how to reply more than ‘update soon!’

Inspired from this post.


Whenever you’re thinking of clicking that comment button with just an ‘update soon’, STOP! Rewind, and ask yourself, why do you want the author to update soon?

The most simple and straightforward answer would be :

Because I want to know what happens next.


Now you have one alternative than ‘update soon!’

Instead of update soon, you can say, ‘I really want to know what happens next. Hope to see the next update soon!’


There! Applause! You just managed to comment something different and this motivates author much more than update soon by leaps!


But then, there are about five other people below in the comment section who said the exact same thing. If you want to comment something different, ask yourself some more.

Why do you want to know what happens next?

Is it because you enjoy the story? Why?

or is it because you can’ wait to see the romance develop between the two characters? Why?

or because that new character who appears intrigues you? Why?

or because cliffhangers kill you? Why?

or because you really like the main character? Why?

or because you really hate the protagonist you wish something bad happen to him? Why?


All of these questions can be easily converted to the comments that most authors totally wish they could have! These are really simple comments (which are miles more worthy than update soon!)


I really enjoy this story. Can’t wait what happens next!

I can’t wait until xxx and xxx starts dating!

I’m surprised when xxx suddenly appears. I’m really curious as to who he really is.

Oh, god the cliffhanger! I really want to know what happens next!

I really like xxx. I’m totally rooting for her!

Gosh, xxx is really getting on my nerves. I wish he steps on a lego!


See? If you could spend an extra minute just to stimulate your minds with questions, (why, why, why) you could write comments creatively too. That would be a BIG honor for authors. The more why’s you ask, the longer your comment would be. 


That’s it for now. Hope that helps a lot of people. Let’s make AFF a community which appreciates thinking, communicating, expressing encouragements and thoughtful opinions. Let’s make Jason’s vision a reality. Hope most of you read  the whole post. To those who managed to make it all the way down here, give yourself a big applause and a pat on the back! You are the hope of future! 




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as one of those author's that are trying to make a good story. In my opinion it would be nice too if the reader give an input of what they like about the story, instead of being quiet. This gives an author more motivation to update soon. a minute or so doesn't hurt. I hope this spread out all over AFF community. Author's work hard for their story and it's just right to let them know that the reader's are enjoying them as much they enjoy writing them.
Guoardian #2
I wish this would spread through AFF
Lol, you said it!! ^3^
Exactly. Amen ~