Different Facts about Jaejoong

“Hello, I am Youngwoong Jaejoong, a member of DBSG. My name, Youngwoong Jaejoong means to try my best and also it means Hero. I was born on 1/26/1986. I am the only guy in my family filled with 8 older sisters. I am also the youngest one in my family, so I get a lot of love from my sisters. You guys might not believe this, but I wasn’t a good singer when I was young. My singing was horrible. My friends made fun of me, so I practiced and practiced. That’s how I became a good singer now. That’s how I became a member of DBSG. I really appreciate all the help people gave me. I will always try my best. Please look out for us and please cheer for us too. Thank you.”

95 facts about Jae:

01) Name: Kim Jaejoong

02) Birthdate: January 26

03) Address: Someplace in Seoul

04) Blood type: O

05) Height: 177 m

06) Weight: 63 kg

07) Shoe size: 275 mm

08) Personality: Bright I guess (People say I don’t have a very good first impression).

09) Dream: To be a famous and respected singer, and to have my name remember for a while.

10) Specialties: Singing, staying awake, Walking, thinking, playing and playing the 3.6.9 game.

11) Hobbies: My specialties are my hobbies

13) Celebs you likes: MILK’s Yumi, Shinhwa Junjin, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee, Wheesung.

14) Fav. Flower: Lily

15) I want to go out with this kind of person: HK

16) Fav. Fruit: Bananas and apples

17) People you don’t like: Someone who thinks they’re all that.

18) Fav comic book: I like most of the ones I read but my absolute fav is DRAGON BALL!

19) What I’m worried about: Secret

20) Sleeping out: I’ll let you make up on your own.

21) Alcohol tolerance: around 4 bottles, but depends how fast I drink them

22) First love: First year of MS

23) Someone I respect: parents, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee and Wheesung

24) Sport I’m good at: Running

25) Fav song: I have too many

26) Number of blind dates you’ve gone on: 3

27) When I look the best: When I’ve stayed up for a day

28) Person I’ve liked the best out of all the people I’ve gone out with: hm

29) Fav. number: 2 and 7

30) Prized Possession: My parents

31) Lowest ranking: What do you mean?

32) Religion: Atheist

33) What I think when looking in the mirror: MOMMY

34) Fav color: black and white

35) Good thing about myself: I’m nice, but I think my first impression is bad.

36) Bad thing about myself: my first impression is bad.

37) Drinking habits: I think a lot ot myself

38) On a rainy day I want to go outside and get wet: No~! I want to sleep

39) Things I cook well: I’m good at cooking in general.

40) Something I want to do right now: I want to go home and wash up.

41) Foreign language I’m good at: Chinese

42) Something I want to do with the person I love: Walk near the river holding hands.

43) A present I want to give the person I love: A piggyback ride on near the river.

44) Things I want: I have too much I want.

45) If you met a boyfriend from the past: boyfriend?

46) A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love!

47) Phone greeting: I can’t type in what I want. I broke it.

48) Ringtone: TT_TT

49) Caller rings: TT_TT!!

50) If you found 1 million dollars on the road: I’ll leave a 1000 dollars and pick up the rest to save.

51) Habits: thinking, laying down.

52) Sleeping habits: I sleep on my belly.

53) What I’m wearing as of now: Wife beater and jeans.

54) I want to die when: I don’t have the nerve in me to kill myself so I think I’d just go one suffering.

55) Something I want to do right now: I want to debut!

56) How many times have you received flowers from a person of the different gender: Do you mean given? is this a quiz for girls?

57) Where I want surgery: What?

58) My charm: If I get closer to someone, that person can depend on me.

59) What people think of me: It’s all different.

60) Someone I say a lot: Let’s save!!!

61) What I’m scared of: Cockroaches

62) When I was most hurt: When I had a Jangyum (whatever that is).

63) When I feel the happiest: When I say something nice to my parents

64) What I do when I’m scared: I sing.

65) When have you given chocolates to someone for valentines day: once in MS.

66) What I do when I’m stressed: I listen to music.

67) What I like to eat when I drink: Soup and casseroles.

68) What I do when I’m mad: I hit things!!!

69) Things I can’t eat: Dog.

70) Time I get to school:

71) Something I want to learn: acting.

72) What I do when there is someone I don’t like: Ignore them.

73) When I was the happiest in my life: When I had my first rehearsal in SM.

74) What I think of money: It doesn’t grow on trees. (Actually, the answer was a lot longer, but it all narrows down to what I put.)

75) If the person you love ended up loving someone else: I’ll let them go because there must be something they don’t like about me.

