These Things Are Actually Pretty Fun. Stolen btw

​42 questions that have bull answers.

Have you ever:
: 1. Skipped class?  Nope
: 2. Done drugs? nope
: 3. Self harmed?  nope 
: 4. Drank? nope
: 5. Shoplifted? nope
: 6. Gotten a tattoo? No but I want to
: 7. Broken up with someone? Nope, single lyfe 4eva
What's your favorite:
: 8. Show? Dunno
: 9. Movie? Dunno
: 10. Song?  Save Me B.A.P
: 11. Tumblr? ...
: 12. Singer/Band? ...
: 13. Memory? The time my mom forgot me in Ross(I was 6 at the time. It wasnt fun. Its not my favoritr memory but its the one i can never forget)
: 14. Book? The Little Prince by the French dude
This or that:
: 15. Invisibility or Ability fly? Neither
: 16. Cookies or Cake? Cake
: 17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook, I don't got no Twitter acc
: 18. Movies or Books?  Books 
: 19. Coke or Sprite?  ...
: 20. Blind or Deaf? ...
: 21. Tea or Coffee? COFFEE *^*
What's your:
: 22. Age? ...
: 23. Sign? Gemini
: 24. Height? ...
: 25. ual orientation? I'm a straight
: 26. Shoe size? 8 1/2?? U.S. Size
: 27. Religion? I'm supposed to be catholic but I don't go to church or anything so idk
: 28. Longest relationship? Depends on what you're talking about. Never been in a dating relationship however my longest friendship is probably with my middle school friend that I still talk to
Opinion on:
: 29. Gay rights? LGBT full support
: 30. Second chances?  No. You in kidding me? You expect me to trust you again nope not happening. Especially cus I have a hard time trusting ppl in general. Bruh I don't even trust ma own famale(Family)
: 31. Long distance relationships? I find it cool, wanna try one.
: 32. Abortion? ...
: 33. The death penalty? ...
: 34. ? ...
: 35. Love?  What?
Do you:
: 36. Believe in ghost? Lol no
: 37. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it?  turned away. Just imagine showering with the water continuously hitting your face like you're trying to sing while showering but instead you get a mouthful of water like 'Save melejshsggsgsysh'(Dialogue from 'Save Me' sung by B.A.P)
: 38. Sleep with the door opened or closed?  Usually sleep with it closed. Unless it's really hot. Or I feel like I'm gonna get murdered.
: 39. Love someone?  SINGLE LYFE FOREVAAAA does that answer your question (I'm more of a player :P)
: 40. Still watch cartoons? Don't have the time son
: 41. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?  no
: 42. Like yourself? How could I not? I mean, I love this sassy as much as you do. A hella lot. 
P.s if you want some of the answers that I left blank, feel free to pm me


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I laughed so hard at some of your answers, especially the last one. ^_^