Just for fun

My crush’s name is:  I'm married....so my hubby lol

I was born in:  the USA

I am really: Shy and quiet until I get to know you, bubbly, funny, friendly, kind-hearted, protective of the ones I love

My eye color is: Brown 

My shoe size is: 9

My ring size is: 6

My height is: 5'7"

I am allergic to: Kiwis, cats, and some pain med that I can't remember the name of

My 1st car was: Pontiac something or other

My 1st job was: Housekeeping at a hotel

Last book you read: I don't remember

My bed is: a full size bed

My pet: None

My best friend: Kaylin-ah; love you, maknae <3 <3 <3

My favorite shampoo is: Herbal Essence

Xbox or ps3: PS3

Piggy banks are: cute

In my pockets: Nothing but usually my cell or iPod

On my calendar: Hubby's new work schedule

Marriage is: Amazing. I've been married for almost 2 years.

Spongebob can: Be really annoying but my kids love it.

My mom: awesome but i wish she didn't live so far away

The last three songs I bought were?: Amber's "Shake That Brass", EXO's "Call Me Baby", and IDR the other one

Last YouTube video watched: Hello Counselor 

How many cousins do you have?:  At least 10 but I think more

Do you have any siblings?: One older brother and two younger sisters

Are your parents divorced?: They were never married

Are you taller than your mom?: Yeah. My mom is short (5'3" lol)

Do you play an instrument?: No. Although I did take a few guitar lessons as a teen

What did you do yesterday?: Spent time with my family


[ I believe in... ]

Love at first sight: Maybe

Luck: No

Fate: Yes

Yourself: Yes

Aliens: Nope

Heaven: Nope

Hell: Nope

God: Nope

Horoscopes: Nope

Soul mates: Yes

Ghosts: Yes

Gay Marriage: Yes. being the mother of a gay son, I want to see him married some day

Orbs: Nope

Magic: Ehhh not really


[ This or That..? ]

Hugs or Kisses: Hugs because I'm a snuggler

Drunk or High: Neither

Phone or Online: Online, my kids are too nosy when I'm on the phone

Red heads or Black haired: Black haired

Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes

Hot or cold: Hot. I HATE being cold

Summer or winter: Summer

Autumn or Spring: Spring, it's my favorite season

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

Night or Day: Night

Oranges or Apples: Oranges

Curly or Straight hair: Straight

McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds

White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: I'm lactose intolerant so I can't have milk but if I could I'd prefer Chocolate

Flip flops or high heels: Flip flops. 

Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor

Coke or Pepsi:  Pepsi

Hillary or Obama: In hate politics so neither

Buried or cremated: Buried.

Singing or Dancing:Singing

Coach or Chanel: Coach 

Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Don't care either way

Small town or Big city: I'm a small town girl

Wal-Mart or Target: Wal-Mart

Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam

Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure

East Coast or West Coast: East

Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas. I love watching my kids open their presents

Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers

Disney or Six Flags: Six Flags


[ Here’s what I think about... ]

War: I'm not sure it's necessary all the time.

George Bush: Ehhh....

Abortion: Only in the case of , , or being pregnant is a risk to the mother's life. But in the end it is the woman's choice. I don't judge/

MySpace: Could care less

Reality TV: I don't watch American reality TV but I like Korean reality tv

Parents: Dad~Don't remember him (he wasn't a part of my life) and he's been dead since I was like 18, Mom~ Amazing and I love her a lot

Back stabbers: Terrible

Ebay: It's not bad. I've used it a few times but I prefer Amazon

Facebook: Great way to keep in touch with friends and family that live far away

Work: It's good to work. I did so for years before becoming disabled

My Neighbors: Great, one of them is one of my best friends

Gas Prices: Ugh....really they're too high

Designer Clothes: Why bother

College: Important

Sports: I love hockey. I only watch 3 football games a year; The Super Bowl, Army vs Navy, and Michigan vs Michigan State

My family: I love them very much

The future: Unknown


[ Last time I... ]

Hugged someone: Last night I hugged my hubby before I went to bed (he works 3rd shift)

Last time you ate: This morning

Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: A few weeks ago when my brother visited me

Cried in front of someone: This past Monday night

Went to a movie theater: Feb

Took a vacation: Does going camping count? if so 2 years ago, If not I don't remember.

