Who else thinks that my dream from last night is crazy? LOL.

My dream was last night was... askfjsaldfsaljfkal; LOL. Read below to find out for yourself.

Mkay, so like I'm suddenly at my school right? And then I see Zelo there (yeah, I know. I dreamed about Zelo instead of L.Joe.) So then, like, I saw him looking at me and then some kid (some random kid) ran up to me and pointed to Zelo, telling me that he likes me. Zelo walked over to me and asked me out, and LMFAO! OF COURSE I SAID YES.

So then he held my hand and walked me to a big parking lot (I didn't know my school had a big parking lot.) and then he got into his own car while I got into my aunt's car. I forgot what happened next but I do know that I heard screaming and blood was seen everywhere.

Next thing I knew, I was in the hospital and L.Joe (HE'S FINALLY HERE.) was beside me holding MY hand and then he said that everyone got into a car accident because there was a ninja in the middle of the parking lot so all cars stopped and they all crashed into one another. Then the nurse came into my room and said that I was perfectly fine so I could leave so I did!

I visited Zelo's room and he was smiling back at me and the doctor said that he was fine but then suddenly, ninjas appeared behind their beds and cutted a wire so then the water in the bag stopped dripping and every patient that was involved in the car accident passed away (except for Zelo). I chased the ninjas out of the hospital and then when I ran out of the hospital, I didn't see them anywhere. I heard honking and when I looked to my left, I see a car driving towards me and the driver was trying to stop but then L.Joe & Zelo ran out of the hospital and ran in front of me and pushed me off the street so then you know what happened ><"

I ran up to both of them but there was no blood so I thought they were ok but then ANOTHER car came towards ME this time but luckily, I woke up in time.

In my opinion, I have no idea why I had a dream about Zelo >//////<
and second, this is one of my scariest dreams for ME. OTL


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Epic...Awww, Byunghyun would come up and save you :""") OTL. even though it's just a dream! XD
JungSooMin #2
That dream was so epic xD
How did you remember it lol
I rarely have dreams that have to do with my bias T^T
But then again, I COULD have then everydat without realizing it since I probably forgot about it as usual OTL
Ninja!!!!!! XD
I dreamt about... Uh... What did I dream about again?

Lol i dreamt about me having fake nails with L.Joes face on them....L.Joe isnt even one of my biases....OH AND I WAS RIDING A DRAGONFLY BOAT!
That's one of your scariest dreams? O U O;;;;
You don't want my nightmares. xDD
LOOL omg ninjas hahah

I heard if you dream about blood, you get bad luck, :U
LOL. ninjas??? i seriously envy u >.< i dont get dreams like those.
HAHA! Hilarious! Why can't I have dreams like this? :(
Its always those damn ninjas
Were you watching some Jet Li movie before you fell asleep or something? XD

Ninjas came up in my dream too! They attacked a cruise ship in mine.