Q about Featured M Stories

I swear to myself that I don't see it. I mean, I know exactly where the regular section is, but I dunno about the rated one is. 

And I'm asking because Oxymoron has 300 upvotes... And I want to know if someday, somehow it will be featured /getspunchedintheface

But since I don't see a section like that one well o_o I'm asking if someone knows?






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The Rated Featured section is basically hidden for some reason - I haven't seen any other stories than just the one found on most Rated stories. I think the 'Featured' function is not so much a gradual increase of subs/votes but if there's a rush of subs/votes. Otherwise, it's awfully bizarre for a story like yours to have 300 votes and not be featured, similarly for DarkUlrich's "Surprise Surprise for SNSD's New Manager" which has 205 votes, 2334 subs and 333000 views.