more avatar frustrations (tlok)

I really do not get why the authors of The Legend of Kora decided to make it such a love-drama, and did not stick to simply a small one instead of basing basically the whole first two seasons and maybe the last of it. I prefer Mako and Asami together because I believe Mako (especially after maturing within the three years gap between season 3 and 4) is the physical, mental and emotional support that Asami needs. She's a nearly perfect girl (everyone has their flaws, yeah, yeah) and has a very strong mentality (you would understand if you watched all seasons) which is very amazing for an 18 year old woman, later 22. And people around her would misunderstand that she does not need someone at that very moment. However, Mako always noticed, or at least Asami only showed it in front of Mako. 

Mako is, well, I'm not sure how to explain him. He's a little different, his character reminds me of Zuko once Zuko had become a good guy (idk why). Mako was obviously confused with his romatic relationships and emotions. But if you leave that out for a second, you'll realise that Mako is a lot more calm and peaceful around Asami/while dating Asami. It's because Mako for one is in general not all that good with handeling any kind of emotion (which kind of explains why he seems that grumpy all the time, it makes it easier for him). When Mako and Korra were in a relationship, they kept on bickering. They did not understand each other in any way. What Mako needs is someone who understands him and his emotions, someone who helps him deal with them and accepts them. Asami did it. Even if you do not agree with what I said before, you could agree with one thing for sure: Asami makes Mako a calmer, less-stressed and happier person.

Then you could say; "Mako might need Asami, but Asami does not need Mako." And yeah, you could see it that way but I still believe Mako is the lacking emotional-support that Asami needs. 


Korra and Mako work well as partners in action. Asami and Mako work well as lovers.

Some comments I have read on reddit:


I want Masami back. Right now. She is the most developed character and was awesome to Mako. I was really mad about how it all turned out cause it was a pretty forced "main guy, main girl" ship. The only way it could get worse is if it becomes Bosami. Then I will rage. Asiroh would be acceptable. I call credit if Asiroh catches on.



I don't like Mako, but he actually seemed bearable with Asami as his girlfriend, at least right at the beginning. He seemed a lot different, and Asami treated him so well. It wasn't like Asami had betrayed them or anything, instead she actually tased her own ing dad, which, I gotta say, would make me not want to leave her. She's got her priorities straight.



She really does. She's one of the most developed characters, she was a sweetheart, and she chose to do the right thing rather than succumb to her father. I think it's total bull that Mako and her aren't together. I really like Mako but he done goof'd on this one. Asami is a babe, kicks , and is filthy rich but is completely humble about herself. Home run.




I also think it has to do with that Asami's and Mako's relationship was developed and going well, and Korra's always just kind of been this girl Mako "liked". And so in one fell swoop, Mako undid all of this relationship building and development because he was there as Korra's love interest from the very beginning. Which is complete garbage, especially considering it was so ing forced.

I can't say much about Korra and Asami since I never saw their relationship as more than friends until the ending of season 4 and because they never got to zoom into Korra and Asami as a couple.


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