究極の大学 ► THE ROMANCE CLUB :// 강예슬。

85x85. replace w/ icon of character.
i'm always here, bae
hello! my name's kang yeseul. 24 years old and a libra. insert extra smiley face. in the club, i'm known as the mother. A LOT OF THE CLUB MEMBERS ARE LIKE MY CHILDREN [LOOK DOWN AT LE GIF JUSEYO] AND I THINK THEY'RE SO CUTE, I DOTE ON THEM a lot: HELPING THEM WITH HOMEWORK, BUYING THEM FOOD, PROTECTING JAEJUNG WHEN EVERYONE'S YELLING AT HIM 'COS ALL HE DOES IS SLEEP. i am always here if anyone wants to talk and i look after everyone, i especially love giving advice to those who come here for help. i guess it's one of the things i'm good at? i like helping people out because it makes them happy. please don't call me noona or unnie, it makes me painfully aware of the fact that i is old. just yeseul or seul (or umma) will do. don't hesitate to come to me if you have any problems, i won't bite~ (unless you mention my age) ok bye <3 [someone's voice: why are you pretending to be cute when you're like 80-] shut up i'm not that old!!
Ari-yah ✕ ari ✕ 10 ✕ nepalese...but fluent in english
300x170. replace with first choice of face claim.
► きみの名前は何ですか // yeseul
birth name : Kang Yeseul [강예슬]
— Seul < 3 generic nickname a lot of people call her this
— umma < 3 some members of the club call her this, usually when they want something or someone to talk to 
date of birth : 8th October (24)
birthplace : Incheon
hometown : Incheon
ethnicity : Korean
blood type : A
languages :
— korean < 3 fluent <3 native
— english < 3 she tries... <3 learnt in school
► 短い髪 //
face claim : Bae Joohyun
backup face : Kim Taeyeon
appearance : (is she allowed the pink hair? cos I think it's so pretty) both her ears are pierced and she has a mole underneth her left eye. 
sense of style : neat, clean, light, boots, accesories. 
stature : 164cm tall and weighs 50kg
► 私にあなたの夢を教えて //
persona : the people pleaser
first impression : "people see me as a push over even though i think i'm motherly when i'm really just a mess."
personality traits :
+ hardworking, selfless, compassionate, kind
- perfectionist, obsessive, prideful, indecsivie, irritable
personality : To sum up Yeseul in a few words, she's a complete and utter people pleaser. Though she'll never admit it, she wants to be accepted and liked by people - which she generally is - always listening when people have problems and helping out everyone who needs help, though she may sometimes spread herself a little thin. Even in the small ways, everything she does is to please other people, such as laughing along to all of the stupidest jokes, especially when no one laughs, and leaving little candies in someone's locker if they look a little off that day. She is extremely compassionate and can easily sympathise with people and cannot stand any form of injustice. It just makes her blood boil. She is able to see from other peoples perspectives and is unbiased, however she will have a hard time telling you you're wrong and will try to sugar coat it as best as she can. However, because she is a core member in her social circles who people depend on, she doesn't like being the one needing help from other people. She is extremely prideful about her status(?) and therefore wants to keep her image as someone who is reliable. She prefers working by herself, even if she's tired or upset - or any emotion that makes her feel helpless and weak - she won't ask for help. She thinks she can handle everything on her own and rejects help even when it if offered to her to save face.
One of the things you should know about Yeseul is that even though she gives amazing advice, she never takes it herself. There's no particular reason for this other than the fact that she seems to care more about other people and how they see her that she forgets and neglects her own needs and feelings. This is because she is really loyal and will try and do everything in her power to make her friends and those she loves happy. She is usually so busy stuck in someone else's life, helping them out that she forgets she has problems to deal with herself. But hey, at least she keeps her homework and stuff up to date, she works especially hard on those because good grades mean good life. yay! this is genuinely what you would catch her mumbling to herself while she does her work, though the 'yay' stops being enthusiastic by the 4th time it comes around. If you don't know where to find yeseul, she is either in the club room or her own room studying. She honestly doesn't get out much but whenever she can she will try and hang out with her friends.  But please don't think it would be a good odea to barge in there while she is studying and pull her away, like with anything else, she hates being interrupted while she's getting into something. 

