Ideal Type Quiz (Stole from jonguppienaekkeoya)

Lots of Taemin ahead xD

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
 Not extremely. Like, it all comes down to your personality in the end.
But hey, I ain't complaining if my man is good looking aight.

2. Smart?
Yeah~ Like, not academically amazing but not down in the gutters.
Also street smart. So, all-rounded smart xD If that makes sense.

3. Preferred age?
Personally, 5 years is like the BEST . (*cough*leetaemin*cough*)
I wouldn't mind a guy ranging from 1-10 years older. Some people find that 10 is a lot?
Maybe I don't because my parents differ 9 years in age.
And I actually find it weird when the guy is younger than the girl even if its just a few months.
Sorry I'm weird.

4. Preferred height?
I don't know why I love the idea of having to tilt my head slightly to be able to look at my man?
Bruh, don't judge me. I just find it endearing kay (I don't know how but I do).
So roughly 175 cm (*cough*taemin*cough*)? Cause I'm like 162 cm~

5. How about sense of humor?
Hell yes. An good and odd sense of humor so he gets my weird humor too. xD

6. How about piercings?
One on the ear is fine by me~ Nothing more. (*cough*leetaeminkay*cough*)

7. Accepts you for who you are?
Is this question even legit? -_- OBVIOUSLY YES.

8. Pink hair?
If he can pull it off then by all means. I don't mind at all.

9. Mushy or no?
YESSS <3 I'm all about that fluff, bout that fluff, no troubles. :3

10. Thin or fat?
I like guys that are quite thin but toned. Not buff. (*cough*likeleetaemin*cough*)

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
Any is fine by me really, who knows what color my man's skin will be xD
But by personal preference, white or slightly tanned. (No offence to anyone.)

12. Long hair or short hair?
Long like what? Like girl hair standard long?
I prefer short. (*cough*butleetaeminlucifererahairwasperfection*cough*)

13. Plastic or metal?
Whut? Uh.... I don't know what this means but..
Metal? Cause its environmentally friendly? Lol, idek.

14. Smells good?
Yes obviously.

15. Smoker?
If you smoke, I'm turned off IMMEDIATELY, so obviously, NO.

16. Drinker?
An occasional drinker is okay, but not a guy that gets drunk oh so often.
So he's gotta be responsible!

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
-searches up meaning- Yes x) (*cough*leefreakingtaemineveryone*cough*)

18. Muscular?
Like I said, not really. I like toned body and arms but not buff.

19. Plays piano?
Not necessarily. But if he can, I'm not complaining. (*cough*taemincanplaypiano*cough*)

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Again ^

21. Plays violin?
Again ^

22. Sings very good?
AGAIN ^ (*cough*taeminsingsamazingtoo<3*cough*)

23. Vain?
I'm a little vain, I don't mind him being a little appearance conscious cause who isn't?
But not overly vain.

24. With glasses?
With or without is fine.

25. With braces?
Doesn't matter to me, I have braces too xD #BraceFaceCouple

26. Shy type?

I don't mind a little shy but not a shy turtle. (*cough*likeleetaeminmyoneandonly*cough*)

27. Rebel or Good boy?
In the middle? A rebel with limits? Lol what.
A good boy with a rebellioius side? xD Idek

28. Active or passive?

29. Tight or bomb?
What even?

30. Singer or dancer?
Both but more of a dancer (*cough*justfreakingleetaeminokaythanks*cough*)

31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?
Uhhh.... huh?

32. Hiphop?

Like, he's hiphop style? Or he likes hiphop? Either is fine by me.
But maybe not a strong hiphop style? Cause I like fluff?
Lol I don't know what I'm saying but a hiphop dressing is okay I guess? Not attitude?
Like that disrespectful kind of attitude? Idek

33. Earrings?
One, sure.

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?

No thanks.

35. Dimples?
Sure, hehe. I have a dimple too~ We can be the dimple couple xD

36. Bookworm?
Nah~ Cause I don't like reading.

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
Aww, yes :3 He can write fluffy letters! <3

38. Playful?
Yes! Cause I'm immature and playful too xD

39. Flirt?
Only with me? xD But not so much.

40. Poem writer?
Meh, sure if you are. But not really. Maybe just like a very small side activity?

Serious when he needs to be. I am only serious when I need to be too. xD

42. Campus crush?
If he is then he is xD

43. Painter?
Not necessary again, but if he is then, eh. Just more like a very small side activity again.

44. Religious?
Yes O:)

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Yes! I find it quite endearing xD Fluffy teasing lolol.

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

I love computer games and the internet but he should only love it as much as I do.
Aside from that, he shouldn't be on his computer like a psycho. LOOK AT ME. 

47. Speaks 20 languages?
Totally unnecessary, lol.

48. Loyal or faithful?
Both mean about the same thing, right? Either way, both.

49. Good kisser?
Yes, lol. I  have never kissed but which sane human would say no to this?

50. Loves children?
Yes, yes, yes! Cause I love kids <3


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