I Thought My Life Was Complete

I thought my life was complete when Hamster Sunggyu said this below!

But then my Baby Soul said this, 

My SoulGyu ship was so closed to shipping!

But NO, Ho Baby just had to ruin it and come out >.<

(Jk I love our Ho Baby xD)

Just wait till Ho Baby hear of this,

Anyway, Grandpa Sunggyu, hang in there! I'll always support SoulGyu~!

(But seriously Oppa, please marry Soullie before she falls deeper for Ho Baby)

You won't let that happen and disappoint me right? xD


Picture Credits to their original owners~


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don't worry!!! I'll prevent Soul from falls deeper for my Hobaby!!! ^-^/

actually I'm shipping SoulGyu too...♡♡♡