stolen from -heibai)

I'm bored and I have no life

Your phone is ringing. It's your ex. What do you say? 
I don't like talking on the phone but if I had to answer or hang up I'd answer and say hey I guess

Want someone back in your life? 
tbh yes :/ a best friend who I haven't been talking to as much as I have before

I bet you miss somebody right now? 
Not really... #heartless

Were you single on your last birthday? 

Does anyone call you babe or baby? 
Yes *cough*Lu unnie*cough*

Is there someone you will always be attracted to? 
Bang Yongguk, Min Yoongi, Jung Hunchul, Kim Namjoon...

What do you want for your birthday? 
My birthday was in February XD but I'm not picky, anything would be great. I just got a new phone so I don't want anything at the moment

Are you wearing any clothes that don't belong to you? 
I'm wearing a t-shirt that belonged to my mum (I always steal her stuff^^)

What's your most recent ex doing? 
12th grade, America...

Have you kissed the last person you texted? 
We haven't even met in person XD

If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? 
Of course I would care. If my boyfriend did , maybe I wouldn't be as worried (I would, but honestly pot's not as bad as coke, or methadone...)

Have you ever kissed anyone you weren't dating? 
Yes... don't ask, it was against my will...

Tell me about the shirt you are wearing? 
It's a dark blue round neck t-shirt with the words 'The Perfect Combo' and white and yellow drawings of a burger, friends, beer and a football (It's a men's t-shirt, but YAAAAS to this combination).

Would you kiss an ugly person for $1,000? 
I don't kiss for money :p

Do you have a fence around your house? 
Walls... (I live in a building)

Which would be more meaningful to you: I love you a lot, I love you so much? 
I guess it's all about the situation. I'm not a heavy romantic.

Do you keep an elastic band on your wrist? 
Nah, although sometimes, I do keep my scrunchies

Does anyone disgust you? 

Do you know anyone that has lost his or her job? 
No :/

Do you prefer to call or text? 
Text because I can't speak through the phone for

Can you live a day without TV? 
Psh yes.

Who was the first person you talked to today? 
My mother (she yelled at me to wake up and I yelled back so there)

What are you listening to? 
No Brake (Iron, Marvel J and Supreme Boi)

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? 
My best friends

Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you're sure they wont tell? 
A few, and I trust them with anything.

What were you doing last night at 11? 
Physics... -_-

Are you happy right now? 

What is on your wrists right now? 

What does your hair look like right now? 
Uh, tied up in a bun, messy and it looks like it's never been combed :3

What do you like better hot chocolate or hot apple cider? 
Hot chocolate (Chocolate? CHOCOLATE? CHOCOOOOOLATE!)

What woke you up this morning? 
My mother... >.<

Are you shy or outgoing? 
I don't like initiating a conversation so in that aspect I'm shy but once I know you well enough I can go on and on

Do you like to travel? 
Yes, I live for it <3

Have you ever been expelled from school? 
Nah. I'm slightly rebellious but I ain't that bad...

Have you ever been dumped? 
I've dumped someone (who THOUGHT we were still dating...)

Are you a role model? 
Idk but meh

Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point? 
Nuh uh.

Do you want a tattoo? 
Yes!!! I want one on my wrist and on the nape of my neck and MAYBE even one on my collarbone^^

Are you rude? 
Not always. It depends on whether I like the person tbh

Would you ever date someone younger than you? 
Yeah I would

Who Was The Last Person You Talked To? 
My mother...

Who Was The Last Person You Were With, Besides Family? 
The lady at the photostat office...

Who Knows The Most About You? 

Who Is Your Favorite Band, Rapper, Singer, etc.? 
Uhm, let's see... Metallica, Slayer, Lamb of God, Arctic Monkeys, The Black Keys, Eminem, 2Pac, Mobb Deep, Kendrick Lamar, Iron, Suga, Rap Monster, J-Hope, Bang Yongguk, Zico, Supreme Boi, I11evn, Marvel J (basically, all of DaeNamHyup so)
And then there's Hozier, Ed Sheeran, Jessie J, Eric Nam, yes I listen to a lot of stuff...

