SHINee's 7th Anniversary

0nce I was completely against the idea of listening to any kpop group other than Suju. So when my sister was pestering me continuously to let her see the Taemin guy that made an appearance on Henry's Trap dance, I did comply & dnwnloaded the mv Lucifer but didn't pay full attention to it & the end result was the mv being deleted from my phone after concluding that the Taemin guy is a great dancer, so r his bandmates. I was naive to think that I won't ever listen to this te-te-te-te Lucifer or any of their song. After the 2nd prof ended & I had nothing better to do, I thought, why not try to memorize the names & faces of the 5 weirdos :v Then the rest is history, I fell for The Lee Jinki then & there. I still didn't like the other 4 guys though, but for someone who've come to know SHINee, to not Love them is next to impossible, & there's no way to fall out of love.. Though I place SJ a lot more higher than anyone else, I'm still a proud part of SHINee World ^_^ Happy 7th Anniversary SHINee!! Let's never part our ways..


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urmiginny #1
^_^ like deya jayna kere? :3