Thoughts on Writing from the viewpoint of a dislexic

I have four learning disabilities, they are dysgraphia, dyspraxia, dyslexia, and SEVERE ADHD (A few of my elementary school teachers thought I was autistic).

What this mostly means for here, is that I post things with mistakes in them.  It bugs me later when I catch them so I edit it out ...but then as I continue reading I want to edit more because I am so self concious about my writing style.  All my life, I was told I wrote far below my intelligence, both in what I wrote and how it generally sounded but that I had "solid ideas".   This can be annoying for a person who thinks of themselves as intelligent.  

 For example of how mydisabilities can oddly play out for me here is what happened on my 11th grade state standardized test:  I was unsurprisingly in the bottom 30% of students in my grade across the state for the writing portion. However I was also in the top 3%-20% for math, science, and social studies.  And to the surprise of some of my advisory teachers I was also in the top 15% for reading comprehension.  But it really shouldn't have surprised them, I read slower than others but I read a lot. I couldn't always read well but after hooked on phonix, school programs, and staying up at night haveing me to read outloud childrens books while I cried, ****deep breath from that run on sentence***, wasn't fixing me my mother tried comic books.   That worked and I was able to get good enough at reading that by the fifth grade I was already adding chapter books to my x-mas wishlist.   I like to read, but writing is a bit more tricky.   

I misspell things and can read right over them, I sometimes jump words in sentences and I ALWAYS have to stop and think about how to spell there, their, or they're.  If I don't think about them any single one could appear, and with no particular order to it. The same goes for, where vs. were, and dose vs. does.  True story, I once got a 98 on a paper because I twice mispelled dose does.  It also doesn't help that dysgraphia and dyspraxia effect motor skills.  So i am a two to four finger typer...kinda had to learn my own style of typeing that worked best for me.

Anyways the typeing actually doesn't slow me down that much , it's the errors that do.  It makes writing and rereading fustrating because it needs all my effort to avoid and spot errors.   I can't skim or I will miss them, I can't just read or I will read over them.  I  have to stop and look at the words and think about them.  It can take me well over an hour to write 1 page even if I know exactly what I want to write.   This is probably why for every writing assignment in my life I have always met the bare minimum page requirement.   insert a bitter lol here

 I have just recently posted my first fanfic ever and am nervous as hell about it, and am second guessing myself about the fact I even posted it.  My worries are mostly about if it is actually enjoyable or are the errors I missed distracting to readers?  Because after all the frustration caused by just writing something the worst part to me is what comes next.  It's the absolute certanty when I hit publish that there are errors in my writing that I can't even see and I can only guess as to how badly that messes with the story.


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