A+ | Hanamura Sakura ✿ The Born Entertainer


hanamura sakura

luminous_star • asteria • 6 to 7





the basics.

name » Hanamura Sakura

nickname(s) »

— Kuruizaki-Hime / she has been named this by her members after they learnt of her past. it means "the madly blooming princess" in english
— Ra-chi/chan/tan/hime / they are all Japanese honorifics but -hime actually means princess so- yeah.
— Hanamura Jaemi / Her Korean Name
— Jamie Hanamura / Her English Name

birthplace & birthday » Chūbu Region, Honshu, Japan & December 25, 1996

hometown » Manhattan, New York City, USA ( 1 - 15 ) / Seoul, South Korea ( 15-present )

ethnicity » Japanese-Korean

WEIGHT >> 168 cm

HEIGHT  >> 52 kg

language »

— Japanese / Proficient / She took it as a second language when she was still studying in Manhattan but it's getting rusty, since she hasn't used it in years.
— English / Native / She lived in Manhattan for most of her life so she can speak English pretty well- though it's getting a little rusty too- she's trying to speak English as much as possible though
— Korean / Proficient / She's lived in Korea for almost 2 years and it's her second native language so she has to speak it too- though she's not exactly  good at it.


face claim » Jang Chom Mi

backup face claim » Ann


appearance » Hanamura Sakura stands at 168cm, weighs 52kg and looks like an angel, honestly, no one would believe that she likes punk music and all the other things. at the moment, she has long brown hair, fair skin, pretty pouty lips and a high nose. She also has a cherry blossom tattoo that is located on her right wrist and a butterfly tattoo on her left ( all because Jinae talked her into it- and almost got strangled by her brother ).


style » Sakura loves pink- she'll actually wear anything, as long as it's pink. she's not one who really cares about the way she dresses but since her unnies would mind, she usually lets them coordinate her clothes for her- simply because she's too lazy to do it on her own. as for the moment, her wardrobe is filled with lace- lots and lots of lace- mostly pink and white- her unnies believe that their makane (if she turns out to be- probably not since she's not even close) should always look like a pretty pink flower so they filled her wardrobe with pink, black and white stuff- there's nothing else, really. she usually dones on a simple pink shirt with some white shorts, jeans or a white lace skirts. as for footwear, she'd either go for her pink sneaker heels or just plain ole sneakers. she usually avoids wearing open back clothing because she knows Koreans and tattoos so... but if she really has no choice, she'll either leave the tattoo for people to view or she'll do her best to cover it up with foundation. Her winter style is just basically her putting on some knit sweater (on not so cold days) or a trench coat (on colder days) with just a dress, long sleeve undershirt, and thick wooly leggings. People just don't understand how she's just not freezing in that, because any normal person would be.


Summer/Casual/Summer Aiport


Winter/Winter Aiport





"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."


the girl next door.

plotline » The Born Entertainter

personality »

Sakura is independent- even if she was pampered by her parents, they made sure she learnt to be independent enough. Sakura dislikes depending on others and always fends for herself. She likes achieving because of her own merits and not because someone helped her. She's capable of acting on her own and is not easily influenced by others- except that time she turned into a rebel because of her friends. She's stubborn in a way- she won't waver from her stand and she will not change her opinion no matter what you say. She is usually looking on the bright side of things- no matter how dark or bleak the situation seems, she'll always find a positive side to look to. this is how she tries to cheer the other up. She's their positivity drug and vitamin in a way- considering that she has an endless does of positivity and cheerfulness. She's very encouraging and is the self-proclaimed encourager/motivator of the group. No one can really fantom why sakura can have so much energy when she doesn't actually get that much of sleep. She can be really hyper too- as in really hyper, she can usually be seen bouncing off the roofs for no reason, especially after she eats. She can be scarily brilliant and wacky at times- it's scary, honestly.


