
Alright so, I'm skinny. I always thought I had a really good body, I always got compliments and I liked to be skinny. I do not think there's anything wrong with putting on more weight, though. But lately, there has been so much skinny-shaming. Not to me only, but in general.

Being fat does not give you a free pass on making another feel bad neither does being skinny give you one to do the same to people who weight more.

And normally I wouldn't care about those who skinny shame. Like really, no s given. 

But today I started fangirling in a groupchat with my best friends about Taylor Marie Hill and sent photos. Then my crush replied with, 'Ew'

'So skinny, it's ugly'

And that honestly really did hit me. I'm dead serious. It hit me hard. Not because he thinks like that of someone I idolise, but because he might think like that about me as well. And I've been thinking, and the more I think about it I start to feel more and more uncomfortable. 


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Bro, let's be real, if you're happy with yourself and have always been, are you really going to let some guy ruin that for you? Be confident and remember, beauty is subjective. Not everyone is going to think the same people are pretty or generally attractive. Some people even have preferences, and that's completely normal. For example, you might like a muscular dude, while I might like a more lean kinda guy, but that doesn't mean either of them are bad. Everyone has their own beauty; embrace it! Don't let others tear down your confidence. (Besides, if you're that curious, you should just ask the guy if he thinks you're "too skinny" as well. 99% sure he'd never say that you are. And if he does, forget the fool! There's plenty of fish in the sea.)