How I write action scenes

For anyone that knows my fanfic style what I love more then anything is writing action scenes. Whether with swords, hand to hand combat or with magic I enjoy it all.  I think it pushes my imagination to to the limit, forcing me to think out whole entire fight sequenses and how to make it fit it in without making it boring.  It is challeneging, however I'd sooner write an action scene over an overly romantic one any day.  

Moreover, even more then writing them I enjoy reading them however, the stories on AFF the fight scenes tend to be lacking or rather short.  They tend to lack emotions within the fight and it is really difficult for me to picture it in my head. Also outside of a few the action fanfiction tends to be more drama orientated then mission or quest style fanfic which is a real pity. 

 I'm no angel in writing them at all and I make mistakes left right and centre especially grammar related ones.  However, I hope this list will help people out into becoming more confident in writing them.  

1. The Goal of the fight

What do you want to achieve in the fight, what purpose does it serve for the plot as a whole.  For example how desperate is Donghae to win the fight, what is on the line?  Can the person keep a rational head or will they get overly emotional?

2. Where/When is the fight?

Is it in the rain?  If so does it mean that mud is getting everywhere and someone slips over.  Terrain, time and tempreture can all play a big part on how the fight is faught.  

3.  Body type?

 As a genral rule someone small is likely to be agile and a taller person will have longer reach so they'll be throwing punches more than kicks.  This will also have an impact on what type of weapons they use.  

4.  Weapons?

Important to think about the range of the weapon. For example, daggers are close hand to hand combat and snipers long range.   If there is magic involved, how is it defended against?  Also how experienced is you character with the weapon, if they picked up a sword off the ground before the fight they are likely to be a little unbalanced, even if they are an expert.

5. What are the relationships between the characters?

  This is an important one that people can forget.  For example, Kangin's attitude towards the fight is going to be an unknown guard he is likely not to feel an emotional attachment compared to if he was fighting against his lover who betrayed him.  If Yesung has no fight experience versus Sungmin who has plenty you can gurantee that Yesng will be terrified and be looking to run away at the next oppertunity.

6. The reality of the sistuation for the people in the fight?

People tend to forget that fighting is exhausting.  5 minute hand to hand contact and guranteed that they will be ot of breath.  If you watch a marvel movie you'll notice Black Widow tries to finish her opponent as soon as possible she is smart and calculating using location to her advantage.  Also, the role of adrenaline is something that shouldn't be ignored either.  When I'm at martial arts after a sparring match and I'm heading home I still feel my heart beating fast and my brain is working a 100 miles an hour.  It is important to work out the impact of the fight on someones body or the impact of an existing injury.  It makes a nice twst in the fight if someone who is a seasoned fighter and is winning is effected by an existing injury (like rolls an ankle).


So yeah I should probably make the number a pretty ten but honestly, I think overthinking fight scenes can be a buzz kill to writing them :P   

If you need more help, I find watching anime or super hero films are useful.  Particularly, The Avengers (actually anything Marvel), the chunin exams in s1 of Naruto and Sword Art Online are my favourite reference points to consider fight styles.  

However, I find more then anything I like to have good music when picturing them in my head. Then I picture the fight sequense in my head, much like how they would occur in an Anime or Movie.  I often will search for the perfect song to capture the emotions I'm trying to achieve in the scene and once I find it writing is a breaze.

Assuming most of you are kpop fans, here is a quick list of my go to Kpop songs for fight scenes.

1. It's you - SJ.  This is my go to song for scenes that involve a character fighting to save a loved one.  

2. Upbeat Infinite title songs from Back to Be Mine to Last Romeo my playlist for action scenes are filled with Infinite songs.  Destiny is 

3. Red Light- f(X) 

4. Insane - BTOB 

5. Error - Vixx

6. Wild - Nine Muses 

7.Standing Still - UKiss

8. This is War - MBLAQ

9. SPY - SJ (not all fight scenes are dramatic, crack fight scenes are so much fun too xD )

10. I Need You - BTS 

11. Over You - Miss A

12. Please- F.T Island

13.Keep your Head Down - DBSK 

14. Haru Haru - Big Bang

15. Lupin - Kara

So I guess that is it I guess xD Anyone have any other tips for writing fight scenes / habits ?  Anyother  good songs that are swesome to listen to whilst writing fight scenes ?  I'm no expert so I'd love to hear what other people think as well :3 

P.S. To those that read my fics sorry life happened (from uni to good friends visiting from over seas).  Updates are coming  I promise please don't hate me

P.S. I know I'm no expert but if people want me to write more things like this let me know.  I'm thinking about writing a crack one xD 



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