Who Can Make You Laugh No Matter What? 
Alyssa (a.k.a JaeTao who keeps texting me random stuff and making me lose my ), Lu unnie (a.k.a SooSooSeo, cause whenever I send her a picture of Jin she loses her and it's pretty funny (in a good way)) and Kai (a.k.a HeadToToesLove who I will not elaborate on because mere words will do her no justice... *crab claws*)

Who Can You Always Count On? 
Momma <3

Who Has Your Heart? 
Me... -_-

Who Is or Was Your Favorite Teacher In School? 
I'd say my art teacher. Cause he is the chillest teach I've ever had the last four years I've been at school and he's amazing. You can joke around with him and he won't say . It's like having a best friend, really :3

Who Is Your Crush? 
Min Yoongi XD lol jk I don't have one

Who Is Your Best Friend(s)? 
*personal* *pouts*

Who Loves You? 
Idk but I sure as hell love me and that's all I need to not give up...

What Is Your Favorite Song At The Moment? 
Mmm, this is a hard one. There's a really cool trap song called 'Bap U' by Party Favor, and then there's another trap song by NGHTMRE & SLANDER called 'WARNING' :3 

What Are You Looking Forward To? 
Summer (a.k.a June 10th)

What Is Your Favorite Color? 
Black, white, grey and navy/dark blue

What Website Do You Visit Most? 
YouTube, AFF, Tumblr and MaxPapers (I have finals...)

What Is Your Favorite Smell? 
Petrichor (the smell of soil when it rains)

What Is Your Favorite song by Lil Wayne? 
Ew no.

What Is Your Favorite Movie? 
Star Wars (Episodes IV, V and VI) :D I cannot WAIT for Episode VII asdfghjkl

What Is Your Favorite Season? 
Spring and Summer I guess

What Makes You Mad? 
OH there is a LONG list but I guess one of the things that really makes me mad is when people get what they want all the ing time. Like, we get it, you're rich, you don't have to rub it in our face.
But what pisses me off even more is when people take their parents for granted... -_-

What Curse Word Do You Use Alot? 
. . Bull. . Mother er and son of a -? (But the last one two almost never use, and when I do, it's never to insult, but when I'm dumbfounded or jealous or awed... like 'You crazy mother er' or 'You lucky son of a ' ^^ #washingmouthoutwithsoap)

What Kind Of Phone Do You Have? 
HTC Desire 826 (I just got it yesterday... >..<)

What Was The Last Song You Listened To? 
Look Out For Detox (Kendrick Lamar)

When Was The Last Time You Went To The Mall? 
...we don't have malls here... so I guess the last time I went to a proper mall was late October...

When Did You Talk To Your Crush Last? 
I don't have one atm... ^^

When Do or Did You Graduate? 
2015. Technically I already did graduate BUT in April. My exams are going on right now so I'll be officially done with high school on the 10th of June!

When Is The Next Time You’ll Do Something Fun? 
Every day is a fun day for me. The definition of fun is relative.

When Was The Last Time You Ate or Drank Something? 
Five minutes ago... #hog

When Is Your Birthday? 
Early in the year :3

When Was The Last Time You Went To The Movies? 
December last year...

When Were You In The Car Last? 
Uhm, well... it would be two weeks ago...

When Will You Be 21? 
In four years. Do the math :p

When Will You Be Taking Your Next Vacation? 
This December?

Where Do You Live? 

Where Is The Best Place To Be? 
Where you feel like you belong (I'm not changing this answer because this is 100% true Amen.)

Where Was Your Last Vacation? 
December 2013 T.T

Where Were You Born? 

Where Is Your Best Friend? 
I have best friends in Bahrain, the UK, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, India, Brazil, South Carolina, Missouri, and I could go on but nah...

Where Do You Want To Live? 
tbh whatever makes me happy

Where Was The Last Place Your Were Besides Your Own House? 
The gym XD

Where Do You hope You’ll Be In 10 Years? 
I don't care where as long as I'm happy at mind and heart!

Where Is Your Cell Phone? 
My bedroom (I don't have service yet)

Where Are Your Parents? 
My mum's here with me in India, but my dad's in Bahrain

Where Was Your Display Picture Taken?
It depends on which display picture it is. Assuming it is AFF, then I stole it off tumblr. Min Yoongi's lips though <3 

Where Were You 24 Hours Ago? 
On the couch... like I am right now :3


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SooSooSeo #1
Ahahahah i was mentioned here kkkkkkk
:) Who wouldn't go crazy with Jin? He's so perfect and that lips...Oh god i will stop
Brazil :)
Harubaby >.<