sakura can be this ball of randomness at times- especially when she's hyper- which is basically every single minute- she'll ask you the most awkward and odd questions you've ever heard. For example- "So what do you think of combusting in flames?", "Would you rather freeze or burn to death?", "Don't you think the weather totally matches my accessories today?". Yeah, these kinds of questions- you could be having a supposedly normal conversation with her when a random and sudden question pops out. usually her randomness is funny but it can get annoying after some time- said time means 10 minutes. She's loud too- loud and annoying, joy. To be honest, Sakura pisses people off a lot- with her loud and annoying personality. once she starts her yakking, she'll not stop until you give her some food or something. She can be a little mad at times- considering the fact she loves talking to her stuff toy Japan Mochi and she may even start giggling for no apparent reason. there has been more than one time that her members have wanted to throw her into an asylum because she creeps them out. Did i mention that her laughter is like the undertaker's from Kurosuji?


throwing caution to the wind is literally part and parcel of Sakura's life- I mean, she's pretty much fearless and this can be an extremely bad thing because one- she might do something really stupid which will make her regret for life, two- she'll cause unnecessary hurt to other and herself and three- well, she might die. She likes taking risks and usually doesn't think about the consequences- she's too carefree for her own good. She believes in this quote: "Do first, think later." There's this term called gut-talking which basically means that you don't think before you say something and Sakura, oh Sakura, always shoots  without actually thinking if she would hurt that person- she's too honest to be nice at times. Sakura usually speaks her mind and just lets  flutter- she's not afraid to curse at someone too- especially when she's on her period. Sakura is not one to lie- she always speaks the truth, no matter how upsetting or demoralizing it can be because positivity drug Hanamura Sakura will be there to cheer you up again.


She is insanely forgetful and careless- it's not even funny anymore. She constantly misplaces and forget where she puts her stuff- she once almost lost her cellphone because she left it on the seat in a restaurant- thank goodness the waitress was nice enough to have run after her to return it. Sakura's really messy and lazy too- her room is in a mess, she calls it a dumpster but she doesn't actually clean it up. she's honestly a glutton too- and because she's so lazy, she doesn't bother exercising, which explains her weight. Sakura can be a really impatient  at times, I'm not even kidding. She always rushes people to hurry up whilst she herself takes her time- she's weird that way. She's also one who get restless easily- she can't sit still for more than 5 minutes because she'll start bouncing off the roofs again.


Sakura's emotions are usually in control and this causes her to be rash and think illogically- she doesn't think before she does anything, she just lets her emotions take her away and she makes stupid decisions a lot. She can be immature at times and mood swings do still affect her greatly. One moment she'll be happy and bright and the next, angry and irritable. Well, this only happens when she's on her period but she's really scary when she's angry. She can be insanely aggressive and rough if you make her angry- oh, you have to remember to feed her a lot too.


Sakura is the kind of person who lives her lives with no regrets- she always looks forward and continues charging forward without even turning back once. She believes that since that event has already happened, it has happened so what's the point of regretting? the damage has already been done. She doesn't like- hates it when people become depressed over a small mistake, she'll usually go "Hey, look. it's already over, there's no point in being depressed about it. I'm going to give you a bridge so get over it." Yes, it may sound harsh but that's the way Sakura is. She can't help but bring people back to reality.


She appears to be stupid and like a fool to everyone- considering that she usually blanks out and stares into space at any given time and when you talk to her sometimes, she just gives you this blank look which indicates that one, she wasn't even listening to you because she was spacing out or two, she doesn't understand whatever you're talking about. oh Sakura... she's also the kind of person who would overwork herself sometimes- she has fainted a few times because of her lack of sleep and the doctor has warned her that she could be in serious trouble for it but she hasn't listened- okay, she does sleep a bit more nowadays.


She actually just lives for food- she can't live without it- seriously. All she ever thinks about it food, food food, What are we having for lunch today?, Eh- we're not having lunch!? You can't do that to me! /does ugly sobbing/. She's really easy to bribe too- just give her food and she'll do whatever you wish. Did i mention that she'll eat anything you give her? well, she'll eat it as long as it tastes good.

trivias » 


