〈 게임세노 ; chae, levi.



username 〉alcyonen
aff alias 〉Canta
activity rate 〉3
birth name 〉chae, levi.
other name/s 〉korean name — chae geumseon.
birthday 〉5 october, 1994.
birthplace 〉Amsterdam, Netherlands.
hometown 〉amsterdam, netherlands.
ethnicity 〉korean.
nationality 〉dutch-korean.
languages 〉dutch — fluent; he's been raised in amsterdam for sixteen years, and sometimes he just reverts back to old habits when talking with old friends.
korean — slightly broken, now smoother; while he was used to speaking korean at his family residence, his pronounciation is quite slow and often slipped.
face claim 〉nu'est aron.
backup 〉cross gene yongseok
height & weight 〉175 + 58
appearance 〉his hair stays reddish-brown the way it is now, he's not planning to dye it into something else. Often cheats on his heights and frequently caught red-handed with insoles. his sharper eyes and arching eyebrow insults his appearance as a mocking person; while he often isn't.
stylehe fetched great disinterest in his ways of looking, but being raised with a family that is formally influential, he really does look more official than ever not. expect something more of a nerd kid who hates sports kind of style. his color scheme is more on the brown or black, but pants must be either jeans or cottons though deep down he's thinking on using menskirts and shoes-wise wore sneakers or non-leather saddle shoes. but on non-formal occasion, you can see him wearing typical hoodies, sweatpants, and sneakers. or maybe something around baggy sweaters mayhem (often much to other member's dismay).
  난 예쁘게.
personality— levi tends to be known to others as a person that is outspoken in his words; he genuinely doesn't care whether people started questioning his image, but he prefers to stay intact to his real self and going against the ways of common. maybe his ways are slightly vain, but as long as this guy knows what he is doing, you can be rest assured that he isn't going to back down from the slightest wind of trend or change. this does get slightly problematic when you realized his confidence actually may build up and he fetched that chance a little too far. but honestly, it's really his hard tough cookie shell; he will try to focus up on learning something until he gets them right, and then, he will build the self-esteem he will need by enchancing his strength instead of weakness.with people whom he gets annoyed at, he might as well newsflash it for them that they're not worth his time. he gets crude and definitely made some seeth their teeth, and so he is more of a powerful tool than a human. he won't do the things people asked him to do [if it's bad], but sometimes, he gets lost and may did the damage before everything is repairable.

