Picture Perfect

TITLE: 3.5/5 -- The title is suiting, however, I would usually imagine it to go along with a story involving photography and cameras. It doesn’t exactly capture the essence I felt from the story, I would look for a replacement in the word “Picture” to make it a bit more vibrant.


DESCRIPTION/FOREWORD: 7/10 -- The description is fine, it does its job in giving a peek. The foreword is a bit misleading and I’m not sure if that was the intent. It makes it seem as if the story will also circle around their attempts in getting Yixing and Yumi together, but it actually ends before that takes place.


PLOT: 20/30 -- The plot was enjoyable, but nothing too popping. My interest was taken once she entered the dance room for her drawing and I began to think they would have some sort of interaction. However, the fact that there really was none of that sort of kills the whole romance bit. It looked to be the start for some 20-chapter story and so it was disappointing to leave me guessing if Yixing really did get with Yumi. The story’s flow is done as well as possible, nothing completely strange happened out of nowhere. Perhaps that’s where I lost a bit of interest; when nothing out of the ordinary occurred. She went in and went out, but wordbuilding did contrast with the descriptiveness and well-structured sentences all about. I can’t say I’ve never read anything like it, but it is original in the aspect that the story never revealed Yumi and Yixing’s joining. In any case, it’s believable. It could be easily imagined that a scenario such as this one takes place.


CHARACTERS: 26/30 -- I think most K-Pop fans can relate to Yumi’s character here because we basically all drool over idols and their talents to sing, dance, or rap. Her friends also portray believable roles in real life, where we find ourselves with that one bubbly and usually excited friend around us and that one who's’ basically less of that. I would give full points if more of Lay had been revealed. He is described as nice by everyone, but considering he had no lines or again, any interaction with Yumi, it was hard to really see the niceness in him, despite the example given in the description.


READABILITY: 30/30 -- No errors were found here.


OVERALL: 9/15 -- In my opinion, this story may have been a bit better going as a full series or something. If it had gone on, then I would have understood adding romance as a tag, but nothing of that really went on.  Still, it was well-written and something I would read more of if extended.


TOTAL: 95.5/120 --


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