Swam in a pool: Last summer

Changed a diaper: 2 years ago before my daughter started potty training 

Got my nails done: 3 weeks ago

Went to a wedding: Last wedding was my own in Aug of 2013. Before that I don't remember

Broke a bone: My elbow 2 years ago.  I fell down my neighbor's front steps during the winter.

Got a piercing: Over 5 years ago when I got my labret pierced

Texted:  Yesterday with my mom


[ MISC. ]

Who makes you laugh the most: My kids

Something I will really miss when I leave home is: relaxing lol

The last movie I saw: Ummm....I watched The Little Mermaid with my daughter the other day

The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Spending time with my family

The thing I'm not looking forward to: When all 4 of my kids are grown up and have moved out

People call me: Kind, sweet, funny, erted

The most difficult thing to do is: Fighting with the school so that the kids will stop bullying my gay son; the school doesn't seem to care and it's a difficult fight to get them to do anything about it.

My zodiac sign is: Libra/Dragon

The first person i talked to today was: My 4 year old daughter

First time you had a crush: When I was 13 i think

The one person who I can’t hide things from: My hubby, he knows me too well

Last time someone said something you were thinking:  Kay has a habit of doing this. 

Right now I am talking to: No one.

What are you going to do when you grow up: I am grown up and enjoying being a mom but when I was younger I wanted to be a teacher

I have/will get a job: Been there already. I'm disabled now

Tomorrow: I'm spending the day with my daughter while her brothers are in school

Today: Relaxing with my daughter then helping my sons with hw

Next Summer: I'm hoping to visit my mom is New Orleans

Next Weekend: Not sure yet

The person that makes me cry the most is: My in-laws (they're very judgemental)

People that make you happy:  my hubby, Kay, and my kids

Last time I cried: Don't remember

My friends are: Kay, Tali, Angie, Sarah, Holly, Jenna,  and Tenya

My computer is: An HP that my hubby bought me at tax time

My school: I'm not in school

I lose all respect for people who are: Liars, thiefs, cruel

TV shows you watch: Finding Carter, WWE Raw (I don't watch a lot of tv unless you count Netflix and Dramafever)

Favorite web site: Roleplayrepublic, Kshowonline, Dramafever, and AFF

Your dream vacation: South Korea, Japan, or Ireland

The worst pain I was ever in was: It's kind of a tie between giving birth, breaking my elbow, and dislocating my knee. They all hurt like hell. 

How do you like your steak cooked: Medium well

My room is: cluttered

My favorite celebrity is: Adam Lambert, Baekhyun, Ren, Jonghyun (SHINee), Jun (U-Kiss)

Where would you like to be: In bed snuggling my hubby

Do you want children?: I already have 4 and that is enough for me.

Ever been in love?: Yes. I'm head over heels in love with my hubby. He's amazing <3

More guy friends or girl friends?: Kinda both. 

One thing that makes you feel great is: Seeing the people I love happy

One person that you wish you could see right now: My mother

Do you have a 5 year plan: No

Have you pre-named your children?: No

I would like to move to: South Korea or Ireland

I wish I was a professional: Singer


[ My favorite... ]

Candy: Snickers

Vehicle: Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

State visited: I've only ever visited Ohio and Illinois but I guess Illinois

Actor: IDK

Actress: IDK

Singers: Adam Lambert

Bands: EXO,SHINee, U-Kiss, Nu'est, VIXX, Shinedown, Avenged Sevenfold, Trapt

Movie: I don't really have one

Animal: Tiger

Theme park: I've only ever been to Cedar Point so yeah...

Holiday: Christmas 

Book: I don't really have one

Day of the week: Saturday 

Beach: IDK

Concert attended: Avenged Sevenfold and Halestorm

Thing to cook: Asian food; usually Korean but I do cook some Japanese and Chinese too

Food: Chicken

Restaurant: I prefer Asain restuarants (there a place in my hometwon called Blossom's Asian Bistro; I love the food there)

Perfume: Axe Anarchy for Her

Flower: Roses

Color: Green and blue

Talk show host: None

Comedian: Jeff Dunham

Dog breed: Sharpei (I'm sure that's spelled wrong) and Golden Retriever

Did you answer all these truthfully?: Yes


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