Any Fanfic Recommendations?

Hi guys, it's been a long time since I haven't been reading stories nor making new ones. I've been gone for quite some time due to my final months of being a student and about ten months of my first work (If you're going to ask about it, I quit so I'm pretty jobless). I've been seeing a lot of new stories and successful authors in AFF recently, so I was wondering if you guys could recommend me a good piece to read while I'm not busy yet. 

But I do ask of you, that I don't want to read anything about "highschool brawls", "puppy love" or anything close to those themes. I have accepted that fact that I'm a bit too old for those kinds of fan fictions, unless it's really interesting. I'd prefer pieces that are mature, and by mature, I did not mean . Please don't give me pieces too. I wanna freshen up my reading and who knows, I might wanna start to write again.

You are also free to advertise works on my wall. Thanks a million! x 



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