Yeseul is a huge perfectionist, she needs everything to be perfect before she can sleep at night. She plans out her entire day down to the last minute as soon as wakes up. If even one thing on her schedule is messed up, she'll start freaking out. Another thing that gets to her other than a distrupted schedule would be making decisions. It's her phobia. When it comes to making a decision, she thinks everything through really carefully, analysing and weighing out all the pros and cons that would come if she chose choice A and then rinsing and repeating with choice B. She thinks that if she makes the wrong choice, everything she's ever worked for will come crumbling down. In these moments, she'll get stressed and stressed yeseul is never good because if you annoy stressed yeseul - or Yeseul in general - you'll have to face her wrath. Confrontation will do the same to her, she will get completely flustered when confronted about something and if she can't tactfully escape the situation, she will just yell. She'll probably blow up in your face and then run out crying. Despite the fact that Yeseul likes to be known as the 'nice motherly person' it's quite easy to get her to blow up, - when something isn't going well, when someone does something she doesn't think is right, when someone mentions her age - a lot of the members of the club do it just for her explosive reacions but she knows they don't mean it. She doesn't hold grudges for long though - one time she got annoyed at someone at the bottom of a flight of stairs and by the time they'd reached the top, she'd forgotten the whole thing - but don't expect an apology or anything. Because pride, y'know. 
background : Both her parents are doctors. When she was younger, she was always pressured to want to be like them and they'd always expressed their wishes for her to be a doctor like them. She always tried her best for them, to make them proud because they'd said since they gave her life, she should repay them and she believed what they said was true. One time she told her parents and entire family she didn't want to be a doctor and they all shunned her for a while. This is probably where her people pleaser attitude came from. 
future plans : She is currently doing a course in medicine so when she finishes that, she wants to get an internership or job in a hospital. 
family : 
mother — kwon yura (40) + doctor // stubborn, charming, ambitious // consists of yura calling her daughter once every blue moon and they literally just talk about her studies before yura hangs up. // 4/10
father — kang ho dong (43) + doctor // stoic, workaholic, detached // take yura's 2 minute phone calls with yeseul and take off 2 minutes. // 2/10
friends : n/a no one important outside of the club
others : n/a
► あなたは誰 (笑) // jaejung's interview!!
hello sir ma'am person um so who are you again??? :
— I'm your umma, Jaejung,  what are you doing?? I bought you food yesterday...*goes to cry*
why did you join the romance club because i thought this whole club thing would crash & burn quickly tbh :
— I joined because I'm good at giving advice? I like making people happy and romance makes people happy, right? And also I needed to make more friends instead of always being holed up in my room find something to take my mind off of studying all the time. 
how will you help out the lost souls who can not find love? :
— I will matchmake! I first need to find out their star sign and then I will- /bricked (someone's voice: star signs aren't real!) THEY'RE AS LEGIT AS 1 + 1 OK?!
tell me what your ideal type is and if you say me i'll be flattered but haha planning to stay single :
— um...I don't really have an ideal type...maybe someone who's easy going and can help me when making desicions? idk
what is your opinion on me btw i'm just wondering :
— You're so cute <3 umma loves you~
any ideas on outside events? i'm just asking this bc i just wanna hang out with you guys otl :
— Bowling? Aquarium? ooooOOHH let's go to an amusement park! Or bungee jumping...that's fun too...I wanna go to all of them now...
what would your role in the club be, exactly? any individual skills to boast or whatever?? :
— The main 'advice giver' or whatever you wanna call it! 
ok thanks for letting me waste your time ma'am or man haha byE :
— What- you just did it to waste time? I thought you actually needed help I...
► トリビアの挑戦 //
trivia : 
— likes: mangoes (obsessed about them), astrology (believes in it so much omfg), the cold (it makes her feel more alive), action movies, music, the colour red (her fave, therefore she's obsessed with this too)
— dislikes: the heat, being in physical painghost stories. 
—​ hobbies: studying, matchmaking, shipping, studying, astrology and studying. 
—​ habits: abusing her lips (biting, peeling, 24/7 for no reason), shaking her leg everytime she sits, playing with her food, covering her face whenever she laughs with hands, hair, anything. 
—​ she's a picky eater
—​ she eats skittles by colour (red and purple last because they're her favourite
—​ everyone has to have perfect grammar around her or she'll correct it ("no I heard a comma in your speaking. take it out. say the sentence again.")
—​ she likes her schedule packed because she won't get bored that way. 
—​ doesn't get sick often so when she does she has no idea how to look after herself, sometimes taking the wrong medicine - if she takes any at all - and carries on like usual

—​  she's totally not ready for love herself and prefers to just be the behind the scenes person in all these love stories and will run away from talking about her own love life if she can
► なぜ私は恋をしていませんか? //
idol ideal type : EXO's Chen
ideal type : someone who could take care of her and keep her smiling all the time, someone who could see through her happy facade and some who's patient because she'll be a bit too busy helping other people with their love lives to notice them. 
how they'd interact : (a younger guy would be so cute tbh) he could always chase after her like a puppy and drop heavy hints and ual references (lol idek) like an oppa or something idek how to explain and she could quickly brush them off like "oh that's a good one I'll tell *client name* to use that line, thanks". everyone else could think it's helpless but he could be completely patient and calm and wait for her to realise (because he kinda knows his advances are working). and he could be like "noona when will you fall in love" and she could say "love? i don't need it. I just like being the person in the background helping to make people happy." "noona, you're always trying to make other people happy, who'll be there to make you happy?" "i-i-i...STOP CALLING ME NOONA I'M NOT THAT MUCH OLDER THAN YOU!"
closeness : 8/10 because they could be close friends, she'll start recorpriating sooner or later and he could always be there when she least expects it and then the day when she comes to him first instead of him chasing her it could go to 10/10
type of relationship : "senpai notice meh" "lol ok later, gotta get every single available person in the school a significant other first" "lol k i'll wait btw you're hot" 
ending : end up togehter would be so cute <3 and she could confess to him first aewww lol idek 
300x170. replace with idol ideal type.
♥ バイバイ
comments : n/a
questions : n/a
concerns : ?? ???///??
scene suggestions : yeseul is sick and doesn't know how to look after herself so he does it for her.
entry key : I'M NOT OLD
don't do anything with this pls lmao


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