A Post For Alyssa Barrera

I'm calling you, Aly!


First of all, I was really touched when you made me a poster. It was so great!

Girl, I don't know what to say.

And when I want to talk with you, you said you can't be reached in the next few days.

Aly, I know we've known each other not too long. It's just a brief time but I felt like we're close already and matched!

It's just me, you don't have to agree with me but I'm feeling that way haha.

Thank you for being such a good friend, Aly.

Let's not get tired of each other until we old.

Let's just dreaming about all the impossible!

Since I'm not good with graphics, I can only give this.

Maybe it's not much. Maybe it's worthless but you know...I always think that words are one of the most beautiful things in the world and music is there for make it even more beautiful.

I don't know why you've been crossed my mind when I listen to this song.

I dont know you know this song or not but this is what I want to say to you.

This song exactly.

Let's be a good friends for a very long time, Aly!


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luxicity #1
AWWW no prob of course! You're welcome!
And yes, you can use that profile pic I gave you hahha
But lol the link doesn't even have a song XD I think you gave the wrong link?
Nonetheless, thank you!!!