( pink ) — to be frank, she likes anything that's pink- she's so obsessed with it that she will not have anything that is not pink
( cherry blossoms & chrysanthemums ) — her birth name means cherry blossoms and the reason why she likes chrysanthemums is because there is a certain someone whom she likes who's name means chrysanthemums.
( butterflies ) — contrary to others who are afraid of butterflies- she loves them and thinks they are absolutely beautiful and graceful.
( peaches ) — anything that's peach- peach tea, peach candy, peach ice cream, she'll like it
( punk music ) — it can't be helped- she grew up in the city where punk originated
( hetalia ) — coughjapancoughsheshipsherselfwithhimtbh
( history & mathematics ) — they're her favourite subjects
( ​eating ) — she's a pig- and a glutton, what'd you expect, she'll do anything for food
( sleeping ) — she doesn't sleep a lot but she does enjoy sleeping whenever she has free time.
( learning new languages ) — she's a pretty fast learner- especially with languages- she just picks them up really quickly.
( alice in wonderland ) — this crazy little girl actually believes that wonderland exists- but tbh, she really does love alice in wonderland



( being alone ) — she has this issue with being alone so she sticks to everyone to not make herself feel alone
( cooking ) — she will literally burn the entire house down- it's not even a joke anymore
( having to rely on someone )— she likes to think of herself as a strong person who doesn't need help from others
( classical music )— she just can't help it- she really dislikes it- that the reason why she didn't take up ballet when she was younger.
( people who have similar personalities as her )— "i'd like to be the only one of me, okay?"
( not being able to eat ) — she was really forced to lose weight but she really can't stand it when she has to starve for a few hours.
( when people comment about her tattoo )— it's her business, she doesn't understand why people make such a huge fuss when they find out she has a tattoo.
( people who insult hetalia )— it just turns on the hate in her and she'll silently glare at them until they realize and cower away in fear



( sleeping ) — she kicks away her blankets and tosses and turns a lot- sometimes, she even kicks the wall in her sleep. she will also kick off anyone who sleeps in her bed in the middle of the night.
( before performances ) — she'll eat a peach candy every time to calm her nerves down
( cursing )— swell, because of her members who do not like cursing, she tries her best not to curse
( crazy girl )— she laughs randomly for no reason sometimes.
( food )— she'd come running towards you and begging you with those sweet puppy dog eyes of hers to make you give her some or share it with her // did I mention that if you do the same to her, she'll never share her food?
( hugging her brother )— well, over the three years that they spent together in Korea, they've gotten pretty close to each other- plus she has this thing for clinging on to him.



( chasing butterflies )— in all honesty, she looks like an idiot when she chases after a butterfly but oh well...
( fangirling about hetalia ) — she'll look like an idiot too- she starts giggling crazily and rolling about while hugging her japan mochi
( baking ) — she can't cook but she can bake pretty darn well
( being random )— nothing more needs to be said.
( reading history books )— well, it is her favourite subject after all



  ( accent )— she used to speak with a brooklynese or new yorkese accent when she spoke english but she's beginning to lose it- she's lived in korea for way too long and don't you dare give me about how she can have the accent when she lived in manhattan- it's right next to brooklyn.
( languages )— she really wants to learn more languages one day- mainly italian and french- "expanding my knowledge of the world." as she says.
( shoes ) — sakura, has a problem- she'll step on your shoe by accident if she walks behind you so don't ever let her walk behind you because she'll either trip on you or make you trip.
( secret to unlimited energy ) — as idols, the ladies will probably get little sleep so what sakura does is that she'll stay up for the whole night until about 20-30 minutes before the sun rises and she'll knock out, waking up to feeling completely refreshed and energetic.
( "acting? how about not?" ) — she claims to want to try out acting but, in reality, she can't act at all
( crushes ) — she has a not-so-secret crush on the character, japan in hetalia
( alternative job option ) she'd either become a mathematics teacher like her sister, sayumi, or a history teacher or most likely a real punk artist.
( jewels ) — her favourite jewels are spinels; she has a pari of spinel earrings which she pretty much never takes off.
( new intruments ) — she would really like to learn how to play the violin one day.
( travelling ) — she enjoys travelling nonetheless and one place she really wants to visit is milan, france and singapore ( #sorrynotsorry i just wanted to add my own home country in /shot/ )
( laughing ) — she can laugh for about 10 minutes straight if someone tells her a funny joke- in fact, she generally laughs very easily and loudly at the same time.
( secrets ) — don't ever tell sakura a secret because the next minute, the entire world would know about it.
( ideal date ) — her ideal date is a secret getaway to a carnival
( peach cookies ) — worst. mistake. of. her. life.
( majestic plural )—  if she ever speaks in english, she'd use the majestic plural just to confuse people .
( world tour )— when they get to that level, she'd like the girls to go to manhattan for a concert and she'll definitely talk to the manager about giving them a day off to explore manhattan or brooklyn.




