» || Of Desirable Damnations || Human || Haera || «


username — alcyonen

nickname — Canta

activity rate — 7



nickname — Akka — something that the kids nearby would like to call her, it feels familiar to their tongue, though nobody knows who started it.

birthdate || Age10 April || 23

birthplace — Eastern Pennisula; Amaryn.

It's only skin deep

face claim — Go Ara

gallery —   [ gallery ]

backup face claimHan Groo

gallery — [ gallery ]


appearanceAkka felt the hunting life of hers to mock a little of her appearance in general. Her skin is pale, and little scars ever placed her as someone who is training a lot to become a hunter (not that she would). The only wounds that ever amount was that one time she hit a wall really hard and bled at her left temple. It's still visible, by the way. Stood rather tall for her age at 170 cm and weights 55 kg.

styleLiving in the wet marshes of Amaryn caused her never to suffer any impending cold; just wet with a lot of bite marks of mosquitoes. So it includes barely any footwear (the most she would wear is a sandal) simple clothes such as shirts or cotton pants that is made especially to blend in with the surroundings. Her hair is always let off.

baby you're a wolf in sheep's clothing

race — Human.

— How much exactly do you know about Alichino and Kusabi? What are they? Ha, just kidding. I've heard them a lot in the fairytales and much of the eyewitness accounts, but I suppose they could be a mounted reality, but... not much interest in them, sorry if I couldn't help you well. Just not really interesting to me, so it's better off that way.
What's your stance on the Alichino and Kusabi? Feelings? Well I'll say, I didn't like Alichino as much. I wish I could view them as a better person, yet due to the seemingly increasing instability they have caused in this harmony, it's not. But for Kusabi, well... mixed. Alichinos that are currently in power seems to be greedy, but if a Kusabi rules out, how would they turn out? What if the humans are still below the food chain? So yes, it's questionable.
Do you have any seemingly impossible wishes? None that bugged me as far, actually. I apologize. If you view all of us as greedy and foolish, I felt you shouldn't, at all.

let's take a step back

PERSONALITY — Haera is mostly viewed by people as a quiet person, but at most of the time, it's just that she didn't feel very comfortable in actually having to talk to people, mainly because residents nearby pretty much talks about the daily activity, nothing more than that. Haera understands why they would, but it seems so hard to her to just talk about something more than that.
The reason why she wants to talk that way, was because of curiosity. She wasn't very fond of observing people (and often failed to predict it right), but she does like the way everyone is different. She is rather thoughtful of them, so it is rather comforting to know that she can be less overbearing and let people off.

The problem is, she is clueless. There are times when she just can't make a decision, and her thoughtlessness in choices makes her a little bit impulsive, and people who haven't known her well (or sometimes, even familiar people) can be caught off-guard with her suddenly exploding or breaking down.

She is quite emotional herself, and this emotional tendencies did came from her nature of being altruistic on people. Sometimes it is surprising to see a woman of her age still in her kindness, but it really just came up on her. She can be selfish sometimes, but she places a lot of importance on others more than herself.

Back to the impulsive part, Haera doesn't necessarily have to be one of the most kind of her people, because her being mostly sensitive around others make it worsen and it generally affects her choice making. Sometimes, if negativity affects her, she can spit blasphemy enough to shock people that the nicest girls are terrible (though she would feel sorry afterwards, no kidding). Also, it might be surprising, but she does held a low view on humans and their actions, but its mostly to that of the rich people. Sometimes, it just popped, 'the world '. But then back to how the world is nice, so its just her being moody.
Frankly, she didn't mind being the lower section instead of the higher stance. She didn't really care about how people really made fun of her pride being born in Amaryn. It's actually true that, in some instances, like how poeple made fun of her actions and all sort, she gets a little hurt and holds grudges, but she is more forgiving around people who are familiar with her. Even with those that have hurt her, she will forget it completely.
In understanding people, she does gets submissive and went along with their thoughts. But when she formed a solid, formidable opinion, she might literally feel that it is wrong, but lets it off, as long as people won't attack her thoughts either (due to her small respect to most people).

BACKGROUND — Haera was born in Amaryn, and live is a normal thing, other than the fact that yes, her dilemma in hunting or not. Her family is just an ordinary one, the typical hunters of their age. She also learned the ways of hunting, but as for now, she learned more on the medical section, being the resident's 'nurse' of sort. Okay, so the start is that, since she was just five years old, she started looking at the strangest things in her residence... mostly when people either started to disappear and reappear with no apparent reason. This literally scared her, but after years of living there, she didn't get so much terror after all. It's just that when she was thirteen, a young, handsome man came to her house, and made a talk with her father. It appears that her father had talked about a wish that he wanted, though Haera vaguely remembers what it is. It's just that, she came to him, dragged him somewhere, before talking out to him, trying to persuade her father into not doing the deal, talking about how it will be terrible. After thorough efforts, Hajun believed her, and they returned back to their house. Yet, the man was gone.

After that close call incident, life have been quite normal, more or less.

— children; their naivety.
— coffee; hey, don't add anything, thanks.
— tea; sweet. give me more.
— something colorful; grey's kinda boring, sorry.
— fairytales; it feels cool that we aren't the only one here.

— Alichino; could be impassive, but mostly not.
— Fight; oh come on, the meat portion is yours.
— Flirts; like yeah no.
— Deep sounds; it's just creepy for her.
— hunting; to survive, yeah. to play, no.

Fears — 
Caves —  It's dark, dirty, what else? Like, the bats are eww.
Alichino — Shouldn't someone be? It just started from her trauma of nearly losing someone, mostly, but also, she fears that people aren't able to stop their greedy needs and countered back to these creatures.

— One of her family members have been converted into an Alichino; she didn't realize it, yet, and so does everyone else.
— The first time she take care of an injured person was a girl in the age of five with torn arm that required stitching.
— Likes the street food the most, compared to having to roast preys and make sure nobody contracts Hepatitis at all.
— Writes well, considering that her environment nearly hindered her to do so.

You can't choose em'

family —

Father | Hajun| cautious, strict, uptight, warm-hearted | Her father and her have a close relationship for a long while now; Haera greatly respected her father and they enjoyed their quieter times too.


— Mother | Yuli| wise, laid-back, warm, distracted | Yuli might be more of a daydreamer, something that both her and haera has, but they often talk together, as Yuli could get more depth to her compared to their father.


[You have no idea how disturbed I am looking for the FC]



friends/Others —

— Best Friend | Min Junhee | outspoken, blunt, insightful, wise | Haera felt that her own safe haven was Junhee, when she felt uncomfortable talking to her mom or anyone. Junhee might be cheery, but she is also the one who can rant at Haera the same way the latter did.

— That one guy her father nearly make a wish at | Ehrju | blase, observant, skeptical, jaded | Other than that one time when she literally distracted her father and make him cancel their meeting, they didn't see each other again. Deep down though, she thanked him for making her family's relationship closer.

the tangled and fraying red string

ual preference — Beefuality Heteroual, if anyone's interested.

personality — Someone who isn't pretty much a bastard and would really not scrutinize her feelings all the damn time (like, give her a privacy).

relationship — Here's a thing about Haera. The moment she crushes on someone, she'll hide it so much to the point that when the crush founds out, she already moved away. So it's more on the formality side, but it's already a struggle to keep her infatuation at bay.

Exit stage left

comments/suggestions — Well the dramas are Cute High Earth Defense Club Love and Kuroko no Basuke. Also, the moment I made this app is... I feel weird.

scene requests — Surprise me.

turn in — back to the story




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