「 #액세스。 Koo Roha

NAME » Koo Roha (구로하)
+ ro [read: rou/roh] - the shortened nickname everyone calls him with.
BIRTHDATE & AGE » 05.04.1993 & 22
BIRTHPLACE » Pohang, North Gyeongsang, South Korea.
HOMETOWN » Pohang, North Gyeongsang, South Korea.
ETHNICITY » korean.
+ korean | native, along with a rather thick gyeongsang dialect [it depends, if he's talking too fast then it's apparent].
예뻐! 예뻐?
APPEARANCE » ro stood in the normal height of 179 cm and 61 kg, as a starter [though he would cheat on his height with the 'must-not-be-spoken-pads']. his features are visually harmless, with short-length eyes that gets smaller when he squints it [and often said to be the 'second sunggyu'] and subtly made smirk that just kinda mocks everyone. he isn't the prettiest and his pale skin does made him creepier along with his ways of being hilariously stony on-camera. his built is strong enough due to being the lead dancer, after all. ro wasn't opposing to hair dyes, but really, he only accepts red. his hair was originally wavy below his eyebrows, but currently is cut short above his eyes.

STYLE » most people would see him wearing comfortable clothes with no labels on it [he'd rip it off in twenty minutes] due to his motto of 'don't be a walking billboard of a company'. also, his clothes tend to be in the darker mood due to them actually suiting in many shows [sometimes, even variety] and still looks cool to fans, so he doesn't get picky. but these days he looked on other people's fashion that he deems good for different departments. but for dorm, he'll use a black t-shirt along with basketball pants and sandals. due to rarer show appointments unlike other members though, he doesn't buy much. for outside occasions, he'll wear the variations of
black/blue short sleeve button down, longer jeans and a pair of black sneakers. he also wore this and this, the strings one being around his left ear, above and below, the winged one.

FACECLAIM » min yoongi
BACK UP FACECLAIM » yoo youngjae.
남자가 필요없는 이유.
— roha tends to be known to others as a person that is outspoken in his words; he genuinely doesn't care whether people started questioning his image, but he prefers to stay intact to his real self and going against the ways of common. maybe his ways are slightly vain, but as long as this guy knows what he is doing, you can be rest assured that he isn't going to back down from the slightest wind of trend or change. this does get slightly problematic when you realized his confidence actually may build up and he fetched that chance a little too far. but honestly, it's really his hard tough cookie shell; he will try to focus up on learning something until he gets them right, and then, he will build the self-esteem he will need by enchancing his strength instead of weakness.
— which actually bought us to the fact that his moral compass isn't very clear; it's true that he greatly focuses himself on achieving what he truly wanted, but whether it is a good stuff or not genuinely depends on his thoughts and impressions of people. with people whom he gets annoyed at, he might as well newsflash it for them that they're not worth his time. he gets crude and definitely made some seeth their teeth, and so he is more of a powerful tool than a human. he won't do the things people asked him to do [if it's bad], but sometimes, he gets lost and may did the damage before everything is repairable. yet actually, roha is smart and analyse people to think of what their thoughts are, and thus he may understand what these guys felt and would start asking them if they could reconsider.
— though, roha does care for people. he still sees humans as humans and if not to severe, he will talk them out of their thoughts if no one else dared to. it's just that, he might be harsh in his words, but he gets the experience good enough to make sure that the kids  actually gets what they need and not what they want. and he's even willing to fix his errors of words when others told him off that he wasn't being good. it's just one of his mottos; "there's no hateable person if you understand their story". if his team members are actually having problems, he swore that he would avoid being involved, sadly, because he knows they need their alone time. but then if the kids are having none of other's nicer advice, he will pull them for a heavier one. because truly, he tasted the cold bitter air sooner than the others and would protect them as much as he would let them breath.
— as for on-camera personality, he does have a humor. people thought he was pretty stony and shouldn't be a gag-dol, but you would be surprised at how much he can make a fool of himself [like yoochun in girl who sees smells] and entertain people. he would even add subtle dark humors [though it's rare, he did more cheesy ones] that get the viewers to understand him.
— but sometimes people wouldn't get him and he would be left alone. he was still considered underrated due to people lurking more of other members and genuinely preferred to be the medium between the members and audiences so they get the chance to show themselves [though maybe not main dancer, guy got a lot]. also, considering that he would quietly back down to show how other people worked hard (e.g. quitting his sharp wits to allow others to talk), it didn't help that sometimes he thought others never particularly wanted him and preferred that they didn't even care [he's haunted with thoughts no one cares for him and he would do the same out of fear] due to the life he got used to. he'll give people what they need, but leave him alone unless he felt the urge to pull someone in to get his taste that they won't be a bad person again.