home is where your heart is.

background »

December 25,  1996  — Chūbu Region, Honshu, Japan — The Hanamura family was in Japan for a visit, they were making their way up mount fuji when her mother suddenly felt contractions- they immediately sent her to the nearest hospital and Hanamura Sakura was born- though premature, the little sunshine bought the whole family joy. Due to her premature birth, the family was not to leave Japan until the doctors confirmed that she was healthy. about two months later, she was released from the hospital and the Hanamuras returned to Manhattan, New York, in the United States where she'd spend most of her childhood.


1997-2011; Manhattan, New York, USA — The young Sakura or Jamie as she was known in NYC, had always been exposed to the world of music and like the rest of NYC, she enjoyed punk music a lot and when she grew older, she pestered her parents to let her take up the electric guitar and the drums, to which would be the source of the change in her life later on. She even took up dancing (dancing as in dancing in general, they taught the children different styles of dance) when she was a child because she had always been fascinated by it, and her parents used to take the whole family out every weekend to watch the broadway shows too. She lived her life pretty much simply and happily- she was a good kid honestly, always listening to her parents, getting good grades, etc. but these all changed when she turned 15.


2012-2013; manhattan, new york, usa & seoul, south korea — when she entered her junior year in highschool, she started mixing with the wrong crowd- the crowd she thought was "cool" but was actually not. they were the bad boys and bad girls of the school- they didn't do drugs and all that illegal but they rebelled a lot- and sakura followed. she started rebelling against her parents, she argued with them a lot and even stayed out late at night just to avoid them. she had a pretty active night life- she was up in the clubs, playing either the guitar or drums with her band- she was the lead vocalist too okay. in addition, she also met a group of street dancers and joined them- she had a passion for dancing as well and well, things got out of hand- she became really wild and defied her parents all the time and they were pretty much angry with her 24/7. well, so what they decided to do was to send her back to japan to live with her paternal grandparents- and even the strict hanamuras weren't able to tame the wild cherry blossom. her parents were at a loss. they then decided to send her to her mother's family- the lees, who were even stricter and were known to be able to teach the correct way of life to anyone- considering that sakura's mother used to be a wild one too. truth to be told, sakura hated it in korea- being raised in america, she wasn't accustomed to the rigid rules of korea and she had lots of trouble adjusting- she tried to rebel against her grandparents but failed. she put up a great fight every time they tried to discipline her and it went on for a really long time before she actually sat down and started reflecting on her actions- by then, she was already 18. she sat down with her grandparents and had a nice, long talk with her grandparents- they were extremely elated that she had mellowed down and same went for her parents and siblings. they decided that she should finish college in korea before returning to manhattan.


2013-present; seoul, south korea — the first thing sakura did when she got out was to find a karaoke bar to sing- singing has always been her solace when she was cooped up in the house under a curfew. incidentally, a talent scout happened to be in the place and he heard her singing (from my own experience, karaoke bars in korea don't have sound proof walls so you can hear the person singing from outside). he staked out outside her room and approached her when she came out. she freaked out initially- i mean, who wouldn't- and ran away from the bar but he was persistent and gave chase. when he finally managed to corner her, he produced a card and left almost immediately- after telling her to consider auditioning. sakura was stunned, she looked at the card and on it said "sm entertainment" in large font. she was dumbfounded, she had never thought of becoming an idol- singing was just a hobby to her but because she's hanamura sakura, she decided to take the risk and went for an audition with pretty much no practice- she just chose to sing "a goose's dream" and freestyle to a random song and bam! she got into sm. well, she didn't know how to react or tell her family about it- because they definitely did not expect her to even think of becoming an idol but she did. she actually managed to do it- hanamura sakura- the rebellious teenager actually made it. she's finally going to debut.


family » I'll explain the family's interactions as a whole. when Sakura was younger, the Hanamura family was really really close. however, after Sakura started to rebel, the family drifted apart too- her actions caused everyone to be hurt- they argued a lot more and were not as close. there was a lot of tension around. her parents weren't extremely happy, her sisters were really disappointed in her but her brother, he tried to support her and talk her out of it as much as possible- though it deaf ear- he even followed her to Korea though. After Sakura mellowed down and reflected, she and her brother took some time off school to return to her family to seek forgiveness. They're still rebuilding the trust that was lost and the bond of the family. they're actually planning to move back to Korea- seeing as how Sakura and Sakito wouldn't be able to visit them much after they debut.

