Should I make beauty videos on YouToube? :)

haii guys!
First off i hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! :D

I am curious...For a long time, probably years, I've kind of always wanted to do beauty videos on YouTube.
The thing is, I tend to get super nervous in front of groups & the camera.

I am wondering if I should to like, a video test and do one of an OOTD & Face of the day type of video?
Plus I'm still in the process of learning about makeup, but i can do other fashion and hair tutorials as well.

What do you guys think?
I'm not sure, it looks like a lot of fun and stuff...

So yeah...let me know what you guys think!
I'm not sure if I'm gonna start one, but we'll see! :D
I have A LOT of free time right now its not even funny AHAHAHAHHAHAHA!



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Go for it gurl!! Be the next Michelle Phan :)
iluvkpop28 #2
i meant links to vids btw in case anyone's confused :D
iluvkpop28 #3
HELL. YEAH!! :3 awh~ dw ^^ WHAT'S YOUR CHANNEL?! xD you're going to be another inspirational person of mine too ^^ OH!! you should check out Wengie and insiteTV!! they're cool ^^ message me if you want to check out some vids :3
Go for it! :) I upload videos of beauty and all types of stuff. Like diaries video blogs too xD
If you want to make a beauty video, go do it! Do it once and upload it. If there are little viewers, don't take it as they think you are boring. I'm kind of curious what you sound like now :P
I think you should do it, it sounds like fun :D