— rou was born as goo roha in 04 May, 1993, to his father, mother, and younger brother [two years younger]. for a part of his life, it's been rather normal. his father owned a bbq restaurant and it was more than enough for them to live happily as four people and his mother worked as a nurse until she went into pension later on. but his interest started when he started singing random children nursery songs when he was around five. then it continued to become an odd hobby for him to change the tunes of his singing or the tone in overall [earning laughs from everyone]. he even tried to perform at his parent's restaurant, which he still does to this day, much to his embarassment. he continued to learn singing by himself. (Changing tunes in overall, he still do that)
it's just around when he was ten that his family nearly went bankrupt out of lacking customers and they finally decided to sell their house and restaurant to pay debts and moved out to a smaller apartment. around this time too, there were small offers from his school to participate in solo dance competitions from his co-curricular activities [in which he joined dance out of force]. at first he was doubtful, but when he won and sent money to his family, he went on to a lot more. as he continued though, he realized he had to keep up with his studies, and finally stopped when he was seventeen [though he kept on practicing with no one's knowledge, you can't stop a burning passion]. his father didn't work due to the stress rendering his body to deteroriate badly and all of them greatly relied on their mother, who only have smaller wages as a nurse [not to mention her older age].
he did though, thankfully had scholarship in his hands from daekyung university of arts, and started out there.
so when he was nineteen [korean age], he started doing part-time jobs, mainly as a waiter at a restaurant to fill out money as maintenance and nearly thought of giving up, until one day, when he was quietly singing at one of his overtime works, one of the workers he befriend, ha woosu, was amazed. at first, roha lied and politely declined the offer to sing at the little restaurant until he finally gave up.
it wasn't until two weeks later when ksh's ceo came to their restaurant and roha sang "love stoned". the ceo discussed with him whether he wanted to join the entertainment, and with a few considerations with his family and the want to be the backbone of his family so they will be in a better state than now. roha packed out and move around 18 January 2013, two days after his little brother's birthday.

+ horror movies; everyone's stupid there.
+ dark humor + irony
; he freaking laughed at Annabelle while everyone's trying to hold their piss.
+ infinite; the number one boy group he likes. top jams include destiny and diamond.
+ kiss&cry; domino game makes him game over.
+ nata de coco; give him one and he'll die.

+ discrimination jokes; he laughs at dark ones, not racist people.
+ people asking too much questions; his response? "comma d-bags."
+ clubbing; he'll reason out it's noisy.
+ being ignored; he's used to it, but now, it becomes slightly annoying.
+ fanfictions; he'll laugh at the terrible ones. mostly, he just doesn't get it why he has to be the all the time [figuratively and somehow... literally].

+ he sleeps like his soul left his body.
+ makes funny faces at the person he hates and glared afterwards.
+ giggles in every horror movie [or any michael bay's films].
+ downloads bad subtitles of movies like this [just don't giggle at it] in his spare times.

+ he wouldn't say it, but he actually thinks hwayi is a great one and one of his his favorite movies.
+ still uses other member's computer to download [didn't help that his blackberry phone was pretty outdated, around two years.]
+ in the "shut up flower boy band
" skit, he played a hot-tempered kid named kim jongsu that had to deal with his girlfriend's breakup and started to  behave strangely in his singing/screaming (his gyeongsang 'tough guy' image).
+ his first girlfriend kinda ended  with him just yelling angrily at the microphone at school music room. and people would say it was terribly hilarious.
+ his first legit horror in horro movie was MAMA. also, he likes Pan's Labyrinth.
+ ideal type? so far... he would say either naeun of apink or fei of miss a.
+ favorite artist? emeli sande and ailee.
+ favorite band to date: arctic monkeys.
+ he can't cook as good as others, but he's decent at rice and instant curry. but he's keeping the dorm clean, at least, so that is good.
+ he would greatly look up to VIXX N; that guy is a great person with a big heart.
+ his best birthday gift to date? a horror movie named conjuring with bad subtitles.

STAGE NAME » rouke. ("princes mononoke. roroke. rouke. rouge. rough." what are you doing, ro?)
PERSONA » tough sugar (tough love. he gave them that).

POSITION » lead dancer, lead vocalist

BACK UP POSITION » main rapper.