Father / Hanamura Sasuke/Jake Sanada / 50 / Police Detective / Strict but knows when to have fun, Wants the best for his children
Mother / Hanamura (Lee) Miyoung/Jane Sanada / 49 / Housewife, Part-time Piano teacher / Child-like, Naggy, Fun-loving
Eldest Sister / Hanamura Sayuri/Jade Hanamura/Hanamura Jooyoung / 25 / Physics Major / Starky, Sarcastic, Sadistic
Second Eldest Sister / Hanamura Sayumi/Jace Hanamura/Hanamura Joomi / 25 / Mathematics Major / Crazy, Positive, Hyper
Elder Brother / Hanamura Sakito/James Hanamura/Hanamura Youngmin / 21 / Music Major / Cool, Calm, Understanding


friends/rivals »

— Best Friend / Sung Hwayoung / 19 / Introverted, Wallflower, Antisocial, Airhead, Fangirl, Good-At-Reading-The-Atmosphere, 18D, Unnie
...Well, Hwayoung and Sakura have an interesting relationship. They seem to act like evil geniuses whenever they're together- they're seriously always planning something totally brilliant and awesome- oh and they fangirl about Hetalia together too-- but seriously, they're really scary when that happens. you can also see these two making weird- and I mean weird- faces at each other- what they're actually doing is that they're communicating with their eyes- I mean, the whole gang does it all the time- seriously. you can see them sitting across each other in a crowded room making odd and unreadable expressions at each other. Oh, by the way, Sakura calls Hwayoung "SHY-chan" whilst Hwayoung calls Sakura "Kuruizaki-hime". Did I mention that Sakura likes touching Hwayoung's hair a lot? People have mistaken them for a lesbian couple before- since they're really affectionate with one another.
— Best Friend / Im Youngil / 19 / Social, Positive, Independent, Moodmaker, Hyper, Sore Loser, Whiny, Noisy, Annoying, Gets in people's faces.
Sakura and Youngil ( or Emil as she likes to be called ) share this one common interest- Mathematics. They bonded over this one subject. You can always find the two in a heated discussion ( without Hwayoung and Jinae ) about some Mathematics theory that hasn't been solved. They could just sit there and yak for hours about Math- seriously, it has happened. On the other hand, Emil and Sakura really do hang in the underground world often too- since Emil's a DJ and Sakura just likes being there to bother Emil and annoy her while she's DJ-ing and every so often, Jinae and Hwayoung would come and take the stage as well. Recently, Sakura has taken a liking to calling Emil, "Emi-tan" whilst Sakura is called "Ra-tan" by Emil. Sakura has taken a liking towards playing with Emil's vibrant eyeshadow too- she breaks them sometimes too- by accident- and Emil'd get really angry with her.
— Best Friend / Yoon Jinae / 19 / Quiet, Introverted, Clingy, Protective, Pushover, Dependent
Jinae has a tendency to cling on to Sakura a lot- not that she minds or anything because she clings back as well. The reason why she does this to Sakura is because she feels the need to protect Sakura for who knows what reasons. She finds Sakura very precious and because she's the "official" youngest in their group of friends. She takes care of Sakura a lot- really, which is why Sakura finds it hard to say "no" to Jinae- like that time when Jinae talked her into getting tattoos ( not that she regrets it or anything because they're beautiful ). Jinae, though she's overly dependent on people, quite likes it when Sakura is dependent on her- she thinks it's cute plus it makes her feel important. Sakura tends to call Jinae, Ji-chan while Jinae calls Sakura, Cherry-chan- for Cherry Blossom.


