「OH, HA NI is falling in love 。


NICKNAMES: Nii: Close Relatives and friends; Emphasis is always on the ni part and always responds when people call her Nii.

BIRTHDAY: november, 21 [20]
BIRTHPLACE: Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGE SPOKEN: Korean fluent; Native language and she grew up in Korea
English Conversational; Studied english in Highschool and University, also frequently visits the US because her relatives are there 

FACE CLAIM: Kim Seuk Hye
BACK UP: Byeon Seo Eun
WEIGHT: 45 kg
HEIGHT: 164 cm

DESCRIPTION: any physical description you think you need to include such as hair color, hair length, piercings, tattoos, how long her arms are idk
STYLE: how ever long you think it needs to be to sum up her overall fashion style

      Hani’s presence is really head-turning, whether by sight, sound, and even smell. You heard it right; her bright personality matches her aura and outer appearance. She’s loud, cheeky, and bubbly to the point that it would always either brighten up or annoy the people around her. Their responses go something like this: “Ugh, I can’t believe she’s here right now.” with the matching rolling of eyes; or “Whoa, it’s Ha Ni.” then they go off to speechless states and lit-up faces. According to credible sources (aka almost everyone), it’s either you hate her or you love her; there is no in between with this girl. Sure people think that it’s generally annoying for someone to have that noisy optimistic attitude but there are people who would think otherwise because hey Ha Ni is both friendly and approachable. Though if you get on her bad side (which the probability is like uhm, idk 5%?), you’ll get the straightforward, subtly rude, and arrogant girl but that only happened once (never bring it up or else she wouldn’t stop babbling about it). Anyways to cut it short, it’s really rare to see her bad side ‘cause she tends to just ignore and avoid the people she dislikes as much as possible so it’s obvious if you’re on her black list (Yeah, she calls it that). In addition to that, she’s quite honest and blunt as well as witty and she doesn’t have control over what she says because her emotions get the best of her.


       She’s trying her best to be calm and collected but that almost never happens because she’s 24/7 paranoid despite her resting face but inside her head, there’s a whole lot of jumble in there (is over thinking a hobby?). I mean, that’s the typical stereotype of a girl. Anyways, enough of her bad side; the first impression that people usually have of her is that she’s cheerful and talkative. Yeah, she’s approachable if you can tolerate her cheerful perky non-stop blabber that somehow gets out of hand then she is. Her friends know what people think of her and try their best to keep her aware of what she’s saying. Contrary to popular belief, she actually has a kind and soft heart for almost anything whether it be homeless animals or retired old people. She cries in a lot of movies and always tells herself that she would try not to cry, she always fails. Contrary to popular belief, she’s the shoulder to cry on in their group of friends. Yes she might of say something that might offend or might trail off to another topic, but still she really helps with all her heart because she actually cares about her friends. A good listener and she also gives good advices.


>Cafes / Coffee Shops (obviously, their drinks as well; GREEN TEA IS  <3)
>The color pink
>Movies (chick-flicks, comedy, and cartoons(disney;winkwink))
>Comics (superheroes and manga)
>Stuff Toys (She has a panda stuff toy name pao)


>Sports (or basically anything physical)
>Politics (Corruption and all, don't get her started)
>Frogs (Any animal will do except this one)
>Swimming (She loves long baths but hates beaches and pools)
>Skirts (It's so hard to move in these things)
>Medicine (the taste and the feeling of being sick)


>Listening to music (also singing to it)
>Doodling (there are more doodles than notes in her notebook)
>Taking pictures 
>Updating Blog-Diary or be in social media/networks
>Watching Movies (DISNEYY)
>Reading Comics (Mangas or Superheroes)


>Eye-twitching when lying or nervous (Bad liar, I tell you)
>Snapping her fingers when she's finding the right term/word (Uhm, what do you call this?)
>Pouting when she's in a bad mood or any negative emotion (:<)
>Randomly Biting the people who are close to her

Father | Oh Hyun Tae | 45 | Strict, Patient, and Straightforward |
Her father is basically unaffectionate to the point where she doesn't know that he's actually proud of her despite of what other people say about her. He doesn't show his affection that much to his kids and his wife and she thinks that he only cares about work but lil' does she know that he spoils his children and wife. Only his wife knows about this, also the reason why they think he's like that is because he always has a straight face on around them.

Mother | Kwon Ha Na | 44 | Carefree, Loving, and Liberal |
She doesn't always see or interact with her mother because she lives in the US along with her other relatives but nevertheless, she still loves her. She takes mostly after her mother's looks and carefree attitude. 