76) Most recent time I’ve cried: ¡¦¡¦

77) Sunshine or Moonlight: Moonlight.

78) First kiss: 6th year of EM.

79) If someone I broke up with wanted to get back: I’ll think about it.

80) Favorite person of a different race I like: I like Koreans. ^^

81) My most favorite thing I own: I guess my clothes.

82) How long I can wait for someone: 3 hours.

83) When I was most disappointed: too long to write down.

84) your monthly allowance: 3 or 4o dollars.

85) Fav animals: Dogs.

86) Fav. Season: Spring

87) Most memorable date: hm

88) What I look at when I look at someone of the other gender: Everything.

89) Nicknames: Boojaejoong.

90) Love is: like a drug

91) When I know the person I love has changed: When the things they do change.

92) What I don’t like when I’m going out with someone:

93) What I like the most about myself: Skin

94) A wish for this year: I hope everything I do ends up well.

95) Last thing you want to say: I’m done! I can finally go home!!

Random Jaejoong Facts:

- He has a birthmark on his neck.

- He feels like a woman when Yunho touches him.

- He has a phobia of coke, because once, he was entering a coca cola drinking contest and he fainted after drinking cola. Hence, he is now scared of it.

- He donated blood for their cookies.. because he didnt have enough money for food back then.

- Jaejoong naturally doesn’t have pit hair (well very very little). He said he shaved to make it grow, but it just doesn’t grow.

- Jaejoong was a Chinese Soldier extra in the movie Tae Guk Gi, Brotherhood of War

- Jaejoong likes texting the members when they’re not with him. he’s constantly worried about them

- before debut , Kim JaeJoong bought Kim Ki Bum ( from Super Junior , I guess. ) and Changmin alcohol, but they were caught by the manager because they came in later.

- afraid of water cause he can’t swim.

- likes to wear his ring on his fourth finger and feels uncomfortable when it is on other fingers

- taught himself how to play the piano

- has a thing for the Han River; his ideal date is walking near the han river and when he’s stressed, he likes to listen to music at the han river

- has eight sisters and he’s adopted

- shares clothes with yoochun AND they both get to choose costumes before the other members when performing

- can’t trust himself with dating younger girls because he has never taken care of a girl younger than him

- only likes women his age or older

- loves the mirror and the color black

- wanted to be the owner of a super market

- wants to visit SWITZERLAND (:

- likes beaches // rivers

- very shy and sensitive

- good at history in school

- wears eye masks to sleep

- has a thing for elephants

- hates loud noises

- Micky doesn’t like being hot. He sleeps with the AC/Fan on even when it’s winter. Jaejoong is the one who has to suffer since they share the same room.

His Ideal Girl:


  • doesn’t have to be pretty
  • has to have pretty hands and feet
  • probably will end up marrying a FAN (:
  • not very picky with girls
  • his mommy wants him to bring home a baby
  • his ideal type of a girl is someone who LOOKS very innocent in the outside , but is actually very dirty inside 8)
  • If he likes someone , he’ll become detached to her , probably cause he’s nervous (:

* S Cawaii Magazine *


◦ as you should know, he has a dog named VICK , a great pyrenees. His name comes from Jae’s nickname which is “VISUAL SHOCK” so he made it shorter to VICK
◦ drives a dark blue LEXUS IS & an Audi R8
◦ thinks that cook formed in a pretty way would taste better
◦ taught how to drink by his MOTHER , because his father wasn’t a strong drinker
◦ wants to be in TVXQ FOREVER, or until health screws him up
◦ likes to eat cereal at night
◦ fast text messager
◦ likes to watch foreign movies and fantisize about the female lead
◦ has an honest personality (: , very blunt as well.
◦ shares underwear with junsu
◦ makes funny faces in his sleep (:
◦ takes secret, weird pictures of s =| — FOR MEMORIES.
◦ only believed in santa until the fourth grade
◦ after filming their banjun drama ” DANGEROUS LOVE ” , yunho and jae couldn’t talk to each other for three or four days
◦ tends to talk randomly and burst out laughing when he’s excited or nervous

More trivia: from Mentos@soompi:

