RP'ing. HALP!


This may be pretty irrelevant to most people - and it was to me, too, - Until around fifteen minutes ago.

What is RP’ing?:
Of course, it’s roleplaying. Even I know that much. I’ve seen it around for a good few years, but never got past the occasional dirty message on Chatango.

What do you do whilst RP’ing?
Play the role of a character, be them original, or Korean, or anime, etc.
Yes, I get that.

But the part which confused me was the amount of rules there were. I checked through the first three RP ‘stories’ there was and stunned by the guidelines, rules, and regulations.

As a beginner, I just wanted an easy to follow RP group willing to take newcomers. T_T

If an RP vet can give me a hand on the general ‘How To’s’, and taboos, I would be extremely grateful!




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I recommend joining a roleplay with a friend who already rps! The best is to join new roleplays, not the big ones with like 200 members haha. Twitter is the easiest since it's much more free, so twitter rps are pretty cool. You can find them on roleplayrepublic or AFF. I don't recommend the 1 on 1 roleplays since you should have some sort of experience before joining them : D Find a new twitter roleplay and just talk to the admins! I remember being totally new to the rp world and this admin was so nice and helped me out all the way. ^^"
Aff's brother site, roleplayrepublic is a little more straightforward.
Usually the rp is set in an au - wolfau, schoolau etc where your character will meet another - you can arrange for your character to meet another by posting on their wall (on roleplayrepublic specifically) with: "(psst, wanna rp? ...third/first pov?... you start or me?)"

ORR (now this is only in the context of a third pov rp) you can rp with another person by posting a paragraph/semi-paragraph about your character in a place, how they feel, what they're thinking/doing etc -- And then someone responds with another paragraph about what their character's doing, then their character spots yours and stares (cue, romance etc) - this usually ends up becoming very much like a full-on fanfic :)
Hope this helped.