Had a Bad Day :\

Hey guys . How are you ??????? :D Hope all of you had a great day , unlike MINE ...

Well , let me tell something that happened 2 years ago , on this exact date , 10 January .

10 January 2010 . I was swimming at the beach with my cousins , my sister and some of my uncles . We were having fun playing ball when suddenly the ball was threw far and it really went further and further away from us . We couldn't get the ball and it was as if something was preventing us from getting the ball . It wasn't thrown that far but still we couldn't get it .

A few minutes later , we just played with the water , snap some photos and then , all of a sudden , I felt an extremely sharp pain on my right leg . Thinking that it was a cramp , I tried to walk back to the shore with the help of my relatives . To my horror , a "transparent" jellyfish was on my right leg !!!! Can we skip it already ?? I can't really remember what happened after that as I was in a panic state :P 

Seems like 10 January is a cursed date for me ... Well , I don't remember whether something bad happened to me lasy year on this date but today , 10 Jan 2012 , I had a bad day . But the bad things that happened didn't really turn out that bad as I was able to resolve the problem :D

In the morning , on my way to school , my school bag broke . I used it for two years and finally it broke . Thank goodness my friend got an extra bag at home and let me use it for the day . Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ~ I'm so lucky to have friends like them . Whether I need help or not , they're still there by my side ~ *emotional* Okay , I'm getting off topic :P

So when I reached school , my friends and I went straight to class and then I realized that I forgot to bring my PE shirt for PE lesson . Borrowing from schoolmates was really hard . A lot of class had PE lessons on the same time as mine . Some classes had no PE today . Thank goodness my friend's junior had PE on a different time . She gave me the shirt but then the size was kinda small . I was also late for PE lesson .

Lastly , I didn't my Math homework . Since I didn't attend last Friday's lessons due to a CCA trial [would't want to explain what's this] , I missed Math lesson too and didn't know how to do . I told my Math teacher my reason but she was seriously being kinda unreasonable . She says that I'm already 15 , I should take the initiative to ask my friends how to do . Firstly , most of my friends also didn't attend on Friday so , I can't ask them right ???  Secondly , before I leave for the CCA trial , I remembered telling my other friends to tell me if there's any homework but no one told me so I took it as if there's none . The worst thing is that my teacher won't re-teach the lessons I missed . I mean , a short recap will do right ?? Like for 5 mins but no . She didn't even recap , just go on with the homework and teach a new thing . My mood was seriously ruined because of that teacher :\

Tomorrow I need to give back the bag to my friend . I don't want to keep borrowing things from others , I don't like . but there's one problem . I don't have any extra bag . I don't think I can go out today and buy one . Why my parents don't want to buy me a bag ? They asked me to use the bag , which was worn when I was 13 . That bag is already 2 years old and finally , it broke . I WANT A NEW BAG !!!

The chance of me updating my fic : 11%


Okay , I don't know why I make this blog . WHATEVER :P

Bye ~~~

GurlWhoLovesSooyoung ~


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imma hang that teacher on the great wall of china and imma buy you a new bag!
come here! haha. :)

you'll have a better day today to morrow and the next days dogseng, trust me :)

badtestament #2
Aww.. *hugs* Take care ok. Sometimes some days are really worser than others. sometimes things happen and it but thats life I guess. Try talking nicely to your parents about your bag and show them how the strap had broke. I am sure they will buy you a new bag. =D If they really don't and you don't mind my old bag. I think I have one or two old bags at home. I can mail it to you. =D

As for the horrible teacher. My evil side is trying to teach you some methods to ruin her but I don't think I should continue because it all sounds pretty horrible. =P So just want to say take care and stay happy. I am sure tomorrow will be a better day. =D
Lightstriker: Thanks Jerald ~ I'll cheer up :D
Lightstriker #4
auntie forget about what happened and think positive for what will happen tomorrow, just think that anything has a reason why all this things happened and maybe there's a return of it but the thing that will happen are about you to have a lucky day :)
move on and cheer up auntie, fighting!
ilovetea : Thanks buddy ! HAHAHA ! I heard the part where the E4 students go say E1 students all nerds . But I never heard what the teacher said . LOL sia ~ Damn funny XD
I'm feeling better now ~ I laugh damn hard ><
Really cursed 10 jan! But never mind! Next year nothing will happen on 10 Jan! Not only 10 Jan but everyday nothing will happen to my fellow bestie/buddy/bestest friend/twin. Cheer up okay?
Tell you a joke bout today. We walked pass 3E4 class room when we going comp lab for Bio. The students of 3E4 said. "3E1 Students are all NERDS!" And you guess what the teacher said?

"Even if they are NERDS they score well for O Levels! So don't talk so much just study!" LOL!

Hope you cheer up after my joke :) A Non-fiction joke..