TALENT TWIN » cha hakyeon.
BACK UP TALENT TWIN » jang dongwoo.

TRAINEE DURATION » 18 january 2013 — now: ksh entertainment.
— as one of the first trainees that got scouted, he at first lived by his own in the dorm and received training personally for six months until the others started coming. being the one to first get the taste of experience of rigorous training, at least he started to gain more experience as he quickly improved. also, the newer members that came, particularly the first two, were his best friend due to being with them at the longest time. with the other two newbies though, he would be rather iffy of main dancer at times due to his loud mouth (sometimes, better skills). with seojun though, he would just doubt the kid would be alright in a lot of ways and became slightly stiff around the younger boy. he genuinely wished that all would be worth it, though.

+ 06.23.13 | starred at "... ..." skit.
+ 01.18.15 | starred at shut up flower boy band skit in gag concert.

아빠와 아들.
+ cha yumin | mother | nurse.
yumin had worked hard towards her family - despite the prejudice she had to face as a female - and roha couldn't do more other than genuinely thanking her and promised to himself to work harder so to ease her burden. her mother was even worried when he had to go, especially with the university studies he still have to work on. but rou made his decision and she let him go. yumin made larger strides to help their little family; from taking care of yongjun to accompanying wonjung, there's seriously a lot and rou didn't want to burden her by making 'less spoon to feed'.

+ koo wonjung| father | none, as for now.
koo wonjung's health faltered badly when he heard about their family's bankrupt state and fell into sickness that he was advised against working. roha understood his father's condition though; and his father didn't give up, as quiet as his fight was against his painful osteoporosis, he still stood by his children and became their solid rock against the raging sea. roha would seek refuge in his problems to the man, asking for advices and sometimes even had fun to just relax and enjoy some watching tv. his father didn't comment much about rou leaving, actually.
+ koo rojun | younger brother | student (univ freshmen).
rojun, on the other hand, was pretty much pampered. the kid wasn't being inconsiderate even if he didn't help their family as much, but he's working hard and was stepped on pressure when he actually wasn't so driven to succeed in money-wise [which roha didn't cut slack about] and honestly felt uncomfortable with roha's 'evil' tendencies to drive this guy insane. roha, on the other hand, felt that rojun could be better than what he is and asked him to work harder, and rojun, as a soft-spoken person, wouldn't say an argument. it really strained their relationship badly, mostly because of the lacking communication and the fact that rojun thought rou didn't care for him.

+ main rapper |best friend | trainee.

+ main vocalist|best friend | trainee.

+ ha woosu (fc: lee seunghyun) | best friend | restaurant waiter at night, engineer student at day.

being the good person woosu is, roha got slightly annoyed with the former's timid and weaker presence or aura, but the thing that comforted roha greatly was that he didn't take the latter's silence as an uncomfortable thing and gave him the break as they both enjoyed the calmer midnight. he was indecisive and rather playful, and roha's calculative and dark wits somehow went along as they worked. this guy persuaded roha to sing that led to the latter's trainee world, and even if roha wanted to thank him, woosu refused to take the credit.

+ ji kaerin (fc: seojin) | token female friend | dj club at night, business student at day.
he'll just admit it - kaerin and him weren't as close. both met each other in a hazy autumn, where they both just talked and kaerin introduced herself. different from woosu, she's definitely more energetic and also had a strange interest in sports. also, she seemed to overlook a lot of things in roha that he didn't like, but for most of the time, he adjusted to her ways and so does she. kaerin fangirls over seojun and even teased ro if he also fanboyed over the younger guy, but he just made a blatant no.

LOVE INTEREST » here, put occupation in parenthesis. i.e, [ gook minpyo (idol, b.i.g) ]

here. a min of one paragraph.

here. a min of one paragraph.

here. a min of one paragraph.

ENDING » where would you like to see your characters at the end of the story.

BACK UP LOVE INTEREST » here, put occupation in parenthesis. i.e, [ gook minpyo (idol, b.i.g) ]
걸인의 추억.
COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS/QUESTIONS » i hope roha isn't so cold ;u; he's just kinda thinks he is but he is just a creepy funny kid. or this app is trash-worthy.

—  his girl-friend spazzing about other members [maybe seojun?] and he'll be like, 'yo, i'm not here'.
—  since he doesn't have any l.i, maybe a lot of fights bc his relation with anyone [mostly his brother, i guess] could be a very, very interesting drama. (But htis is comedy, so.)


PASSWORD » song dahye


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