FOREVER 7/ELEVEN ᐧ 송예린, 에미리


ZorroHadad / Emily / KA-CHING, KA-CHING

character name

song yerin, emily (송예린, 에미리)


emilyher english name, that's used by close to everyone. the only people that don't refer to her with this name are her grandparents

birthdate & age

april 13, 1995 & 20

birthplace & hometown

seoul, south korea & san francisco, california


korean through and through


english having had spent almost her whole life in america, she's fluent - causing her own korean to be tainted with a (now, slight) American accent

the outside.

main & backup

hellovenus yooyoung
model seon hwang









the inside.


if you asked the people who emily song was, you'd probably get either 'who the hell?' or 'oh, that nerd that barely speaks?'. raised by extremely strict parents, emily is usually seen tobe as quiet, introverted, intelligent and calm. she doesn't talk unless necessary but when she does, it's nothing but the truth and more. she's blunt and doesn't have a filter which has caused her some trouble, but normally she's huddled in a corner reading. passionate and hardowrking, she knows that she has to do well in whatever she's involved in, which makes her a natural perfectionist. the girl is placid and stoic and if you can catch her with a smile you can consider yourself lucky. she's relaxed and calm even during very tense situations which helps calm some people.

the brunette isn't cold like you'd think her to be. she's pretty empathetic and is a great listener if you allow her to be. emily is caring in her own quiet ways but doesn't know how to express herself properly which causes misunderstandings. she's generally very kind and thoughtful to the people around her and avoids conflict as much as she can. she's responsible and mature for her age while simultaneously being socially inapt for her age. flirting, and things like that are so foreign to her that she doesn't understand when someone is trying to pull the moves on her.

emily is however extremely fearlful of new things and change but hides her emotions easily to mask the fear. she's pateint, and understanding, but if you get her angry, you'll probably regret that decidion immediatelybecause an angry emily is a very scary emily. she gets a little quirky at times with her habits and mannerisms but all in all she's still a twenty year old lady.


after 'the incident' that caused emily to move back from san francisco to her grandparent's house in soeul when she was sixteen, the girl never really did much outside of school. she was at the top of her class and eventually got a scholarship to korea university where she has been studying business administration for about a year now. her parents are still in san francisco, working. emily was locked away from a lot of exposure as a teenager as well as a young adult by her close minded grandparents. she doesn't have many friends; and mantains a strict schedule of work-school-home controlled by her grandmother. she doesn't mind the loneliness as she has a close relationship with her grandparents and likes the solidity but she's starting to feel the strain of the constant control especially since she recently turned twenty.


tea, rainy days, soft breezes, quiet time, waking up fresh, the smell of new books, hardcover books, spring, working alone, marvel, loud music exclusively when using her headphones, strawberry cheesecake ice cream, sneakers,  sushi, quick hot showers, the beach during winter.


tomatoes, late nights, noisy atmostpheres, her classmates lbr, driving, the dark, cucumbers, coffee, finding no place to sit at a coffee shop, the thought of her future, using the train, summer, high heels, disorganized spaces, being groggy, sloppy work, uncles.


- wants to move out from her grandparents house soon, thought she's sure they'd freak out

- doesn't really like eating a lot? she loves food, but she just can't stomach more than a small portion each meal

- she has a phobia of the dark and literally sleeps with her roomlights on

- still sleeps with her teddy bear, 'robin' because ew nightmares

- huge fan of marvel, but doesn't show it?

- jogs aorund her neighborhood religiously three times a week from 7pm-8pm just before it goes totally dark

- allergic to cats and dried squid

- the thought of love is so weird to her and seeing pda by couples makes her feel lonely

- she has to sleep between 10-10.30pm or not she'll get really groggy and grumpy which isn't a good thing.


the JOB.

Job position

finance guru


well, for one i'm a student at korea university currently studying business administration so i guess this qualifies as experience? i will do my job with full passion and will not settle with mediocre results and will be very responsible and attentive. i will not stray and be very devoted to the job because really, it will become my life. i mean, i'll finally have something of a life outside of school and my grandparent's house. i'll finally have some freedom, even if it means some responsibility to come with it. and i feel like this job will be perfect for me - especially since my grandparents agreed to it. i hope you consider well?

usual Customers

▪ hani ahn | university friend | a can of pepsi
▪ literally her only friend in korea uni, hani is a spoiled brat, but visits emily every day because emily's her only friend as well. likes to point out the flaws and unsanitary things around the store (as well as annoys most of the employees). hani stays at the store for hours sometimes longer than emily, but really stays because she doesn't feel alone in the store like she does at home.

the one and only.

love interest

kang haneul

backup love interest

seo kangjun


known around korea university for being it's top flirt, haneul sees ladie's as a game. once he gets bored, he'll drop one girl like it's nothing. super suave, flirty and exceptionally charming (with the addition of his good looks and ability to sing) most people see him as a either dip and a jerk or a stud and a charmer. but behind that huge doucheness haneul is actually a thoughtful guy. he doesn't open up to people easily and puts on the jerk front to throw them off. he's caring and is sweet behind the front, though very sensitive and unsure. expectantly outgoing, he doesn't have many real friends but will protect anyone that he cares for; it'll take some digging to get to that point, but once you do, you'll see a huge difference in him. for easy reference, think marshall lee from gender swapped adevnture time.


haneul constantly comes to 7/11 just for the sole purpose of seeing emily. why, you ask? because while other girls react to his flirting with at least a giggle or rejection - emily just doesn't react that way. she doesn't even realize that he's flirting with her, and it just interests haneul so much, he takes her up as a 'challenge'. and so he continues flirting with her, (while emily nonchalantly doesn't realize anything) though he doesn't expect to actually get to know her. they talk and eventually bond and become friends; hanging out in school together etc. they eventually care for each other and unknowingly haneul stops his flirtacious ways and focuses solely on emily, which scares him terribly. they start passing his flirting as jokes but really they aren't? emily doesn't know how to react to her own feelings because she hasn't felt that strongly about someone ever? by the end, they kiss and end up together.

last messages.


i applied for the last one but still loved the fic regardless of not getting chosen. this is genius and i hope you like emily? honestly, i'd still read it even if i don't get chosen because this hit will probably be as good as the last one. thank you for rebooting this ok <3

scene request

- in which hani ends up tagging along on one of the staff adventures
- emily's grandparents visit so she forces everyone to act normal
- emily studies the effect of attractiveness on sales for her school project
- angry!emily emerges and scares the crap out of the other employees


Whatever you do, never trust Jackson Wang with anything he says



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