If School Starts at 9.00am


BUT, it's OKAY since I kinda miss my friends teheheeee~


Last night I was thinking it would be reaaaaalllyy awesome if my school starts at 9.00am !!

In my country, school starts at 6.30am T____T (how about you?)

So here's what I wanna do if school starts at 9.00 am!


1. Exercising !!


Since I entered High School, I only do exercise one time a week (in my PE class -__-" )

My Junior High is really close to my house so it just took about 5 minutes for me to get there. So I  have more time to go jogging or cycling in the morning.. But it takes me 30 minutes to go to my current HS.. Sad sad :(

And I'm getting FAT -___-"


2. Making breakfast ^^


NO! I'M NOT A GOOD COOK! REALLY! Though, I can make simple dish like Egg+Bacon+Toast.. Not particular reason, but when I cooked something, I always imagine I cook for my future husband >/////< *poke Kyuhyun* LOL .. Besides, I want to learn cooking.. As a girl, my mom keeps nagging me to learn how to cook  -____-"

Ps : Don't Key look REALLY HOT as a CHEF <333


I can go to a cafe to get some breakfast :p


3. Doing Homeworks!


This is one reason why I wish that school start at 9.00am

I'll have more time to do my homeworks!!

We all at least once had those times when we're really tired to doing something and just need to sleep and relax.. If we can't do it at night, we can do it at morning right.. Or maybe it'll just make me as a procrastinator :p


That's some things I wanna do if I had extra time before I go to school..

But MAYBE...

I won't do any of those things and just...





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There is no school buses in my Country.. We usually take bus, bajaj, motorcycle, or car and trust me dear, the traffic is soooo annoying -__-"
I always got traffic both in the morning and when school dismissed @4.00pm..
I wish school started at 9:00 :( Mine starts at 7:45, but the buses come at about 7:12. So, I get up at 5:00 because I wake up early :) In the morning I set everything up the night before (clothes, homework, school bags, etc.) and I wake up early, get ready, watch the sunrise, make breakfast, and watch dramas :D
Shees dear, you're SO LUCKY! I envy you -____-"
Wake up at 5 everyday is such a pain :p
6 30!!!!!!! my school starts at 9 am but its still too early for me xD