50 questions about your ideal type (Stolen from SillieSoozie)

1. Do you need him to be good looking?   

  • It is not a big deal, looks is just a matter of preferences. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways. If he's handsome or cute for me, then, yes. I need him to look attractive — just for me.

2. Smart?

  • Yes! I am prone to be attracted to smart- or a genius freak. I think it's a kink. *shivers*

3. Preferred age?

  • We could be of the same age, although I'd prefer younger man. Realistically, I'd settle for those who is two to three years older. Just because. Younger man is a fantasy *smirk*

4. Preferred height?

  • He must be taller. I mean, think about the hugs. 

5. How about sense of humor?

  • Yes, I like him funny. Being sarcastic is plus.

6. How about piercings?

  • No. Just no. 

7. Accepts you for who you are?

  • Yes and no. Yes because he has to keep up with my attitude, and no because I am not perfect. I'd appreciate it he helps me to be a better version of myself.

8. Pink hair?

  • No. 

9. Mushy or no?

  • It depends. I think I'll be fine with it if it is done very subtle, not overly affectionate. 

10. Thin or fat?

  • Healthy, as long as he's comfortable with his body.

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?

  • I'm asian. So, I'd say Yellow? Ha ha. I am not impressed. I'd date any 'skin color' honey. 

12. Long hair or short hair?

  • Short hair. I don't want to compete for 'who has better hair'. ;)

13. Plastic or metal?

  • He's not an object. I want flesh, thank you.

14. Smells good?

  • Uh, yeah. 

15. Smoker?

  • NO.

16. Drinker?

  • Noooooooooope.

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

  • I could work with that.

18. Muscular?

  • Not overly muscular. Having abs is a bonus ;)

19. Plays piano?

  • YEAH.

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?


21. Plays violin?

  • DAMN that's hot. 

22. Sings very good?

  • Again, this is a bonus.

23. Vain?

  • No.

24. With glasses?

  • A glass is a must. It's a kink, okay. Sigh. 

25. With braces?

  • Yeah. He's going to have nice teeth. I like my man with a pretty smile :D

26. Shy type?

  • I can tolerate it. I am not particularly interested with this kind of person, but if he's the one. Why not?

27. Rebel or Good boy?

  • A good mix of both.

28. Active or passive?

  • Uh.

29. Tight or bomb?

  • This is getting weird. Hah.

30. Singer or dancer?

  • Both. But if he dances, that's like, he can dance for me, ya know? 

31. Stunner? 

  • Uh huh. 

32. Hiphop?

  • Yeah. Swaaaaaag.

33. Earrings?

  • No.

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?

  • Hah. The ? I never come across a guy who actually did this. 

35. Dimples?


36. Bookworm?

  • Uh huh. That's hot. Think about the poems he'll recite when you make love. Ha ha ;)

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?

  • Awww, that'll be awesome.♥

38. Playful?


39. Flirt?

  • Not to every girl he sees. If he flirts with me, his mate, then yes. It could be fun to tease back.

40. Poem writer?

  • Yes. I'll be hooked if he does.

41. Serious?

  • Yeah. I am a serious person too, so I can understand that.

42. Campus crush?

  • Yeah?

43. Painter?

  • Sure. That's cute. Draw like one of your french girls. Ho ho!

44. Religious?

  • Yes. 

45. Someone who likes to tease people?

  • Uhm. This is hard. I can tolerate if he teases people without being offensive.

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

  • I don't really care.

47. Speaks 20 languages?

  • Hah! That's a dream guy there. We could go anywhere with that ability.

48. Loyal or faithful?

  • No. I want him to have few side chicks. Maybe we could have ... Of course I want him loyal and faithful.

49. Good kisser?

  • YES. If he happens to be a , then I can teach him. ;)

50. Loves children?

  • He must love children! I can't tolerate kids, sometimes. I think he'll be helpful in this department. Hah.


My other half may or may not be my ideal type. It is all about chemistry. I could be listing hundred things I would want in a man, and he could be only 20% to 30% of being my ideal guy. I believe in soulmates. Attraction is a mystery, and I could be dating someone that I never expected. That's good. We never know, and that's thrilling. All in all, I'll love him nonetheless. I'll love my dork, my jerk, my annoying mate, whatever he wanted to be — as long as I am his dork, his nagging , his whiny mate, whatever I am inside. Hah. I love you, loser!

Side note, I could be showing him this message one day, in the future. Laugh all you want.

........ but I am single. So. *awkward*


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Ahaha.. you're so cute, author-nim.. good luck in finding your other half~ it must be really happy!! Waaa ~~