How one thing can change everything

So I've watched the last We Got Married Episode with Henry&Yewon and read some comments from there( and most of them say how sweet the Jonghyun couple is (they really are cring worthy), but how they can't continue to watch the parts with Yewon because of her scandal.(If you don't know about the scandal you can google it. It's like Yewon spoke informally to her senior/sunbae,etc.)And even some said they can't continue watching because they are afraid that she will lie about her feelings(apparently they(the haters)say, that Yewon said, that she didn't speak informally, but then it was proofed wrong(she spoke informal)).

I mean it's like if your best friend is really bad at a subject in school and got in the last test the lowest mark, then you don't discontinue your friendship, because you're afraid he/she wouldn't put much effort in your friendship if he/ she didn't do it in the subject he/she failed.

But if their bias would be in a scandal(except dating), they would always post things like"we still love you".


Sorry for the rant, but it's really frustrating... 


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