— though, he does care for people. he still sees humans as humans and if not to severe, he will talk them out of their thoughts if no one else dared to. it's just that, he might be harsh in his words, but he gets the experience good enough to make sure that the kids  actually gets what they need and not what they want. and he's even willing to fix his errors of words when others told him off that he wasn't being good. it's just one of his mottos; "there's no hateable person if you understand their story". if his team members are actually having problems, he swore that he would avoid being involved, sadly, because he knows they need their alone time. but then if the kids are having none of other's nicer advice, he will pull them for a heavier one. because truly, he tasted the cold bitter air sooner than the others and would protect them as much as he would let them breath.
but sometimes people wouldn't get him and he would be left alone. considering that he would quietly back down to show how other people worked hard (e.g. quitting his sharp wits to allow others to talk), fear is an obvious route that he wishes to never see, yet is actually unavoidable.
background 〉while actually known to be an infamous underground singer at first, he's more than that, and is now here to re-tell the story.
the winds were swinging at first, — levi was born to an english teacher from netherlands and a korean teacher. he lived in korea for a short while, at the first three months. later on, they moved to amsterdam, where levi was raised until he was eighteen. he's always been fascinated by a lot of things, as a kid (no, really.). it wasn't a nice time in his life though; he's always raised to be a nice, respectful child from the beginning, so only by his age that he realized people were not as ideal as he thought, starting from being outcasted by the end of primary school. from then and there, he's been avoiding them as much as they avoided talking to him, before he realized he's never going to fit their topic as much as they do. he's one sarcastic, grim sh** everyone avoids. it was partially his sensitive nature that gets everyone rolling out, but at the other hand, he's feeling they're the one being a shallow crack. it wasn't until one day, his parents, whom have noticed his jaded attitude and falling life, finally decided to help a little by digging a part of his forgotten hobby; singing. when he completely refused to even take a single vocal lesson, they asked one of his mother's old friend; bae saein. saein was originally a vocal trainer and formerly a songwriter for SM; and when her best friend asked for help on her vacation, she helped levi without a single penny. levi finally agreed and much to his parent's surprise, he was no longer the unconfident, closing-off child.
now it's a red spark, humming with the aching green crying — it was sometime later when he was sixteen years old, levi moved to south korea per se his request and saein introduced him to a world he's never feel that amazing — underground singer. he's never been so fascinated with the way people just went out from the mainstream genre and create music that somehow touched his heart. though at first hesitant, being so young, but the tantalizing challenge grew on him. at first, going with his korean name and counted on his luck, after school. realizing the response was underwhelming, he realized just how some of the crowds may not like how he was so young and being a singer wasn't easy, but then he started again with the help of a little cloud with sound. the reviews were still underwhelming, but as his voice became more and more steady, along with major improvements, he decided to kick in again, this time around, as a singer of a small, unknown indie band. and at the same place, he finally heard it. crowds cheering, people shouting with obvious joy, and finally, as one day he saw it; people were touched with his music, and he realized just that what he dreams of. and within the crowds at his performance, a young, yet charismatic man gazed at him with steely eyes, before a quick request to meet him at 'toid media'. with this, levi knew that, his performance as an underground singer was just to meet his original dream: changing people's lives.
`hitting people with pillows
`amsterdam canals
`taking a bath
`making choices
`admitting that he was probably high when he wrote a 'terrible-yet-turns-out-good' songs.
`secretly glaring at people that he hates
`speaking random japanese to annoy hiroki
`proving people that he is not levi ackerman
`songwriting (two tracks in his way now)
`annoys hiro at times because he thinks its cute... only to regret it later if hiro starts ignoring him.
`his name was often associated with levi ackerman, in which he vehemently denies that they were alike.
`there's only one moment when he would use his korean name, when he have to meet up with underground singers or with bae saein.
`his old stage name was braeves (his current soundcloud username).
`admits that he misses amsterdam greatly. if not for the fact that he now lives next door to his mentor.
`crushes on his mentor, but now he admits its pretty cool that she has a good boyfriend.
`admits to ask a girl at prom with croquettes. she accepts.
`is an okay dancer and cannot rap to save his own life.
`his instagram posts mainly consist of melachonlic images (like myungsoo's or yongguk's photos, no?). on rare occasions, he post snippets of gamexeno. its monochrome at most.
`his soundcloud still consist of a few beat composings and although he deleted his old songs, he promised to reveal them later, along with newer songs.
`admits the worse thing he had done was crying when he was twelve because he thought he would be having an amnesia from hitting the wall of a pool. it didn't help that his cousin was teasing him with overdramatic stuff... .
`his role model is bae saein. for singers... insooni.
`studies piano at the age of four, until he's sixteen. started playing bass from age of thirteen to now, due to one little music project back in his school.
he's not close with his parents now... yeah. he keeps contacts with them, but not really a close one.

mentor, best friend - bae saein - 33 - personal vocal trainer - they're closer than siblings - probably noona-dongsaengish, plus a few skinships here and there. levi even crushed on her once, until she got herself a fiancee (both planning to marry this november).
best friend - hugo crusan - 22 - biomedic student - possibly the only person he can trust, they both talk like no other and levi would pour out his problems, if he's too scared to talk to saein.
mentor's fiancee - jung hwanseol - 35 - composer - they're not really close, but levi would see him from time to time, and sometimes do talk when saein isn't looking over. hwanseol would call levi the brother he never had, but levi isn't sure of that, though he would be admitting that he's getting the 'close-for-comfort' friendship stance.
cat-pet ?? - yoon hiroki - 20 - toid media trainee - weird... at least. levi always called him by his complete name for no reason. it possibly starts from the fact that he offends the guy with random japanese, just to annoy him.
love interest 〉(state occupation too)
relationship 〉(friends? enemies? rivals?)
first meeting
ending 〉(engaged? breakup? friends? wedding?)
stage name 〉levi.
persona 〉second coming of levi ackerman.
preferred position 〉main vocalist.
speaking twin 〉bts jin.
talent twin 〉[singing] kim sunggyu.
fanclub name 〉ackerman.
fanclub color#737CA1
training years 〉2 years.
trainee life 〉levi feels the odds of being a half-half citizen - different culture, different norms and a rather hostile approach to foreigners. he's struggling to accept them as much as their weird looks affect him. sometimes he felt like half-assing his training, but he knows better that and choose to just endure the lessening looks and achieved his goal.
pre debut experiences 〉releases two tracks prior to scouting. fans have failed to dig in where he put it, but he still saved it somewhere. the most known track was, 'Somber'.
outside activities 〉solo-ing.
social networking
instagram — @levi_raeves
soundcloud — @braeves

suggestions 〉 showtime or boaf like infinite or rookie king like bts.
comments 〉...i love infinite.
scene requests 〉cover songs?
`maybe he and hiroki had a fight and they finally made up after being stuck together and be awkward for hours.



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