Brother | Oh Ha Ri | 23 | Silent, Clever, and Sarcastic |
She doesn't get along with her brother most of the time and she thinks that he just only wants to annoy her forever. There's not a day that they won't argue and he always starts it. To put it simply, their relationship is like Itachi and Sasuke. He actually cares about her and it was only shown when she had her first break up. 

Best Friend | Choi Sae Byeol | 20 | Observant, Outgoing, and Responsible |
   This girl has been with Ha Ni through thick and thin. They're always together from morning eating breakfast to late night phone calls. They're like yin and yan. She's the listening type and Ha Ni is the talker; She's observant from head to toe and Ha Ni is oblivious; Sae Byeol is calm and collected while Ha Ni isn't. In other words, they both got each other's backs. 

Ex-Best Friend | Park Da Hee  | 20 |Bubbly, Child-like, and Self-centered |
  Sure, she has that bright aura like Ha Ni's but secretly she only cares about herself. For some reason she always feels victimized every single time. Before being the ex-best friend, they were fine until a certain event happened. After that it was full of the silent treatment and Da Hee trying to get everyone on her side. Until now, they aren't talking to each other anymore. 


    Ha Ni isn't a family person maybe because of the fact that she can't exactly remember when but all she knows is that for along time her parents are on opposite sides of the planet. To her point of view, they still get along and call each other on a daily basis but she still she has no idea why and is also maybe too scared to be curious about it.


    She is also convinced that can never get along with her brother and they always argue, since she always feels inferior to Ha Ri because he is the smart and excelling student while she's the average sibling. However, this does not change her relationship with her father. In fact, they are close but still thinks that he favors her brother over her. Her mother on the other hand, let's just say that she doesn't know her very well due to the fact they only visit her during the summer or on random weekends.Their family is considered to be in the upper-middle class because her father is the chief executive officer of well-known electronic company who also invests their shares and stocks in other corporations while her mother works in the American Company of Forever 21 as the head of sales. 


    Ha Ni finds comfort in her two bestfriends since gradeschool, Da Hee and Sae Byeol. The three are known to be inseparable over the years until college; sure, all of them went to the same university with different degrees to still  keep in touch but that didn't stop the inevitable of the saying "All good things must come to an end" or in short, their friendship. 


    Da Hee has been getting on Ha Ni's bad side because she was becoming too demanding, irritating, and insesitive lately. She couldn't even tell Sae Byeol about it and decided to let it slip for the mean time because she didn't want the inseparable years as besties go to waste. She was patient with her afterall, until she met Jong In through her. Ha Ni being the typical oblivious, straightforward, but honest person that she is decided to confront Da Hee about her relationship with Jong In. 


       She was honest in saying that they were just friends but she lied that she doesn't have any interest in him. Ha Ni on the other hand, made a way to interact Jong In because initially, she finds him irresistably attractive and confessed that he got her hooked during the first encounter. Da Hee noticed the development of their relationship and can't help but to mope and rant in her social media accounts (especially twitter) about JongIn. Ha Ni and Sae Byeol tried to confront her about but instead she would always subtly make Ha Ni feel guilty because she's jealous then would become self-centered of her problems and needs going off with the saying "I sacrificed my happiness for yours." Ha Ni couldn't take the toxic relationship with Da Hee and decided to cut ties. 


         On the other hand, Ha Ni is a sophomore university student who is studying Advertising Management. She is active in the school's televion network as part of the production and creatives committee, she is in charge of making posters and directing videos. Her grades are decent but she struggles on subjects like accounting, math, and basic science. She lives in a two bedroom condominium with her brother who studies medicince and they go home every weekend. 

LOVE INTEREST: Kim Jong In (Kai) [EXO-K]
BACK UP: Choi Min Ho [SHINee]


    Jong In has this mysterious bad guy vibe that has a lot of people deceived and most their first impressions on him are wrong. Though they got the quiet part of him correct but he doesn't have the cold, snobby, I'm better than you attitude that people initially judge of him. He's actually friendly and shy in a way that he doesn't interact first. 


   A lot of people do not know the real him and he is often misjudged because of his resting face that people mistake for him as glaring or is mad at the whole world. He is a selfless, caring, and sensitive dude with a big heart underneath all that muscle. He is kind hearted and loving but he isn't that expressive with his emotions in public; like I said, he's shy in a way. 




RELATIONSHIP: expand your plotline

COMMENTS: any questions or comments can go here
SCENE REQUESTS: can be anything you want relating to your couple or suggestions for things that happen to any of the plotlines



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