— Friend / Bae Joohyun, Irene / 24 / Quiet, Awkward, Shy
While Sakura might not have been part of SM Rookies, she definitely knew who Irene was- and she respected the elder girl a lot. When the two were together in the past, it was mostly Sakura chattering whilst Irene listened and just nodded, sometimes inputting her own witty comments. However, after Red Velvet's debut, and Irene's pink dip-dye, of course, Sakura clinged on to her a lot more and you can't help but open up to an annoying little like Sakura. The two get along extremely well these days, and Sakura is always pestering Irene to dye her hair pink again, as well as teach her how to rap because God forbid Sakura to rap. Also, they usually link hands/arms when they're together and Sakura usually just ends up dragging Irene out to eat and forcing her to break her diet.


— Friend / Stephanie Hwang Miyoung, Tiffany / 26 / Quirky, Weird, Funny
Let's face it, the only reason why Tiffany and Sakura became close is because of their mutual obssession for pink. Despite the large between the two, they (or rather Tiffany) turn into a pair of bickering children who are always fighting for the pink things. It's honestly a sight to see- two grown women fighting over a pink item. GG always just laughs at them whenever they see Sakura and Tiffany together. They're usually seen tugging each other's pink stuff and it's a sight to behold, honestly. They just can't get over fighting for pink stuff. It's just dumb yet amazing at the same time.


— Friend / Kim Yerim, Yeri / 15 / Incredibly precious, Cute, Huggable
Yeri is just so so so so precious to Sakura- not only does she make our forever-in-denial friend here feel old, but she's also highly admired by Sakura- I mean, she debuted at 16- and Sakura's already 19 yet still undebuted. She admires the younger girl for her strength and perserverance to continue training in SM- especially at her young age. Sakura would probably allow herself to baby Yeri and only Yeri because that's how much she loves her (as a friend of course) and she's always seen dragging the poor girl around the hallways and playing a fool (not that they really could but you get the point) and causing trouble- as well as making her break her diet. She, Irene and Yeri are probably the real three musketeers.



STAGE NAME » Seresa ( cherry blossom in tagalog- her friends chose it after going through list after list of potential stage names )
Persona » The Madly Blooming Princess
fanclub name » Blossoms
fanclub COLOUR » Cherry Blossom Pink

position » Main Vocalist, Dancer ( The Born Entertainer )

backup position » Lead Vocalist, Dancer ( The Stubborn Maknae )


SINGING TWIN » Solar of Mamamoo ( WeeIn of Mamamoo )
TALKING TWIN » WeeIn of Mamamoo ( Yezi of FIESTAR )


TRAINEE LIFE » When she joined SM, she was very unsure of herself- at that time, she was still unfamiliar with Korean customs and was pretty awkward around the other trainees. Oh, she got in because she was quite pretty too and we all know how SM judges based on 80% looks and 20% talent- all the more she'd be unsure of herself. She tried to blend in and mingle with them but she stood out like a sore thumb- they didn't really bother with her in the first place. The atmosphere around them was extremely tense- someone even started spreading rumors about her about how she gave half-assed audition and didn't actually want to join whilst they worked hard to get in. She was pretty upset and actually considered quitting but her competitive spirit kept her alive and around- she refused to be put down by the little people- she wanted to show them that she was better than them. She practiced extra hard on her vocals and dance and gradually improved- her singing wasn't the best (though still better than others) in NYC okay.


last words.

comments/suggestions » Heya! I managed to get my app done- hopefully there's nothing wrong with it /prays/ because I haven't used Sakura in like forever so I'm a bit out of touch with her /shot/ also, I hope you're alright with Sakura not having a love interest-- I just really want her to be ing the other members lol.

scene requests »

— I'd wish to see a scandal about Sakura's days in NYC and something about her tattoos!
— i would definitely like the group to go on weekly idol- it'll be fun to see how the girls are teased by doni and coni
— hmm, maybe the group could escape from their managers and go have fun or something
— they definitely need to have their own reality show- i can't think of a name because this group name is so unique >.<
— there definitely needs to be a scene where Sakura spills a member's secret!
— Sakura needs to be shown dragging and hugging her precious Yeri and Irene around.
— Sakura and Tiffany fighting over some pink thing

password » Best ( you know how A+ is the best grade that can be achieved by a student in some parts of the world? yeah it's that, and the girls' fans are definitely the best :3 )


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CrazyOreaoxx #1
Thank you for applying^^ Hwaiting!^-^