◦ Jaejoong is paranoid about what other people think about him (which explains a lot about why he is so careful about his hair, the clothes he wears, and covering his smile while laughing <– used to, anyway).
◦ Jaejoong has the most celebrity friends out of the other Dong Bang members.
◦ He’s the biggest drinker out of the group.
◦ Jaejoong has the odd personality that stands out amongst the others which is why MC Yoo is constantly praising Jaejoong for his ‘variety show’ quality
◦ He loves Gucci.
◦ Jaejoong said that his face is naturally big, so he’s constantly managing his diet so his face won’t “blow up” (he’s got a big head, too).
◦ You all probably know this but Jaejoong makes facial expression while asleep.
◦ Jaejoong has 11 piercings (including and naval piercings).
◦ Jaejoong is best friends with BoA and they both like to talk about their boyfriend/girlfriend ideals/qualities with each other (ladies, relax, they are simply platonic– so don’t feel threatened by BoA).
◦ Jaejoong wants to start a diary on the day he and his girlfriend go out so that after their wedding, they can read through the diary together to share the good memories, what Jaejoong thought about a certain event, and if they fought, how they can learn from it (isn’t that romantic?).
◦ Jaejoong doesn’t like setting up BIG events for his girlfriend because he thinks it is cheesy. He prefers something humble and not so cliche.
◦ Jaejoong wants to go to an island with his girlfriend as a getaway. Just the two of them.
◦ Jaejoong was afraid of heights (I don’t know if he still is now, which is why I said, ‘was’. I remember seeing a clip of them at… Six Flags or Universal Studios? I don’t remember, but the other members went on this scary ride that was REALLY high off the ground and Jaejoong was the only one who stayed behind out of the five of them).
◦ Jaejoong joked that his parents’ home is a hotel because fans are constantly harassing his poor parents in hopes to get a glimpse of him or something psychos.
◦ Jaejoong’s longest relationship lasted 4 years!!! (he must be mad loyal!)
◦ Jaejoong likes to trim his own hair (like, the bangs and such). So the stylists worry the least with his hair, I’m guessing xP haha.
◦ Junsu was the one who challenged Jaejoong to dye his hair platinum blonde for their ‘O J.B.H.’ concept.
◦ Jaejoong endorsed clothing brands such as ::Codes Combine::, Polham, Banc (and that’s all I remember, LOL).
◦ In Jaejoong’s phone, Yunho’s contact name is listed as “Our Lovely Yunho” while the other members are just “Our Junsu/Changmin/Yoochun”.
◦ Jaejoong had a crush on his History teacher. (I forget what grade but he admits it on Star King).
◦ Jaejoong is the nosiest member, constantly texting or calling his fellow bandmates when they’re on break and all decide to split. (I think this kind of backs up his odd behavior of taking the group members’ pictures while they’re least expecting it– namely in the bathroom).

MORE JJ FACTS HERE (746 Facts Why We Love DBSK)

Jaejoong Bible:


Bright and beautiful voice, taps on the soul of the listenersAs the main singer of Tohoshinki, not only does Jejung have a bright voice that attracts countless fans, his beautiful appearance has been Tohoshinki’s “facade”, always being the center of attention. As an artist or as an idol, Jejung, who has always received the support of many, can be counted as a perfect celebrity. But, this Jejung also has a never-ending supply of commentary and a humorous side. With such a contrast, this has also become part of his charisma, tightly clasping onto the hearts of women and never leaving.You Should Know?! Jejung Bible 

Growth: A mischievous teen growing up in his family

As the youngest of a big family with 8 older sisters, Jejung has always been the “mischievous” child. In order to achieve his dream of being a singer while not being a burden on his family, he started working scattered jobs to obtain his living expenses at a young age. No matter how poor or hard his life was, he continued advancing towards a stage just for himself.

Personality: An innate child of humor and cordiality

With just one look, there will be a feeling of “this kid is really cool”, but actually, he will have a side that loves to talk and joke around.

Artistic: Continues working hard, with top-notch singer as target

A bright, high voice is Jejung’s charisma. When he was young, he was ridiculed as being tone-deaf by his friends, so he never stopped practicing until he finally became the lead vocal of Asia’s top group. Recently, he has continued with unabated composing and writing of lyrics.

Personal Life: Friends in Japan he can also have drinks with

Publicly known to be the best drinker in Tohoshinki, it has been said that Jejung frequently goes out for drink with friends after work ends. Although he is always in Japan, because of his handsome personality, he already has a lot of close acting and artist friends. The scene of him and his friends out for a casual drink has been witnessed several times.

A Surprising Side: The Hercules amongst the members

Jejung, with his androgynous look, his “favorite emoticons when texting”, his “shyness that makes him cover his mouth with his hand”, and his “specialty in cooking”, etc., it appears as if he has lost a little bit of his masculinity. However, he has the most strength in his wrists and arms amongst the members. The beautiful face that can crush an apple with his hands… hard to imagine?!


Source: [baidutvxq]
Translation credits: [email protected]
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits



• Jaejoong hates cola. He once collapsed on a drinking competition because he had too much of it.

• Jaejoong hates ants. And cockroaches.

