Message for my friends & subscribers

Many Asianfanfics friends & real friends whom i never talk to are feeling so depressed these days. Even though i never show it, i know the feeling that they have right now, cause i'm the same as them. Sometimes even crying at night cause you just need to let it all out. Scared that anyone sees you crying, worried that they'll see this side of you. Nobody would expect the always smiling girl at school would cry. I'll always try to not mind the harsh words that my moms says to me. But it hurts. I have feelings tho. People laughing at me at school, i see them. When i get home, my room is the only place i can really cry. When my moms asks me if i cried, i'll always say no. I don't want her to worry about me. Even though we all have our own reasons, crying is okay to do. But never forget that you should never stop loving yourself. You're not ugly, useless or a bother and you deserve to be here. When you're hurting yourself, please stop. There will be someone who cares about you. Even for that one person you should stop. I just want to tell my lovely friends, subscribers, even though i don't talk to you, if you have any problems i'll be here. Don't think i'll think you're bothering me. If you need someone to talk to, just message me. I'll be here.


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kimsfangirl #1
Sometimes I feel like that *Maybe for around a minute or two*, but then I shoe away the stupid thought. And if you need a person to talk to, just message me, I'm ready to be a good listener^^
angelflyer22 #2
I dont know what to say really except for thank you, even though we really dont know each other. But if you need to talk to someone you could always talk to me too :)