Ideal Type Quiz (Stolen from Maerin)

FYI, I did not base my answers on a specific person. I am writing this from my honest unbiased perspective XD
Prepare for the CHEESE!

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
Even if he's not good-looking, he's still the only one in my eyes~

2. Smart?
Smarter than me at least XD

3. Preferred age?
Ah, as long as it's love, age should not matter... But prefereably same-age~

4. Preferred height?
Not too tall, cause I'm short too. Hahaha.. Like 175cm below?? They say the height difference should be 30cm maximum?

5. How about sense of humor?
Yes! The funniest of the funniest! The one who cracks all the jokes. I'll laugh for him even if they're not funny XD

6. How about piercings?
Uuhm.. Ears only? Oooh! We could wear couple earrings! XD

7. Accepts you for who you are?
No, I want him to dislike the real me.... =_= (Sense my sarcasm?)

8. Pink hair?
No please.. Nooo.. Just keep it black or brown please

9. Mushy or no?
Mushy, cheesy, greasy... Bring it on! (Again, not referring to a specific person. Seriously..)

10. Thin or fat?
In between. Don't want people to think I let him starve.

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
Even if he's as blue as an Avatar or as yellow as the Simpsons, I'd still love him~ <3

12. Long hair or short hair?
Short, but not too short..

13. Plastic or metal?
What does this even mean? Plastic surgery or.... metal surgery??? I'd go for OR! 

14. Smells good?
Axe kind of good!

15. Smoker?
Eeewww nooo.... I don't want him to die early and leave me... T_T (No offense to anyone)

16. Drinker?
Not a fan of it, but he should be able to drink for socializing purposes.

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
According to Urban Dictionary: "A teenage male, very wholesome and unassuming, and maintains an innocence about him. Very sincere, sometimes shy, sometimes confiedent and rarely arrogant." Uhm no, I'd rather he isn't a teenage male XD

18. Muscular?
A little.. Having a little abs is a bonus though?

19. Plays piano?
Not necessary, but would be nice. 

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Acoustic guitar! YESSS!!!! Guys who can play guitar are super attractive! 

21. Plays violin?
Nahh.. Still a bonus, but I'm just okay with it :p

22. Sings very good?
Yesss!!! SO WE CAN SING A DUET!!!!!! >.<

23. Vain?
Conceited? Full of himself? Slightly cocky? Tony Stark-ish? Yes, I strangely find it attractive XD At least he has no insecurity problems :p

24. With glasses?
Sunglasses! XD

25. With braces?
EMbraces!!!! <3

26. Shy type?
No!!!! Instead, he might be a little shameless XD

27. Rebel or Good boy?
A good rebel.. kekeke..

28. Active or passive?

29. Tight or bomb?
THE BOMB! I have no idea what it actually means, but this sounds more bombastic!

30. Singer or dancer?
Both!!! Again, so we can do a duet... And also a couple dance!!!!

31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?
Maybe more of a schmoozer? He needs to be a good talker to win me over. LOL

32. Hiphop?
Yes! And we can do freestyle rap battles together, yo! HIP HOP... It's like.. POH PIH but spelled backwards~

33. Earrings?
Didn't you ask this for number 6?

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?
Can't I be your first and last one? :3

35. Dimples?

36. Bookworm?
Again, he'll be smarter than me for sure XD

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
Aaaaawwww.. That would be really reaaally sweet! >.<

38. Playful?
Very! Let's play!

39. Flirt?
Oh yeah, but to me only! 

40. Poem writer?
Aww, the love letters will be sooo poetic! And maybe he can even write songs with it. No, he can write lyrics and I'll compose the song! Oh, this will be perfect!

When necessary yes. But mostly playful~ :D

42. Campus crush?

43. Painter?
Actually, it's more entertaining if he can't draw at all so I'll laugh at him XD

44. Religious?
YES! I think out of all questions, this is one of the most important quality to me.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Yessss~ I am very tease-able! They say I have THE best reactions XD LOL.. (Why am I encouraging this behavior?)

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
Well, maybe not the to point of being a freak.. But I don't mind. I'd probably join and play along with him~

47. Speaks 20 languages?
He only needs to speak the language of love~ Hohohohoh <3 (Anyone cringing yet??)

48. Loyal or faithful?
How can one be loyal without being faithful or vice versa? I need both!

49. Good kisser?
Sureee~ Who'd say no to this? XD

50. Loves children?
Yesss! Guys who are good with kids makes good husband materials. LOL

Okay... So it wasn't that cheesy.. Right?? :3


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GnomeAwesome_SJ #1
chanriskrisyeol #2
Sure, it isn't chessy AT ALL *the holy language of sacarms*
I have goosebumps all over my skin now.
Sure, cheesy and corny is quite tasty but too much... ew, I'd rather not go for that.
Can't believe I actually forget about the warnings that u are super duper into those things.
It reminds me a lot of a certain someone and I think you know ;) :P
This wasn't too cheesy for me lol I survived lol I have friends who are really chessy to the point I cringe
(Not that I'm not any less from them :P)
Lol the best was the language of love!
A thief had just passed by this blog post... *steals*
sambrotot #5
Ok let's see:

Oh cmon I'm good looking! Don't say 'even if'...
Except Math. You are wayyy smarter than me
ok thank you
i want to be taller though
thank you
Yup I do sense it strongly
why not? #yolo
i'm fit
dont care
bencong answer
ok been wearing that thank you
I did live next door to you
ok working on that
nah too much work
dun wan la
man i wish i can
i think i will use one
well i sleep late at night so rebel yes
ok thank you
oh yeah i'm the bomb
oh man no talent there, except dangdut
i am
what kind of answer is that...............
you are
nope...cheek too fat
i am
i am
never try
we were
my cat drawing
oh wow ok wow wow
I do
exoismysanity #6
It sounds like a certain idol I know ;)
A lot of our answers were similar actually!
Yeah, I'm the type that likes the playful confident guys myself since I get really shy around new people.
XD It was pretty cheesy but it was also really sweet and adorable. Well your stories were able to prepare my heart for the cheesiness in this blog post. XD
inspirit4ever_suhana #7
i have no idea why but it reminds of a certain idol who is very cheesy :P lol we both have very similar answer to almost all the questions :p hi twin :0
last-sowon #8
Some were very similar to mine, esp. the religious one...
If you don't mind me asking, do you have a religion? (Don't have to answer if you don't want to, I'm just curious).
And yes... very cheesy and it reminds me of someone... but since you said it wasn't based on anyone in particular ;)
I love your answers, they made me smile XD I don't know why but they remind me of a certain idol .... I wonder who? :P
This is sooooooo sweet and your answers seriously are very cute x'3 it was funny as well ;)
bnbrow3 #11
Hahaha! I love your "not" cheesy answers! ㅋㅋㅋ You make me laugh all the time! Author-nim! Hurry and go find this boy so you will be really happy together! ^^
Unbiased prespective?
Hahaha that was so cheesy XD.
I died at the language of love part.
Hahahahah you brought the rap back XD.
Well, I thikn religious is the most important question for me too.
Haha tony starkish XD. I this is just too funny XD.
I actully like guys like that too and my friends find it weird. But hey, what's wring with liking someone with confidence? Lol XD.
Hahaha well anyways this was overall incredibly cheesy starting from the first one XD.
FYI, I did not base my answers on a specific person. I am writing this from my honest unbiased perspective XD so much lies
1-50: *speechless*
11 and 47: *-_____________-*
Omg xD Almost every single answer was cheesy!
I think if Win read this she'll punch you xD