• Jaejoong dislikes arrogant and selfish girls.

• Jaejoong likes to play badminton since he was a kid.

• Jaejoong is confident when it comes to cooking. He’s a pro at making kimchi-stew/kimchi jjigae.

• Jaejoong once mentioned he wants to have 3 children in the future. 2 daughters and a son.

• Jaejoong love spicy foods.

• Jaejoong adores girls with pretty hands and feet.

• “He likes girls who are gentle and serious, who care about their family.”-YH (about Jaejoong’s ideal type of girl)

• “Jaejoong is very muscular; he has the most beautiful body.”-Yunho

• “Jaejoong believes that the most important thing in relationships between people is trust.” –Yunho

• “Also, Jaejoong has a soft heart; his personality is such that even though he dislikes a person, he would not tell them.”-Yunho

• “Jaejoong has a very strong love for his mother.”-Yunho

• Jaejoong’s ideal type: Good wife, good mother material. Petite. Adorable. Has inner beauty. Feminine.Good at doing household chores. (cont)

• Kind-hearted. Understanding. Makes people feel at ease when they’re around her. Having both beautiful toes and finger nails.

• Jaejoong likes girls who look pretty in a simple dress.

• Jaejoong’s hometown is at Chungcheongnam-do. Have you heard him speak with his dialect? ;)

• Jaejoong is very good at singing trot songs.

• Jaejoong’s favorite Tohoshinki song is “Love in The Ice”.

• His favorite MV is “Kiss the Baby Sky” MV.

• “This is my first time doing a rap part. And I really want it to be my last.” – @mjjeje about his rap part on ‘Wrong Number’

• Jaejoong composed “Wasurenaide” and “9095″.

• “It’s so hard for me to memorize lyrics.”

• “I hv the letters of TVXQ on my back.Most of them are words & I only put things on that have meaning to me.” -about his tattoos

• “I don’t feel any pain. Please do not cry for me! Actually, once I see you guys, I do not feel any pain anymore!”

• “You can tell me anything and everything – the soul of my life. Yoochun, I love you.” -JJ to YC.

• “Junsu, the sound of DBSK. Kim Junsu, hyung really thinks you’re important, do you know?” -JJ to JS

• “We are always protecting you, if you’re tired; you must say it and we will help you. Forever the youngest, I love you.” -JJ to CM

• “Yunho, there would not be me if not for you. My other half, Yunho, I love you.” -JJ to YH

• “My, YunHo, the reason he became the leader is because he has to tolerate all the hardships..” -JJ to YH

• “I want to help shoulder some burden but am always unable to…” -JJ to YH

• “Always with a good heart and full of innocence, Changmin. You must continue working hard next time.” -JJ to CM

• “Well this is nothing, cant we just finish it off without any thoughts? DBSK&Cassiopeia can just overturn everything.Can’t we?”

• “I still believe that this is just the beginning. Even though there are times when I feel exhausted or want to give up…”

• “Cassiopeia! Let’s do well, trust each other! For 10 years 20 years let’s trust each other and live on!”

• Q: If you are going to sing as a duo again, who do u want to sing with? JJ: Well, I prefer to sing a song with all four members.

• YH: DBSK is moving towards the world, but until how long r u guys thinking of keep going? Jajeoong: That’s easy….Forever.

• “When the 5 of us are standing together on stage, I feel really happy.”

• Q: What will you be doing 10 years from now? JJ: Together with THSK

Credits: JaejoongFacts

Different facts credits: Jaejoong’s threadpart11@AF



Credited to: iherocassie


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b2stie #1
Lol I don't know how I found this cause I'm super late lol but OMG! More reasons to fall in love with jae! xD He's so perfect, too perfect lol but his ideal type is so high and he seems to be kinda leaning toward yunho a lot! xD No offense there lol but thanks for the facts! I knew some of them, but not some of it LOL. It was nice though xD
@mydream_jae: You're welcome :D
kyahhhh!!!!!! thanks thanks thanks for all of this JJ facts ♥_♥
@iluvlollipops:<br />
<br />
Oh Thanks ;)<br />
I just saw this in a website dedicated to Jaejoong.<br />
I hope we can learn more about him.<br />
<br />
Oh. Don't be sad. Its ok.<br />
Jaejoong said : He probably will end up marrying a FAN (:<br />
So don't loose hope. You still have a chance.<br />
And age doesn't matter right?<br />
So cheer up :)
@grapestrawberry :) I love this too.
grapestrawberry #6
wow. I LOVE THIS!!!! ♥♥♥
Welcome. ;) hoho. I love Jaejoong too~
Thanks for posting this here!
I LOV<333 this~!~